352 research outputs found

    First-sight recognition of touched objects shows that chicks can solve Molyneux’s problem

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    If a congenitally blind person learns to distinguish between a cube and a sphere by touch, would they immediately recognize these objects by sight once their vision is restored? This question, posed by Molyneux in 1688, has puzzled philosophers and scientists since then. To overcome ethical and practical difficulties in the investigation of cross-modal recognition, we studied inexperienced poultry chicks, which can be reared in darkness until the moment of a visual test with no detrimental consequences. After hatching chicks in darkness, we exposed them to either tactile smooth or tactile bumpy stimuli for 24 h. Immediately after the tactile exposure, chicks were tested in a visual recognition task, during their first experience with light. At first sight, chicks that had been exposed in the tactile modality to smooth stimuli approached the visual smooth stimulus significantly more than those exposed to the tactile bumpy stimuli. These results show that visually inexperienced chicks can solve Molyneux's problem, indicating cross-modal recognition does not require previous multimodal experience. At least in this precocial species, supra-modal brain areas appear functional already at birth. This discovery paves the way for the investigation of predisposed cross-modal cognition that does not depend on visual experience

    Lateralized antennal control of aggression and sex differences in red mason bees, Osmia bicornis

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    Comparison of lateralization in social and non-social bees tests the hypothesis that population-level, directional asymmetry has evolved as an adjunct to social behaviour. Previous research has supported this hypothesis: directional bias of antennal use in responding to odours and learning to associate odours with a food reward is absent in species that feed individually, such as mason bees, whereas it is clearly present in eusocial honeybees and stingless bees. Here we report that, when mason bees engage in agonistic interactions, a species-typical interactive behaviour, they do exhibit a directional bias according to which antenna is available to be used. Aggression was significantly higher in dyads using only their left antennae (LL) than it was in those using only their right antennae (RR). This asymmetry was found in both males and females but it was stronger in females. LL dyads of a male and a female spent significantly more time together than did other dyadic combinations. No asymmetry was present in non-aggressive contacts, latency to first contact or body wiping. Hence, population-level lateralization is present only for social interactions common and frequent in the species’ natural behaviour. This leads to a refinement of the hypothesis linking directional lateralization to social behaviour

    Recognition of rotated objects and cognitive offloading in dogs

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    Recognition of rotated images can challenge visual systems. Humans often diminish the load of cognitive tasks employing bodily actions (cognitive offloading). To investigate these phenomena from a comparative perspective, we trained eight dogs (Canis familiaris) to discriminate between bidimensional shapes. We then tested the dogs with rotated versions of the same shapes, while measuring their accuracy and head tilts. Although generalization to rotated stimuli challenged dogs (overall accuracy: 55%), three dogs performed differently from chance level with rotated stimuli. The amplitude of stimulus rotation did not influence dogs’ performance. Interestingly, dogs tilted their head following the direction and amplitude of rotated stimuli. These small head movements did not influence their performance. Hence, we show that dogs might be capable of recognizing rotated 2D objects, but they do not use a cognitive offloading strategy in this task. This work paves the way to further investigation of cognitive offloading in non-human species

    Visual Field Analysis: A reliable method to score left and right eye use using automated tracking

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    Brain and behavioural asymmetries have been documented in various taxa. Many of these asymmetries involve preferential left and right eye use. However, measuring eye use through manual frame-by-frame analyses from video recordings is laborious and may lead to biases. Recent progress in technology has allowed the development of accurate tracking techniques for measuring animal behaviour. Amongst these techniques, DeepLabCut, a Python-based tracking toolbox using transfer learning with deep neural networks, offers the possibility to track different body parts with unprecedented accuracy. Exploiting the potentialities of DeepLabCut, we developed Visual Field Analysis, an additional open-source application for extracting eye use data. To our knowledge, this is the first application that can automatically quantify left–right preferences in eye use. Here we test the performance of our application in measuring preferential eye use in young domestic chicks. The comparison with manual scoring methods revealed a near perfect correlation in the measures of eye use obtained by Visual Field Analysis. With our application, eye use can be analysed reliably, objectively and at a fine scale in different experimental paradigms

    Individual, but not population asymmetries, are modulated by social environment and genotype in Drosophila melanogaster.

