318 research outputs found


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    Proyek pembangunan tower BTS merupakan usaha operator-operator telekomunikasi untuk meningkatkan area pelayanan dan kastemer sehingga akan meningkatkan jumlah penghasilan operator tersebut. Dalam prakteknya sering kali pembangunan tower masih mengalami pemborosan biaya dan pemanfaatan sumber daya yang tidak tepat. Hal ini mengakibatkan rendahnya nilai dari proyek dan tower BTS yang dibangun. Untuk memperbaiki situasi tersebut usaha untuk memperbaiki nilai dari proyek dan tower BTS dapat dilakukan dengan merekayasa nilai. Tujuan utama rekayasa nilai pada proyek tower BTS GSM 900,Cimahi ini adalah mengalokasikan biaya ke aktivitas-aktivitas yang tepat sehingga tidak menimbulkan pemborosan. Dalam merekayasa nilai digunakan sebuah metode Value Engineering, yaitu metode yang mampu meningkatkan nilai dari proyek dan Tower BTS. Persamaan sederhana yang digunakan sebagai acuan adalah V=F/C, dimana V adalah nilai, F adalah fungsi and C adalah biaya. Lima tahapan yang dijalankan telah mengevaluasi alternative sumber daya dan aktivitas saat ini dan menghasilkan alternative yang terbaik. Dalam memilih, digunakan metode pemilihan yang disebut Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), setiap alternatif akan dibobotkan secara fair sesuai dengan fungsi dan keunggulan manfaatnya masing-masing. Dasar pemilihan yang paling umum digunakan adalah berdasarkan daur hidup biaya (Life Cycle Cost). Life Cycle Cost (LCC) menjabarkan biaya yang dikeluarkan mulai dari masa pembelian, pemakaian, hingga proses dekomposisi. Setelah diketahui alternatif terbaik dari setiap aktivitas permasalahan, maka disarankan kepada pemilik untuk mempertimbangkan hasil kerja Value Engineering, dan melakukan desain ulang terhadap aktivitas yang diusulkan. Proyek, BTS, Fungsi, Nilai, Value Engineering, AHP, LCC

    Peranan Organisasi Karang Taruna dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa (suatu Studi di Desa Tewasen, Desa Pondos, Desa Elusan, Desa Wakan Kecamatan Amurang Barat Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan)

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    Observe to the problem that faced by young generation, it is necessary to attempt that will helpthose young generation to solve problems which that attempt need a place to develop and direct them. Theimplementation of development is a government duty from national to local government with appropriateexpertise. Then the implementation will translate to society life especially in counselling such as build anorganization that become a place to develop young generation in village. As an example is Karang Tarunathat can be a place to accommodating the aspirations and involved young generation to manage. Beside,Karang Taruna also play role as place to grow sense of nationality, develop self potency and social welfare.Research Method : This research using descriptive qualitative approaching method by deep interview to 7responden, observe and files investigation using additional instruments such as interview guidance list,recorder and stationery. Research results : According the role of Karang Taruna from 4 villages, they haven'timplemented the main role and duty as a organization yet. There were only two villages that have a goodimplementation , they are Tewasen and Pondos Village while the other two haven't optimal implementationyet. Karang Taruna of Pondos Village has a good program's plan but in their role as a government partner insociety welfare hasn't optimal yet while good partnership shown is social life but need more guidance. Elusanand Wakan Village had not an optimal program's plan, society empowerment and social welfare. Conclution :There are only two Karang Taruna with a good role implementation of society empowerment from fourKarang Taruna as an object of this research. They are Karang Taruna of Tewasen and Pondos Village whileKarang Taruna of Elusan and Wakan Village haven't good implementation yet

    Pelaksanaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa ( Apbdesa) dalam Menunjang Pembangunan Desa di Desa Betelen Kecamatan Tombatu Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara

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    APBDesa ( Income Expenditure Budgeting of Village ) is an explanation needsin building the village as defined in Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation No. 37 Year 2007on Guidelines for village financial management. The aim of this study is to determine theimplementation of village income expenditure to support the rural development in betelenvillage so that the data and information about constraints to the implementation of villageincome expenditure budgeting to supplort the rural development in Betelen village contained.This study uses qualitative research, the simple of informants selected by purposive sampling,sampling technique with particular data source (sugiono 2008). The key informants areselected from five jaga (5 areas) in Betelen village which is consist of village headmen,village secretary, village consultative body chairman, traditional leaders, religious leaders,youth leaders and four communities. A total 15 informants were selected and interviewed..The research results show, that the managerial capacity in financial management of thevillage officials is still lacking, transparency in financial management have not been fullyvisible, there is still confusing in budget management, participation or communityinvolvement in the process of overseeing and providing constructive feedback on theimprovement of financial management has not been fully maximized

    Structuring the Organization for the Management of Religious and Cultural Tourism Objects of Bukit Kasih Toar Lumimuut Minahasa, North Sulawesi Province

