226 research outputs found

    Monopoles in the Abelian Projection of Gluodynamics

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    We discuss some properties of the abelian monopoles in compact U(1) gauge theory and in the SU(2) gluodynamics both on the lattice and in the continuum.Comment: 13 pages, 7 eps figures, LaTeX using PTPTEX.sty (included); Lectures given by M.I.Polikarpov at the 1997 Yukawa International Seminar on "Non-perturbative QCD - Structure of QCD Vacuum -" (YKIS'97), 2-12 December, 1997, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japa

    Effective Monopole Potential for SU(2) Lattice Gluodynamics in Spatial Maximal Abelian Gauge

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    We investigate the dual superconductor hypothesis in finite-temperature SU(2) lattice gluodynamics in the Spatial Maximal Abelian gauge. This gauge is more physical than the ordinary Maximal Abelian gauge due to absence of non-localities in temporal direction. We show numerically that in the Spatial Maximal Abelian gauge the probability distribution of the abelian monopole field is consistent with the dual superconductor mechanism of confinement: the abelian condensate vanishes in the deconfinement phase and is not zero in the confinement phase.Comment: LaTeX2e, 8 pages with 3 EPS figures, uses epsf.st

    Gas Emission Control on Longwall Panels at the Vorkuta Coal Mines

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    The characteristics of geological conditions and mining technology at the coal mines of Coal Stock Company Vorkutaugol are given in the article. Information about longwall panel ventilation schemes and problems caused by high methane emission is also presented. The results of experiments at longwall panels using the methane emission control ventilation complex are described as well as ways of isolating gob methane removal. Other topics include the methane emission control ventilation complex consisted of drainage entry, an isolating wall with windows, mixing chambers and regulating stoppings. As results of experiments have shown, the most effective gas emission control methods were: the application of gas sucking fans for the isolated gob methane removal, and isolating walls at the line exposed to the gob. Encouraging results were obtained by use of two-entry mining system with yielding pillar between entries, homotropal ventilation and isolated methane removal from the gob

    Оценка влияния интеллектуального капитала вузов на интеллектуальный капитал регионов их локации

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    The paper presents the study’s results, which allow to reveal the role and importance of universities’ intellectual capital in the formation of a comprehensive assessment of the indicators of regional intellectual capital.Based on the study of theoretical materials and methods on the problems of intellectual capital of universities and regions, systems of indicators of their evaluation were composed. Hypotheses about the mutual influence of the intellectual capital of the region and universities, as well as their individual elements were put forward.As a result of hypothesis testing, based on the results of correlation-regression analysis, hypotheses about the influence of the universities’ intellectual capital as well as their individual elements (human and reputational capital) on the regions’ intellectual capital, as well as the influence of the universities’ intellectual capital on regions’ human capital were confirmed with an above-average level.El documento presenta los resultados del estudio, que permiten revelar el papel y la importancia del capital intelectual de las universidades en la formación de una evaluación integral de los indicadores del capital intelectual regional.Sobre la base del estudio de los materiales y métodos teóricos sobre los problemas del capital intelectual de las universidades y regiones, se compusieron sistemas de indicadores de su evaluación. Se expusieron hipótesis sobre la influencia mutua del capital intelectual de la región y las universidades, así como sus elementos individuales.Como resultado de la prueba de hipótesis, basada en los resultados del análisis de correlación-regresión, las hipótesis sobre la influencia del capital intelectual de las universidades y sus elementos individuales (capital humano y reputacional) en el capital intelectual de las regiones, así como en La influencia del capital intelectual de las universidades en el capital humano de las regiones se confirmó con un nivel superior al promedio.O artigo apresenta os resultados do estudo, que permitem revelar o papel e a importância do capital intelectual das universidades na formação de uma avaliação abrangente dos indicadores do capital intelectual regional.Com base no estudo de materiais e métodos teóricos sobre os problemas de capital intelectual de universidades e regiões, foram constituídos sistemas de indicadores de sua avaliação. Hipóteses sobre a influência mútua do capital intelectual da região e das universidades, bem como seus elementos individuais foram apresentadas.Como resultado do teste de hipóteses, baseado nos resultados da análise de correlação-regressão, hipóteses sobre a influência do capital intelectual das universidades, bem como seus elementos individuais (capital humano e reputacional) sobre o capital intelectual das regiões, bem como a A influência do capital intelectual das universidades sobre o capital humano das regiões foi confirmada com um nível acima da média.В работе представлены результаты исследования, которые позволяют выявить роль и значение интеллектуального капитала вузов в формировании комплексной оценки показателей регионального интеллектуального капитала.На основе изучения теоретических материалов и методов по проблематике интеллектуального капитала университетов и регионов были выделены системы показателей их оценки. Были выдвинуты гипотезы о взаимном влиянии интеллектуального капитала региона и вузов, а также их отдельных элементов.В результате проверки гипотез на основании обработки результатов корреляционно-регрессионного анализа были подтверждены гипотезы с уровнем выше среднего о наличии влияния интеллектуального капитала вузов, а также отдельных их элементов (человеческого и репутационного капитала) на интеллектуальный капитал регионов, а также интеллектуального капитала вузов на человеческий капитал регионов

    Superanalogs of the Calogero operators and Jack polynomials

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    A depending on a complex parameter kk superanalog SL{\mathcal S}{\mathcal L} of Calogero operator is constructed; it is related with the root system of the Lie superalgebra gl(nm){\mathfrak{gl}}(n|m). For m=0m=0 we obtain the usual Calogero operator; for m=1m=1 we obtain, up to a change of indeterminates and parameter kk the operator constructed by Veselov, Chalykh and Feigin [2,3]. For k=1,12k=1, \frac12 the operator SL{\mathcal S}{\mathcal L} is the radial part of the 2nd order Laplace operator for the symmetric superspaces corresponding to pairs (GL(V)×GL(V),GL(V))(GL(V)\times GL(V), GL(V)) and (GL(V),OSp(V))(GL(V), OSp(V)), respectively. We will show that for the generic mm and nn the superanalogs of the Jack polynomials constructed by Kerov, Okunkov and Olshanskii [5] are eigenfunctions of SL{\mathcal S}{\mathcal L}; for k=1,12k=1, \frac12 they coinside with the spherical functions corresponding to the above mentioned symmetric superspaces. We also study the inner product induced by Berezin's integral on these superspaces

    Casimir eigenvalues for universal Lie algebra

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    For two different natural definitions of Casimir operators for simple Lie algebras we show that their eigenvalues in the adjoint representation can be expressed polynomially in the universal Vogel's parameters α,β,γ\alpha, \beta, \gamma and give explicit formulae for the generating functions of these eigenvalues.Comment: Slightly revised versio