16 research outputs found

    Fractal geometry of spin-glass models

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    Stability and diversity are two key properties that living entities share with spin glasses, where they are manifested through the breaking of the phase space into many valleys or local minima connected by saddle points. The topology of the phase space can be conveniently condensed into a tree structure, akin to the biological phylogenetic trees, whose tips are the local minima and internal nodes are the lowest-energy saddles connecting those minima. For the infinite-range Ising spin glass with p-spin interactions, we show that the average size-frequency distribution of saddles obeys a power law wD \sim w^{-D}, where w=w(s) is the number of minima that can be connected through saddle s, and D is the fractal dimension of the phase space

    An investigation of the hidden structure of states in a mean field spin glass model

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    We study the geometrical structure of the states in the low temperature phase of a mean field model for generalized spin glasses, the p-spin spherical model. This structure cannot be revealed by the standard methods, mainly due to the presence of an exponentially high number of states, each one having a vanishing weight in the thermodynamic limit. Performing a purely entropic computation, based on the TAP equations for this model, we define a constrained complexity which gives the overlap distribution of the states. We find that this distribution is continuous, non-random and highly dependent on the energy range of the considered states. Furthermore, we show which is the geometrical shape of the threshold landscape, giving some insight into the role played by threshold states in the dynamical behaviour of the system.Comment: 18 pages, 8 PostScript figures, plain Te

    Landscape statistics of the low autocorrelated binary string problem

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    The statistical properties of the energy landscape of the low autocorrelated binary string problem (LABSP) are studied numerically and compared with those of several classic disordered models. Using two global measures of landscape structure which have been introduced in the Simulated Annealing literature, namely, depth and difficulty, we find that the landscape of LABSP, except perhaps for a very large degeneracy of the local minima energies, is qualitatively similar to some well-known landscapes such as that of the mean-field 2-spin glass model. Furthermore, we consider a mean-field approximation to the pure model proposed by Bouchaud and Mezard (1994, J. Physique I France 4 1109) and show both analytically and numerically that it describes extremely well the statistical properties of LABSP

    How a spin-glass remembers. Memory and rejuvenation from intermittency data: an analysis of temperature shifts

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    The memory and rejuvenation aspects of intermittent heat transport are explored theoretically and by numerical simulation for Ising spin glasses with short-ranged interactions. The theoretical part develops a picture of non-equilibrium glassy dynamics recently introduced by the authors. Invoking the concept of marginal stability, this theory links irreversible `intermittent' events, or `quakes' to thermal fluctuations of record magnitude. The pivotal idea is that the largest energy barrier b(tw,T)b(t_w,T) surmounted prior to twt_w by thermal fluctuations at temperature TT determines the rate rq1/twr_q \propto 1/t_w of the intermittent events occurring near twt_w. The idea leads to a rate of intermittent events after a negative temperature shift given by rq1/tweffr_q \propto 1/t_w^{eff}, where the `effective age' twefftwt_w^{eff} \geq t_w has an algebraic dependence on twt_w, whose exponent contains the temperatures before and after the shift. The analytical expression is verified by numerical simulations. Marginal stability suggests that a positive temperature shift TTT \to T' could erase the memory of the barrier b(tw,T)b(t_w,T). The simulations show that the barrier b(tw,T)b(tw,T)b(t_w,T') \geq b(t_w,T) controls the intermittent dynamics, whose rate is hence rq1/twr_q \propto 1/t_w. Additional `rejuvenation' effects are also identified in the intermittency data for shifts of both signs.Comment: Revised introduction and discussion. Final version to appear in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experimen

