37 research outputs found

    Increased Expression of Extracellular Vesicles Is Associated With the Procoagulant State in Patients With Established Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    This study sought to identify different subpopulations of extracellular vesicles (EVs) in plasma from female patients with established rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in relation to the activation of coagulation and fibrin formation in these patients. Forty women were included in the study, 20 patients and 20 age-matched healthy controls. The mean disease duration in patients was 13.0 (5.0-25.0) years, with medium to high disease activity despite ongoing treatment with low-dose prednisolone and methotrexate. There were no differences between the investigated groups regarding the presence of traditional cardiovascular risk factors. The concentration of phosphatidylserine-positive (PS+) EVs; platelet (CD42a(+)), leucocyte (CD45(+)), monocyte (CD14(+)), and endothelial (CD144(+))-derived EVs; and EVs-expressing tissue factor (CD142(+)), P-selectin (CD62P(+)), and E-selectin (CD62E(+)) were determined by flow cytometry analysis. Overall hemostasis potential (OHP) was assessed to follow the hemostatic disturbances, including the parameters for overall coagulation potential (OCP) and overall fibrinolytic potential (OFP). Fibrin clot turbidity was measured together with clot lysis time, and scanning electron microscopy was performed. Increased concentrations of PS+, CD42a(+), CD142(+), CD45(+), CD14(+), and CD62P(+) EVs were found in plasma from patients with RA compared to healthy controls, and the concentrations of PS+, CD42a(+), CD14(+), and CD62P(+) EVs were positively correlated with the inflammatory parameters in RA patients. Positive correlations were also found between the levels of PS+ and CD42a(+) EVs and OCP as well as between the levels of PS+, CD42a(+), and CD62P(+)EVs and OHP. The levels of PS+, CD42a(+), CD14(+), CD62P(+), and CD62E(+) EVs were negatively correlated with OFP. Elevated levels of circulating EVs of different cell origins were found in patients with established RA, in relation to the inflammatory burden and coagulation activation in the disease

    Assessment of hemostatic disturbances in women with established rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objectives This study was aimed to assess hemostatic disturbances in female patients with established rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in relation to menopausal status and disease activity. Method Ninety women were included in the study, 42 patients and 48 age-matched healthy controls. There were no differences between the investigated groups regarding the presence of traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Two global hemostatic assays were employed, namely endogenous thrombin potential (ETP) and overall hemostasis potential (OHP). The parameters of the ETP assay (ETP, C-max, t-lag, t-max) and OHP assay (overall coagulation potential (OCP) and overall fibrinolytic potential (OFP)) were assessed. Moreover, the parameters of the fibrin clot (lag time, Max Abs, and slope) were measured by clot turbidity and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Both patients and controls were divided into four subgroups according to menopause status. Results The premenopausal controls differed significantly from all other subgroups in terms of diminished levels of ETP (p = 0.02), C-max (p = 0.01), OCP (p = 0.02), OHP (p = 0.001), and Max Abs (p = 0.008), while OFP (p = 0.0001) was increased. This tendency was not seen in the premenopausal RA patients compared with the postmenopausal RA patients. SEM images showed denser clots composed of thinner fibers in samples from RA patients. The disease activity measured by DAS28 correlated with OCP and OHP (r = 0.54; p = 0.001 and r = 0.44; p = 0.003, respectively) indicating persistent hypercoagulable condition in the whole group of RA patients. Conclusions Our results point towards coagulation activation in premenopausal women with established RA. The patients were well characterized, which enabled assessment in a real-life setting

    Neuroinflammation in Autism and Supplementation Based on Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: A Narrative Review

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests and activities. The maternal status of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) regulates microglial activity and neuroinflammatory pathways during a child’s brain development. In children with ASD, the metabolism of PUFA is thought to be deficient or abnormal, leading to increased production of proinflammatory cytokines, increased oxidative stress and an imbalance in the formation and action of neurotransmitters. In addition, nutritional deficits in omega-3 PUFA may affect gut microbiota and contribute to ASD by the gut–brain axis. The aim of this study was to review the possible role of neuroinflammation in ASD development and the effect of omega-3 PUFA supplementation in children with ASD. Due to a wide heterogeneity across RCTs, no definitive conclusion about omega-3 PUFA effects in ASD can be drawn. Supplementation with PUFA could be considered as one of the aspects in regulating the biological status of the organism and could provide added value to standard medical and psychological interventions for reducing behavioral deficits