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    Organizational arrangement is needed so that the organization runs well and can make adjustments to the existing environment. Organizational structuring in the tourism sector is carried out not only for the benefit of tourism development but also related to the community and the environment where the tourist attraction is located. The research design used is qualitative, data collection is done through interviews, observation and secondary data collection. The process of data analysis is carried out from entering the research field to making conclusions with an interactive model. Research findings that organizational development in the management of tourism objects is related to the arrangement of human resources, the arrangement of the management organizational structure, the arrangement of infrastructure and technology of tourism objects, the arrangement of the natural environment around the tourist objects and the arrangement of the socio-cultural community

    Pengaruh Globalisasi Informasi terhadap Kehidupan Sosial Budaya Generasi Muda ( suatu Studi di SMA Negeri 1 Beo Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud )

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    The population in the Talaud Islands, particularly in Beo nearly 90% are Christians.All people always respect one another. They always obey and follow the rules and / or norms, customsand respect among religions. This is reflected in the activities they do every day. Judging from thepeople who so respect the rules and customs applicable in everyday life, the inclusion of theglobalization of information and communication within a community of people who live in Beo,especially for the younger generation can cause a variety of problems, especially in the socio-culturalfield.Therefore the purpose of this study is to analyze the extent to which the impact ofglobalization of information on social and cultural life of the younger generation. This study took placein senior high school (SMA Negeri) 1 Beo Kepulauan Talaud. Design research is a quantitative studywith a sample of 60 respondents / students.The results showed that the opinions of students at SMAN 1 Beo Talaud information aboutthe impact of globalization, the average is still in the category of "medium" or moderate, which isequal to 58.33% of the 60 respondents / students, which is categorized as "low" assessment by 11respondents or 18:33% and categorized as "high" is only 23.34%. As for the social and cultural life,the average is also in the category of "moderate" that is equal to 50%, which is categorized as "low"and categorized as "high" the same judgment that each of 15 respondents, or 25%.Based on the research results, it can be stated that the globalization of information turns outto have a significant impact on social and cultural life of the younger generation

    Implementasi Kebijakan Alokasi Dana Desa (suatu Studi di Desa Kalasey Dua Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa)

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    The village fund allocation of aid programs aim to support the development programs of the village to mensejah terahkan people. Based on Act No. 6 of the year 2014 of the village, the village had a source of income in the form of original income areas, for the results of the local tax and levy County/City, part of the Fund's financial center and the berimbangan received by kabupaten/kota, the allocation of the budget STATE BUDGET, financial assistance from the NATIONAL BUDGETS of the provinces and kabupaten/kota.The focus in this study was the implementation of the policy on allocation of Funds the village to find out the extent of the success of the implementation of the policy of the ADD-ON as seen from the factor endowments and penghambatnya factors. This policy aims to let how ADD can be used with a good, correct and according to needs of the villagers.The research method used is descriptive qualitative approach method. The instruments in this study is the researchers themselves based on indicators of policy implementation theory according to the model of Merilee s. Grindle. Charge indicators will consist of the contents of the policy and the policy context. Data analysis techniques used in this research is interactive analysis techniques according to Miles and Huberman.The results of this research on indicators of policy content (content policy), that ADD it is true – true to the people, although there are still many communities that have a difference of persepdi with the village because of his lack of socialization from the village of Kalasey in the village of ADD to question two, direct benefits perceived by the people of the village also Kalasey two, and then implementing this policy ADD-ON runs pretty most from village chief to the councilor who deal directly with the application of the allocation of funds. Whereas, in the context of the ADD Policy in the village Kalasey, village officials are already running or apply an ADD in accordance with the needs of the community in the village of Kalasey, in addition to Two basic tasks and functions of each of the apparatus of the village though it looks not too good in coordination but until then this is already good enough in communications, both from the village chief, Secretary of the village, the village Treasurer, BPD , and LPM

    Efektivitas Program Penataan Lingkungan Permukiman Berbasis Komunitas di Kelurahan Titiwungen Utara Kecamatan Sario Kota Manado

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    The program of Neighborhood community-based Environment (PLPBK) isbasically an advanced interventions within the framework of a strategy of intervention UrbanPNPM Mandiri. The activities of PLPBK give priority to the harmonisation of synergies betweenthe regional programme, the community and the groups concerned in the process of structuringthe environment independently and sustainable settlements.This research aims to know the effectiveness of PLPBK Program Settlements on thevillage\u27s of northern Titiwungen, Sario Subdistrict in the City of Manado. This study usesqualitative methods. Informants in this study are 11 people. Data collection instruments andtechniques used are guidelines for interviews and assisted with interviews and observation.Measuring the effectiveness of this program using the theory of Barnard in Prawisentono with 9indicators measuring effectiveness i.e. the clarity of purpose, clarity of program strategy goalachievement, a program of steady policy formulation, drafting of appropriate programs, theprovision of facilities and infrastructure, operational effectiveness, functional programseffectiveness, the effectiveness of the objectives of the program and the effectiveness of theprogram target.The results of this study claimed that using the 9 indicators in measuring the effectivenessof an environmental Setup program Neighborhood-based Community votes is effective enough.Thus it can be concluded when the effectiveness of an environmental Setup program communitybasedSettlements in Kelurahan of northern Titiwungen of the City of Manado, has been runningquite effectively
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