    Phase transition and landscape statistics of the number partitioning problem

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    The phase transition in the number partitioning problem (NPP), i.e., the transition from a region in the space of control parameters in which almost all instances have many solutions to a region in which almost all instances have no solution, is investigated by examining the energy landscape of this classic optimization problem. This is achieved by coding the information about the minimum energy paths connecting pairs of minima into a tree structure, termed a barrier tree, the leaves and internal nodes of which represent, respectively, the minima and the lowest energy saddles connecting those minima. Here we apply several measures of shape (balance and symmetry) as well as of branch lengths (barrier heights) to the barrier trees that result from the landscape of the NPP, aiming at identifying traces of the easy/hard transition. We find that it is not possible to tell the easy regime from the hard one by visual inspection of the trees or by measuring the barrier heights. Only the {\it difficulty} measure, given by the maximum value of the ratio between the barrier height and the energy surplus of local minima, succeeded in detecting traces of the phase transition in the tree. In adddition, we show that the barrier trees associated with the NPP are very similar to random trees, contrasting dramatically with trees associated with the pp spin-glass and random energy models. We also examine critically a recent conjecture on the equivalence between the NPP and a truncated random energy model

    The MURAVES Experiment: A Study of the Vesuvius Great Cone with Muon Radiography

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    The MURAVES experiment aims at the muographic imaging of the internal structure of the summit of Mt. Vesuvius, exploiting muons produced by cosmic rays. Though presently quiescent, the volcano carries a dramatic hazard in its highly populated surroundings. The challenging measurement of the rock density distribution in its summit by muography, in conjunction with data from other geophysical techniques, can help the modeling of possible eruptive dynamics. The MURAVES apparatus consists of an array of three independent and identical muon trackers, with a total sensitive area of 3 square meters. In each tracker, a sequence of 4 XY tracking planes made of plastic scintillators is complemented by a 60 cm thick lead wall inserted between the two downstream planes to improve rejection of background from low-energy muons. The apparatus is currently acquiring data. Preliminary results from the analysis of the first data sample are presented

    Spin glass overlap barriers in three and four dimensions

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    For the Edwards-Anderson Ising spin-glass model in three and four dimensions (3d and 4d) we have performed high statistics Monte Carlo calculations of those free-energy barriers FBqF^q_B which are visible in the probability density PJ(q)P_J(q) of the Parisi overlap parameter qq. The calculations rely on the recently introduced multi-overlap algorithm. In both dimensions, within the limits of lattice sizes investigated, these barriers are found to be non-self-averaging and the same is true for the autocorrelation times of our algorithm. Further, we present evidence that barriers hidden in qq dominate the canonical autocorrelation times.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, 12 Postscript figures, revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The MURAVES muon telescope: a low power consumption muon tracker for muon radiography applications

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    Muon Radiography or muography is based on the measurement of the absorption or scattering of cosmic muons, as they pass through the interior of large scale bodies, In particular, absorption muography has been applied to investigate the presence of hidden cavities inside the pyramids or underground, as well as the interior of volcanoes' edifices. The MURAVES project has the challenging aim of investigating the density distribution inside the summit of Mt. Vesuvius. The information, together with that coming from gravimetric measurements, is useful as input to models, to predict how an eruption may develop. The MURAVES apparatus is a robust and low power consumption muon telescope consisting of an array of three identical and independent muon trackers, which provide in a modular way a total sensitive area of three square meters. Each tracker consists of four doublets of planes of plastic scintillator bars with orthogonal orientation, optically coupled to Silicon photomultipliers for the readout of the signal. The muon telescope has been installed on the slope of the volcano and has collected a first set of data, which are being analyzed

    Metastable States in Spin Glasses and Disordered Ferromagnets

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    We study analytically M-spin-flip stable states in disordered short-ranged Ising models (spin glasses and ferromagnets) in all dimensions and for all M. Our approach is primarily dynamical and is based on the convergence of a zero-temperature dynamical process with flips of lattice animals up to size M and starting from a deep quench, to a metastable limit. The results (rigorous and nonrigorous, in infinite and finite volumes) concern many aspects of metastable states: their numbers, basins of attraction, energy densities, overlaps, remanent magnetizations and relations to thermodynamic states. For example, we show that their overlap distribution is a delta-function at zero. We also define a dynamics for M=infinity, which provides a potential tool for investigating ground state structure.Comment: 34 pages (LaTeX); to appear in Physical Review