    Clinical Benefits of n-3 PUFA and ɤ-Linolenic Acid in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    (1) Background: Marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and (sic)-linolenic acid (GLA) are well-known anti-inflammatory agents that may help in the treatment of inflammatory disorders. Their effects were examined in patients with rheumatoid arthritis; (2) Methods: Sixty patients with active rheumatoid arthritis were involved in a prospective, randomized trial of a 12 week supplementation with fish oil (group I), fish oil with primrose evening oil (group II), or with no supplementation (group III). Clinical and laboratory evaluations were done at the beginning and at the end of the study; (3) Results: The Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS 28 score), number of tender joints and visual analogue scale (VAS) score decreased notably after supplementation in groups I and II (p lt 0.001). In plasma phospholipids the n-6/n-3 fatty acids ratio declined from 15.47 +/- 5.51 to 10.62 +/- 5.07 (p = 0.005), and from 18.15 +/- 5.04 to 13.50 +/- 4.81 (p = 0.005) in groups I and II respectively. The combination of n-3 PUFA and GLA (group II) increased.-linolenic acid (0.00 +/- 0.00 to 0.13 +/- 0.11, p lt 0.001), which was undetectable in all groups before the treatments; (4) Conclusion: Daily supplementation with n-3 fatty acids alone or in combination with GLA exerted significant clinical benefits and certain changes in disease activity

    Organic geochemical investigation of sediments from the archeological site Vinča (Belgrade, Serbia)

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    U okviru ovog istraživanja analizirano je deset uzoraka sedimenata iz arheološkog nalazišta Belo brdo iz Vinče, sa ciljem da se na osnovu rezultata organsko-geohemijskih ispitivanja dođe do novih saznanja o interakciji čovek/životna sredina tokom srednjeg i mlađeg neolita, kao i da se pouzdanije rekonstruišu uslovi u životnoj sredini i klimatske fluktuacije. Arheološko nalazište Belo brdo u Vinči je eponimni lokalitet vinčanske kulture koja je dominirala prostorom centralnog Balkana u periodu srednjeg i ranog neolita (ca. 5300-4400 pre n.e.). Značaj lokaliteta se ogleda u bogatstvu pronađenog materijala koje je iskorišćeno kao osnova za izradu hronološkog sekvencioniranja ovog perioda praistorije. Lokalitet se nalazi na nеpunih 15 km jugoistоčnо оd Bеоgrаdа, nа dеsnој оbаli Dunаvа. Uzorci V1-V4 su uzeti iz geološkog dela, dok su uzorci označeni sa V6-V10 uzeti iz arheoloških (kulturnih) slojeva. Uzorak V5 je na granici između arheološkog i geološkog dela i on potiče iz takozvanog “humusnog sloja” (paleozemljište). Iz arheoloških podataka je poznato da sloj iz kojeg je uzet uzorak V7 predstavlja ostatke kuće koja je gorela i koja je urušena. Tokom neolitakuće su pravljeneod blata, pleve, delom i balege. Uzorak V8 potiče iz sloja za nivelaciju, tipičnom za lokalitet Belo brdo, kojim je prekrivan ruševinski sloj gorelih objekata, radi dobijanja nove hodne površine. Za sloj nivelacijeje tipično korišćena vrsta glinovitog/praškastog materijala (sedimenata). Iako se pretpostavljaju lokacije sa kojih je ovaj materijal donošen, još uvek nije potpuno poznato odakle tačno potičematerijal za nivelaciju. Rastvorna organska supstanca je izolovana pomoću ekstrakcije po Soxhlet-u, a potom je razdvojena hromatografijom na koloni na četiri frakcije različite polarnosti (zasićene i aromatične ugljovodonike, polarnu frakciju i frakciju masnih kiselina). Zasićeni i aromatični ugljovodonici analizirani su gasnohromatografsko-masenospektrometrijskom tehnikom. Pored navedenog, određen je i granulometrijski sastav ispitivanih sedimenata. Svi ispitivani sedimenti su veoma sličnog granulometrijskog sastava i mogu se okarakterisati kao slabo vezani peskoviti alevriti. Sadržaj organske supstance u ispitivanim sedimentima varira u relativno širokom opsegu od 136 do 12030 ppm.Uzorke V1 i V2 karakteriše najveći sadržaj bitumena (>10000 pmm), što se može objasniti velikom bioprodukcijom organske supstance za vreme taloženja ovih uzoraka[1]. Raspodela i relativna obilnost n-alkana i diterpana ukazuju da je organska supstanca uzoraka formirana od viših i nižih biljnih organizama, uz učešće mikroorganizama (uzorci V1, V5, V7), akvatičnih makrofita i mahovina (uzorci V2 i V8), ili pretežno od viših kopnenih biljaka (uzorci V9 i V10). U geološkom sloju, a posebno u uzorcima V1-V3 pretežno su bile zastupljene drvenaste biljke, da bi se vremenom njihova obilnost smanjivala, na račun sve veće obilnosti trava, koje su bile dominantno zastupljene u humusnom sloju i sloju ispod njega. Od diterpana u većini ispitivanih uzoraka identifikovani su samo pimaran i 16α(H)-filokladan. U uzorku V3 pomenuta jedinjenja su najzastupljenija u ukupnoj raspodeli zasićenih ugljovodonika, dok u uzorcima V1 i V2 nisu identifikovana. Pimaran i 16α(H)-filokladan su indikatori za plitke šumske močvare (baruštine). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se pretpostaviti da su uzorci V1 i V2 taloženi u dubljoj barsko-jezerskoj sredini sedimentacije sa velikom bioprodukcijom organske supstance, nakon čega je došlo do oplićavanja i stvaranja plitke baruštine (dubine ~ 1m) u kojoj je preovladavala šumska vegetacija (četinarsko drveće), a klima je bila pretežno vlažna i topla. Vremenom je došlo do promene ka suvoj i toploj klimi, što je uslovilo zasušivanje i zatrpavanje močvare i formiranje humusnoj sloja (paleozemljišta), na kojem su se nastanili ljudi tokom neolita. Tokom trajanja neolitskog naselja u Vinči može se pretpostaviti da je pretežno preovladavala suva i/ili toplija klima sa manjim oscilacijama. Uzorak V8, koji potiče iz sloja za nivelaciju, po raspodeli n-alkana se značajno razlikuje od ostalih uzoraka iz arheoloških slojeva, što je u saglasnosti sa činjenicom da je materijal za nivelaciju donošen sa strane. Ovaj uzorak karakteriše izrazita dominacija srednjelančanih i viših neparnih n-alkana, sa maksimumom na n-C25, što ukazuje na značajan doprinos akvatičnih makrofita i mahovina [2], odnosno da je formiran u plitkoj sredini sedimentacije

    Organic geochemical investigation of sediments from the archeological site Vinča (Belgrade, Serbia)

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    U okviru ovog istraživanja analizirano je deset uzoraka sedimenata iz arheološkog nalazišta Belo brdo iz Vinče, sa ciljem da se na osnovu rezultata organsko-geohemijskih ispitivanja dođe do novih saznanja o interakciji čovek/životna sredina tokom srednjeg i mlađeg neolita, kao i da se pouzdanije rekonstruišu uslovi u životnoj sredini i klimatske fluktuacije. Arheološko nalazište Belo brdo u Vinči je eponimni lokalitet vinčanske kulture koja je dominirala prostorom centralnog Balkana u periodu srednjeg i ranog neolita (ca. 5300-4400 pre n.e.). Značaj lokaliteta se ogleda u bogatstvu pronađenog materijala koje je iskorišćeno kao osnova za izradu hronološkog sekvencioniranja ovog perioda praistorije. Lokalitet se nalazi na nеpunih 15 km jugoistоčnо оd Bеоgrаdа, nа dеsnој оbаli Dunаvа. Uzorci V1-V4 su uzeti iz geološkog dela, dok su uzorci označeni sa V6-V10 uzeti iz arheoloških (kulturnih) slojeva. Uzorak V5 je na granici između arheološkog i geološkog dela i on potiče iz takozvanog “humusnog sloja” (paleozemljište). Iz arheoloških podataka je poznato da sloj iz kojeg je uzet uzorak V7 predstavlja ostatke kuće koja je gorela i koja je urušena. Tokom neolitakuće su pravljeneod blata, pleve, delom i balege. Uzorak V8 potiče iz sloja za nivelaciju, tipičnom za lokalitet Belo brdo, kojim je prekrivan ruševinski sloj gorelih objekata, radi dobijanja nove hodne površine. Za sloj nivelacijeje tipično korišćena vrsta glinovitog/praškastog materijala (sedimenata). Iako se pretpostavljaju lokacije sa kojih je ovaj materijal donošen, još uvek nije potpuno poznato odakle tačno potičematerijal za nivelaciju. Rastvorna organska supstanca je izolovana pomoću ekstrakcije po Soxhlet-u, a potom je razdvojena hromatografijom na koloni na četiri frakcije različite polarnosti (zasićene i aromatične ugljovodonike, polarnu frakciju i frakciju masnih kiselina). Zasićeni i aromatični ugljovodonici analizirani su gasnohromatografsko-masenospektrometrijskom tehnikom. Pored navedenog, određen je i granulometrijski sastav ispitivanih sedimenata. Svi ispitivani sedimenti su veoma sličnog granulometrijskog sastava i mogu se okarakterisati kao slabo vezani peskoviti alevriti. Sadržaj organske supstance u ispitivanim sedimentima varira u relativno širokom opsegu od 136 do 12030 ppm.Uzorke V1 i V2 karakteriše najveći sadržaj bitumena (>10000 pmm), što se može objasniti velikom bioprodukcijom organske supstance za vreme taloženja ovih uzoraka[1]. Raspodela i relativna obilnost n-alkana i diterpana ukazuju da je organska supstanca uzoraka formirana od viših i nižih biljnih organizama, uz učešće mikroorganizama (uzorci V1, V5, V7), akvatičnih makrofita i mahovina (uzorci V2 i V8), ili pretežno od viših kopnenih biljaka (uzorci V9 i V10). U geološkom sloju, a posebno u uzorcima V1-V3 pretežno su bile zastupljene drvenaste biljke, da bi se vremenom njihova obilnost smanjivala, na račun sve veće obilnosti trava, koje su bile dominantno zastupljene u humusnom sloju i sloju ispod njega. Od diterpana u većini ispitivanih uzoraka identifikovani su samo pimaran i 16α(H)-filokladan. U uzorku V3 pomenuta jedinjenja su najzastupljenija u ukupnoj raspodeli zasićenih ugljovodonika, dok u uzorcima V1 i V2 nisu identifikovana. Pimaran i 16α(H)-filokladan su indikatori za plitke šumske močvare (baruštine). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se pretpostaviti da su uzorci V1 i V2 taloženi u dubljoj barsko-jezerskoj sredini sedimentacije sa velikom bioprodukcijom organske supstance, nakon čega je došlo do oplićavanja i stvaranja plitke baruštine (dubine ~ 1m) u kojoj je preovladavala šumska vegetacija (četinarsko drveće), a klima je bila pretežno vlažna i topla. Vremenom je došlo do promene ka suvoj i toploj klimi, što je uslovilo zasušivanje i zatrpavanje močvare i formiranje humusnoj sloja (paleozemljišta), na kojem su se nastanili ljudi tokom neolita. Tokom trajanja neolitskog naselja u Vinči može se pretpostaviti da je pretežno preovladavala suva i/ili toplija klima sa manjim oscilacijama. Uzorak V8, koji potiče iz sloja za nivelaciju, po raspodeli n-alkana se značajno razlikuje od ostalih uzoraka iz arheoloških slojeva, što je u saglasnosti sa činjenicom da je materijal za nivelaciju donošen sa strane. Ovaj uzorak karakteriše izrazita dominacija srednjelančanih i viših neparnih n-alkana, sa maksimumom na n-C25, što ukazuje na značajan doprinos akvatičnih makrofita i mahovina [2], odnosno da je formiran u plitkoj sredini sedimentacije

    HAp:Co as tunable VIS-NIR reflective pigment

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    Radar-absorbent materials, used in stealth technology for defense aircrafts, vehicles, satellites, etc. from radar detection, are commonly based on graphite or semiconductive particles embedded in a polymer matrix. In this study, we employed Co2+ ion-substitution to improve Vis-NIR reflectivity of hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, HAP) powder. HAP:Co with nominally 5 at.% of Co was prepared with hydrothermal processing of a precipitate. Synthesized powder was characterized by XRD, Raman and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, FE-SEM and TEM. Thermal stability of HAP:Co powder was examined by simultaneous TG-DTA analyzer. To modify its optical properties and obtain powders with a varietty of color tone, the HAP:Co powder was calcined at 800, 1000, and 1100 °C, in an air atmosphere, for 1 hour. Afterward, the calcined particles were used to prepare composites with poly(vinyl butyral), (PVB); the concentration range was 1 wt.% of the HAP:Co in PVB. The composite coatings, in the form of thin films on glass, were prepared by the solvent-casting technique, using ethanol as a fast evaporating solvent. Firstly, the HAP:Co particles were dispersed in ethanol, then PVB was added (Mowital B30H) and dissolved. To evaporate the solvent before spectrophotometric measurements, the coatings on glass were dried at room temperature for 72 hours. To comprehend optical properties of the coatings, diffuse reflection, transmission, and color coordinates were determined. We found that calcined HAP:Co particles have potential to be used in the formulation of coatings for camouflage protection