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    Theory predicts that social interactions can induce an alignment of behavioral asymmetries between individuals (i.e., population-level lateralization), but evidence for this effect is mixed. To understand how interaction with other individuals affects behavioral asymmetries, we systematically manipulated the social environment of Drosophila melanogaster, testing individual flies and dyads (female-male, female-female and male-male pairs). In these social contexts we measured individual and population asymmetries in individual behaviors (circling asymmetry, wing use) and dyadic behaviors (relative position and orientation between two flies) in five different genotypes. We reasoned that if coordination between individuals drives alignment of behavioral asymmetries, greater alignment at the population-level should be observed in social contexts compared to solitary individuals. We observed that the presence of other individuals influenced the behavior and position of flies but had unexpected effects on individual and population asymmetries: individual-level asymmetries were strong and modulated by the social context but population-level asymmetries were mild or absent. Moreover, the strength of individual-level asymmetries differed between strains, but this was not the case for population-level asymmetries. These findings suggest that the degree of social interaction found in Drosophila is insufficient to drive population-level behavioral asymmetries

    Embryonic Exposure to Valproic Acid Impairs Social Predispositions of Newly-Hatched Chicks

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    This work was supported by a grant from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) Grant ERC-2011-ADG_20110406, Project No: 461 295517, PREMESOR to G.V. Support from Fondazione Caritro Grant Biomarker DSA [40102839] and PRIN 2015 (Neural bases of animacy detection, and their relevance to the typical and atypical development of the brain) to GV is also acknowledged

    Stability and individual variability of social attachment in imprinting

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    Filial imprinting has become a model for understanding memory, learning and social behaviour in neonate animals. This mechanism allows the youngs of precocial bird species to learn the characteristics of conspicuous visual stimuli and display affiliative response to them. Although longer exposures to an object produce stronger preferences for it afterwards, this relation is not linear. Sometimes, chicks even prefer to approach novel rather than familiar objects. To date, little is known about how filial preferences develop across time. This study aimed to investigate filial preferences for familiar and novel imprinting objects over time. After hatching, chicks were individually placed in an arena where stimuli were displayed on two opposite screens. Using an automated setup, the duration of exposure and the type of stimuli were manipulated while the time spent at the imprinting stimulus was monitored across 6 days. We showed that prolonged exposure (3 days vs 1 day) to a stimulus produced robust filial imprinting preferences. Interestingly, with a shorter exposure (1 day), animals re-evaluated their filial preferences in functions of their spontaneous preferences and past experiences. Our study suggests that predispositions influence learning when the imprinting memories are not fully consolidated, driving animal preferences toward more predisposed stimuli

    Young domestic chicks spontaneously represent the absence of objects

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    Absence is a notion that is usually captured by language-related concepts like zero or negation. Whether nonlinguistic creatures encode similar thoughts is an open question, as everyday behavior marked by absence (of food, of social partners) can be explained solely by expecting presence somewhere else. We investigated 8-day-old chicks' looking behavior in response to events violating expectations about the presence or absence of an object. We found different behavioral responses to violations of presence and absence, suggesting distinct underlying mechanisms. Importantly, chicks displayed an avian signature of novelty detection to violations of absence, namely a sex-dependent left-eye-bias. Follow-up experiments excluded accounts that would explain this bias by perceptual mismatch or by representing the object at different locations. These results suggest that the ability to spontaneously form representations about the absence of objects likely belongs to the initial cognitive repertoire of vertebrate species

    A spontaneous gravity prior: newborn chicks prefer stimuli that move against gravity

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    To investigate whether upward movement is attractive already at birth, before any previosu visual experience, we tested the early preferences of dark-hatched chicks (Gallus gallus) for upward vs downward moving visual stimuli. The results are published in Bliss et al. 2023, Biology Letters “A spontaneous gravity prior: Newborn chicks prefer stimuli that move against gravity" This entry contains experimental data (output from DeepLabCut tracking, python pre-processed data, summary .csv files of results) and data analysis scripts used in the publication. A readme file is also provided
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