172 research outputs found

    Technical appendix to "Adaptive estimation of stationary Gaussian fields"

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    This is a technical appendix to "Adaptive estimation of stationary Gaussian fields". We present several proofs that have been skipped in the main paper.Comment: 28 page

    Minimax risks for sparse regressions: Ultra-high-dimensional phenomenons

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    Consider the standard Gaussian linear regression model Y=Xθ+ϵY=X\theta+\epsilon, where YRnY\in R^n is a response vector and XRnp X\in R^{n*p} is a design matrix. Numerous work have been devoted to building efficient estimators of θ\theta when pp is much larger than nn. In such a situation, a classical approach amounts to assume that θ0\theta_0 is approximately sparse. This paper studies the minimax risks of estimation and testing over classes of kk-sparse vectors θ\theta. These bounds shed light on the limitations due to high-dimensionality. The results encompass the problem of prediction (estimation of XθX\theta), the inverse problem (estimation of θ0\theta_0) and linear testing (testing Xθ=0X\theta=0). Interestingly, an elbow effect occurs when the number of variables klog(p/k)k\log(p/k) becomes large compared to nn. Indeed, the minimax risks and hypothesis separation distances blow up in this ultra-high dimensional setting. We also prove that even dimension reduction techniques cannot provide satisfying results in an ultra-high dimensional setting. Moreover, we compute the minimax risks when the variance of the noise is unknown. The knowledge of this variance is shown to play a significant role in the optimal rates of estimation and testing. All these minimax bounds provide a characterization of statistical problems that are so difficult so that no procedure can provide satisfying results

    Adaptive estimation of covariance matrices via Cholesky decomposition

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    This paper studies the estimation of a large covariance matrix. We introduce a novel procedure called ChoSelect based on the Cholesky factor of the inverse covariance. This method uses a dimension reduction strategy by selecting the pattern of zero of the Cholesky factor. Alternatively, ChoSelect can be interpreted as a graph estimation procedure for directed Gaussian graphical models. Our approach is particularly relevant when the variables under study have a natural ordering (e.g. time series) or more generally when the Cholesky factor is approximately sparse. ChoSelect achieves non-asymptotic oracle inequalities with respect to the Kullback-Leibler entropy. Moreover, it satisfies various adaptive properties from a minimax point of view. We also introduce and study a two-stage procedure that combines ChoSelect with the Lasso. This last method enables the practitioner to choose his own trade-off between statistical efficiency and computational complexity. Moreover, it is consistent under weaker assumptions than the Lasso. The practical performances of the different procedures are assessed on numerical examples

    High-dimensional Gaussian model selection on a Gaussian design

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    We consider the problem of estimating the conditional mean of a real Gaussian variable \nolinebreak Y=\sum_{i=1}^p\nolinebreak\theta_iX_i+\nolinebreak \epsilon where the vector of the covariates (Xi)1ip(X_i)_{1\leq i\leq p} follows a joint Gaussian distribution. This issue often occurs when one aims at estimating the graph or the distribution of a Gaussian graphical model. We introduce a general model selection procedure which is based on the minimization of a penalized least-squares type criterion. It handles a variety of problems such as ordered and complete variable selection, allows to incorporate some prior knowledge on the model and applies when the number of covariates pp is larger than the number of observations nn. Moreover, it is shown to achieve a non-asymptotic oracle inequality independently of the correlation structure of the covariates. We also exhibit various minimax rates of estimation in the considered framework and hence derive adaptiveness properties of our procedure

    Adaptive estimation of High-Dimensional Signal-to-Noise Ratios

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    We consider the equivalent problems of estimating the residual variance, the proportion of explained variance η\eta and the signal strength in a high-dimensional linear regression model with Gaussian random design. Our aim is to understand the impact of not knowing the sparsity of the regression parameter and not knowing the distribution of the design on minimax estimation rates of η\eta. Depending on the sparsity kk of the regression parameter, optimal estimators of η\eta either rely on estimating the regression parameter or are based on U-type statistics, and have minimax rates depending on kk. In the important situation where kk is unknown, we build an adaptive procedure whose convergence rate simultaneously achieves the minimax risk over all kk up to a logarithmic loss which we prove to be non avoidable. Finally, the knowledge of the design distribution is shown to play a critical role. When the distribution of the design is unknown, consistent estimation of explained variance is indeed possible in much narrower regimes than for known design distribution

    Partial recovery bounds for clustering with the relaxed KKmeans

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    We investigate the clustering performances of the relaxed KKmeans in the setting of sub-Gaussian Mixture Model (sGMM) and Stochastic Block Model (SBM). After identifying the appropriate signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), we prove that the misclassification error decay exponentially fast with respect to this SNR. These partial recovery bounds for the relaxed KKmeans improve upon results currently known in the sGMM setting. In the SBM setting, applying the relaxed KKmeans SDP allows to handle general connection probabilities whereas other SDPs investigated in the literature are restricted to the assortative case (where within group probabilities are larger than between group probabilities). Again, this partial recovery bound complements the state-of-the-art results. All together, these results put forward the versatility of the relaxed KKmeans.Comment: 39 page

    Detection and Feature Selection in Sparse Mixture Models

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    We consider Gaussian mixture models in high dimensions and concentrate on the twin tasks of detection and feature selection. Under sparsity assumptions on the difference in means, we derive information bounds and establish the performance of various procedures, including the top sparse eigenvalue of the sample covariance matrix and other projection tests based on moments, such as the skewness and kurtosis tests of Malkovich and Afifi (1973), and other variants which we were better able to control under the null.Comment: 70 page

    Optimal graphon estimation in cut distance

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    Consider the twin problems of estimating the connection probability matrix of an inhomogeneous random graph and the graphon of a W-random graph. We establish the minimax estimation rates with respect to the cut metric for classes of block constant matrices and step function graphons. Surprisingly, our results imply that, from the minimax point of view, the raw data, that is, the adjacency matrix of the observed graph, is already optimal and more involved procedures cannot improve the convergence rates for this metric. This phenomenon contrasts with optimal rates of convergence with respect to other classical distances for graphons such as the l 1 or l 2 metrics