    Local adaptation at fine spatial scale through chromosomal inversions and mito-nuclear epistasis: Findings in Drosophila subobscura (Diptera: Drosophilidae)

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    To explore local adaptation in wild populations at a fine spatial scale we characterized the genetic variability of eight closely located populations of Drosophila subobscura and its associations with microhabitat environmental conditions. Three different genetic markers were assessed: chromosomal inversions, a SNP of mitochondrial ND5 gene and nuclear microsatellites. Population genetic analyses of chromosomal variability revealed significant genetic differentiation between these populations. Gene arrangement frequencies on the E chromosome contributed most to these differences. We also investigated role of mito-nuclear epistasis in mitochondrial genome differentiation and revealed weak linkage disequilibrium (LD) exclusively between O3+4 inversion arrangement and mitochondrial DNA haplotype I in two populations. In addition, the trend in the LD between OST chromosomal arrangement and haplotype II was general in the total sample. Microsatellite analysis revealed an absence of stochastic processes, like census reduction, upon population differentiation. Only a small amount of the genetic variation is related to geographic distance, while most (97%) is attributable to other factors and in some degree to microhabitat variables (temperature, humidity). The analysis of these factors revealed they effect inversion arrangement frequencies, especially E1+2+9, EST and OST. Even though this model organism is known for its high mobility and mostly large effective population size, the results presented here reveal that local adaptations can occur even at a small spatial scale. We propose that locally adapted alleles within chromosomal inversions, as well as joint selective pressures acting on mitochondrial and nuclear genomes, are responsible for the observed adaptation to microhabitat conditions

    Утицај геолошке подлоге и начина коришћења терена на физичко-хемијска својства земљишта фрушк

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    Soil erosion is a problem that affects the landscape at different scales and represents a serious challenge for land management and soil conservation in both natural forests and meadows. The aim of this study was to determine how the parent material and land use affect the physical and chemical properties of the soil in the area of the Fruska gora Mountain. The soils were developed on five bedrock types: serpentinite, marl, trachyte, shale, loess and two land use types: forest and meadow. Twenty-three forest soil and 24 meadow soil from a depth of 0-20 cm were sampled from the Fruska gora Mt. Following properties were determined: pH, electrical conductivity, oxidation-reduction potential, content of organic carbon, sodium adsorption ratio, aggregate size and stability. There is no statistically significant difference in pH, Eh, EC, and SAR values between the analyzed forest and meadow soils, but there is a statistically significant difference in the content of Corg. It can be conculded that both the parent matrial, and to a slightly less extent, land use have a great influence on physico-chemical properties of the soil.Ерозија земљишта је проблем који утиче на пределе у различитим размерама и представља озбиљан изазов за управљање земљиштем и очување земљишта како у природним шумама тако и на ливадама. Циљ овог истраживања био је да се утврди како матична стена и начин коришћење земљишта утичу на физичко-хемијске особине земљишта на подручју Фрушке горе. Земљишта су развијена на пет типова стена: серпентинит, лапорац, трахит, шкриљац, лес, као и на два начина коришћења терена: шума и ливада. Са Фрушке горе узоркована су 23 шумска земљишта и 24 ливадска земљишта са дубине од 0-20 цм. Одређена су следећа својства: pH, електрична проводљивост (EC), оксидо-редокс потенцијал (Eh), садржај органског угљеника (Corg), однос адсорпције натријума (SAR), величина агрегата и стабилност. Не постоји статистички значајна разлика у вредностима pH, Eh, EC и SAR између анализираних шумских и ливадских земљишта, али постоји статистички значајна разлика у садржају Corg. Може се закључити да на физичко-хемијске особине земљишта велики утицај имају изворни материјал и у нешто мањој мери начин коришћење земљишта

    Noise at public event

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    Recent years the noise is one of the leading pollutants in working and living environment. Although in some cases the noise levels do not exceed proposed levels, people often have the opposite impression. While for the most activities noise regulation exists, for public events this is not the case. There are certain guidelines, however established levels differ from country to country. In order to determine the noise level during public events the equivalent level of noise was measured at one public event on which approximately 50,000 people was present. The results show significantly high levels of noise, especially during rock concert and firework, when certain protective measures should be implemented