79 research outputs found

    Finite-size scaling of correlation functions in one-dimensional Anderson-Hubbard model

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    We study the one-dimensional Anderson-Hubbard model using the density-matrix renormalization group method. The influence of disorder on the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid behavior is quantitatively discussed. Based on the finite-size scaling analysis of density-density correlation functions, we find the following results: i) the charge exponent is significantly reduced by disorder at low filling and near half filling, ii) the localization length decays as ξΔ2\xi \sim \Delta^{-2}, where Δ\Delta is the disorder strength, independently of the on-site Coulomb interaction as well as band filling, and iii) the localization length is strongly suppressed by the on-site Coulomb interaction near half filling in association with the formation of the Mott plateaus.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Local density of states of the one-dimensional spinless fermion model

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    We investigate the local density of states of the one-dimensional half-filled spinless fermion model with nearest-neighbor hopping t>0 and interaction V in its Luttinger liquid phase -2t < V <= 2t. The bulk density of states and the local density of states in open chains are calculated over the full band width 4t with an energy resolution <= 0.08t using the dynamical density-matrix renormalization group (DDMRG) method. We also perform DDMRG simulations with a resolution of 0.01t around the Fermi energy to reveal the power-law behaviour predicted by the Luttinger liquid theory for bulk and boundary density of states. The exponents are determined using a finite-size scaling analysis of DDMRG data for lattices with up to 3200 sites. The results agree with the exact exponents given by the Luttinger liquid theory combined with the Bethe Ansatz solution. The crossover from boundary to bulk density of states is analyzed. We have found that boundary effects can be seen in the local density of states at all energies even far away from the chain edges

    Correlation gap in the optical spectra of the two-dimensional organic metal (BEDT-TTF)_4[Ni(dto)_2]

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    Optical reflection measurements within the highly conducting (a,b)-plane of the organic metal (BEDT-TTF)_4[Ni(dto)_2] reveal the gradual development of a sharp feature at around 200 cm as the temperature is reduced below 150 K. Below this frequency a narrow Drude-like response is observed which accounts for the metallic behavior. Since de Haas-von Alphen oscillations at low temperatures confirm band structure calculations of bands crossing the Fermi energy, we assign the observed behavior to a two-dimensional metallic state in the proximity of a correlation induced metal-insulator transition.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Crossover from Quarter-Filling to Half-Filling in a One-Dimensional Electron System with a Dimerized and Quarter-Filled Band

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    The interplay between quarter-filled and half-filled umklapp scattering has been examined by applying the renormalization group method to a one-dimensional quarter-filled electron system with dimerization, on-site (U) and nearest-neighbor (V) repulsive interactions. The phase diagram on the U-V plane is obtained at absolute zero temperature where the Mott insulator (the charge ordered insulator) is found for smaller (larger) V. By choosing the moderate parameter in the region of Mott insulator, it is shown that the resistivity exhibits a crossover from behavior of quarter-filling to that of half-filling with decreasing temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Spin-density-wave transition of (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6 at high magnetic fields

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    The transverse magnetoresistance of the Bechgaard salt (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6 has been measured for various pressures, with the field up to 24 T parallel to the lowest conductivity direction c^{\ast}. A quadratic behavior is observed in the magnetic field dependence of the spin-density-wave (SDW) transition temperature TSDWT_{\rm {SDW}}. With increasing pressure, TSDWT_{\rm {SDW}} decreases and the coefficient of the quadratic term increases. These results are consistent with the prediction of the mean-field theory based on the nesting of the quasi one-dimensional Fermi surface. Using a mean field theory, TSDWT_{\rm {SDW}} for the perfect nesting case is estimated as about 16 K. This means that even at ambient pressure where TSDWT_{\rm {SDW}} is 12 K, the SDW phase of (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6 is substantially suppressed by the two-dimensionality of the system.Comment: 11pages,6figures(EPS), accepted for publication in PR

    Optical conductivity of one-dimensional Mott insulators

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    We calculate the optical conductivity of one-dimensional Mott insulators at low energies using a field theory description. The square root singularity at the optical gap, characteristic of band insulators, is generally absent and appears only at the Luther-Emery point. We also show that only few particle processes contribute significantly to the optical conductivity over a wide range of frequencies and that the bare perturbative regime is recovered only at very large energies. We discuss possible applications of our results to quasi one-dimensional organic conductors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures results adde

    Infrared conductivity of a one-dimensional charge-ordered state: quantum lattice effects

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    The optical properties of the charge-ordering (COCO) phase of the one-dimensional (1D) half-filled spinless Holstein model are derived at zero temperature within a well-known variational approach improved including second-order lattice fluctuations. Within the COCO phase, the static lattice distortions give rise to the optical interband gap, that broadens as the strength of the electron-phonon (elphel-ph) interaction increases. The lattice fluctuation effects induce a long subgap tail in the infrared conductivity and a wide band above the gap energy. The first term is due to the multi-phonon emission by the charge carriers, the second to the interband transitions accompanied by the multi-phonon scattering. The results show a good agreement with experimental spectra.Comment: 5 figure

    Charge Ordering in the One-Dimensional Extended Hubbard Model: Implication to the TMTTF Family of Organic Conductors

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    We study the charge ordering (CO) in the one-dimensional (1D) extended Hubbard model at quarter filling where the nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion and dimerization in the hopping parameters are included. Using the cluster mean-field approximation to take into account the effect of quantum fluctuations, we determine the CO phase boundary of the model in the parameter space at T=0 K. We thus find that the dimerization suppresses the stability of the CO phase strongly, and in consequence, the realistic parameter values for quasi-1D organic materials such as (TMTTF)2_2PF6_6 are outside the region of CO. We suggest that the long-range Coulomb interaction between the chains should persist to stabilize the CO phase.Comment: 5 pages, 4 eps figures, to appear in 15 Nov. 2001 issue of PR

    Current bistability and hysteresis in strongly correlated quantum wires

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    Nonequilibrium transport properties are determined exactly for an adiabatically connected single channel quantum wire containing one impurity. Employing the Luttinger liquid model with interaction parameter gg, for very strong interactions g\lapx 0.2, and sufficiently low temperatures, we find an S-shaped current-voltage relation. The unstable branch with negative differential conductance gives rise to current oscillations and hysteretic effects. These non perturbative and non linear features appear only out of equilibrium.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Searching for the Slater Transition in the Pyrochlore Cd2_{2}Os2_{2}O7_{7} with Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Infrared reflectance measurements were made on the single crystal pyrochlore Cd2_{2}Os2_{2}O7_{7} in order to examine the transformations of the electronic structure and crystal lattice across the boundary of the metal insulator transition at TMIT=226KT_{MIT}=226K. All predicted IR active phonons are observed in the conductivity over all temperatures and the oscillator strength is found to be temperature independent. These results indicate that charge ordering plays only a minor role in the MIT and that the transition is strictly electronic in nature. The conductivity shows the clear opening of a gap with 2Δ=5.2kBTMIT2\Delta=5.2k_{B}T_{MIT}. The gap opens continuously, with a temperature dependence similar to that of BCS superconductors, and the gap edge having a distinct σ(ω)ω1/2\sigma(\omega)\thicksim\omega^{1/2} dependence. All of these observables support the suggestion of a Slater transition in Cd2_{2}% Os2_{2}O7_{7}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure