418 research outputs found

    Minimal music: roles and approaches of teachers engaging students with a contemporary art music through composing activities

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    Since it arose in the 1960s, the minimalist aesthetic has increasingly influenced composers of art and popular music around the world and, in turn, minimalist composers have drawn on the compositional ideas of Western popular music and several non-Western musics. Educationally, minimal music offers much potential for music in the classroom as it embodies a number of musical characteristics known to, and preferred by, students aged 9-18 years at primary, secondary and first year tertiary level. Socially, it offers teachers an opportunity to engage students, through composing activities, with contemporary society. The study aims, firstly, to analyse compositions by students aged 9, 12, 15 and 18 years and their teachers, seeking pastiche development of, and compositional expansion beyond, the musical concepts presented in a resource booklet of projects, The Pulse Music Album. Secondly, this study aims to investigate how nineteen participating teachers in three countries engage their students with minimalist composing activities stimulated through the resource booklet. The study attempts to determine why teachers adopt their particular roles and strategies by examining music qualifications, preferences and experience, teaching perspectives and teaching environments. It also seeks to identify reasons why one group of teachers submitted pieces which were pastiches of those presented in the projects and another group submitted compositions which moved well beyond pastiche into an expansion of these same musical concepts and argues for this as evidence of dialogue with contemporary society. Conclusions drawn from the findings note that while there are many commonalities between the backgrounds and approaches of both groups of teachers, there are clearly observed differences. These differences suggest approaches to classroom composition for consideration by practising classroom teachers, in-service instructors and teacher training institutions

    The epidemiology and prevention of pertussis in Australia

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    Pertussis (whooping cough) remains an important public health problem in Australia. Although mortality and morbidity from pertussis declined dramatically following the introduction of mass vaccination programs in 1953, the level of morbidity remains unacceptably high for a vaccine-preventable disease. Aims and methods The primary aims of this thesis were (i) to ascertain the epidemiology of pertussis in Australia between 1993 and 2000 by analysing and interpreting sources of routinely collected data on pertussis; and (ii) to examine the effectiveness of vaccination against pertussis in a number of ways. Data from three primary national sources (notifications of disease, hospitalisations for pertussis and death certificates) were used to examine the burden from pertussis in Australia over these eight years. Analyses included the age distribution of cases, temporal and geographic trends, comparisons of notification and hospitalisation data, and the impact of differences in the method of diagnosis of notified cases between years and age groups. In addition to analyses at the national level using data from the national databases, further detailed analyses were undertaken at the State level for New South Wales (NSW), the most populous Australian State. Pertussis vaccine coverage was estimated using data from the recently established Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR); these data were also used to track the transition from whole-cell to acellular pertussis vaccines. The different types of studies used to evaluate vaccine effectiveness were reviewed, and a method suitable for ongoing estimation of vaccine effectiveness in Australia was developed. This was then applied to the NSW data, to determine the effectiveness of pertussis vaccination in this State. Main findings The annual notification rate for pertussis in Australia ranged from 23–59 per 100 000 population over the eight years. Infants had the highest notification and hospitalisation rates in Australia — they accounted for 5 percent of notifications, 61 percent of hospitalisations and 100 percent of deaths. Age-specific notification and hospitalisation rates in children aged less than two years strongly suggested a protective effect of vaccination, with the greatest reduction in rate coinciding with eligibility to receive a second dose of pertussis vaccine at four months of age. Notification rates among 5–9 year olds progressively decreased in successive age cohorts, consistent with an effect of the introduction in 1994 of a pertussis vaccine booster for preschool-aged children. Although adults (persons aged 15 years or more) accounted for half the notifications, they had the lowest notification rate. The highest numbers of pertussis notifications were in 1997, when most jurisdictions experienced an epidemic. Notification and hospitalisation rates varied across the States and Territories and also across smaller geographic regions in NSW. Areas and years with high notification rates tended to also have high hospitalisation rates, suggesting that trends in notifications reflected trends in incidence. The number of infant hospitalisations in NSW between July 1993 and June 1999 exceeded the number of notifications by 32 percent, highlighting the extent of under-notification. Overall, and particularly amongst those aged more than 12 months, the majority of cases notified in NSW were based on the results of serological tests. The proportion diagnosed by culture of the organism was greatest in infants; the proportion diagnosed by serological tests increased with age. There was no evidence that the use of serology had increased since 1994 in NSW, hence changes in notification rates after this time are unlikely to be attributable to increased use of serological diagnosis. ACIR records indicated that in December 2000, 92 percent of one-year-old children had received three doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine and 90 percent of two-year-olds had received four doses. Vaccine coverage varied by jurisdiction. Since 1997, there was an increased use of DTP vaccines containing acellular pertussis components with a corresponding decrease in the use of vaccines containing whole-cell components. In 2000, almost all DTP vaccines administered contained acellular pertussis components. The results of the vaccine effectiveness study showed that pertussis vaccination was highly effective at preventing pertussis in NSW children, as measured by notified cases. Vaccine effectiveness was highest (91 percent) in the youngest age group ((8–23 months) and lowest (78percent) in the oldest age group (9–13 years). The screening method has not previously been used to estimate pertussis vaccine effectiveness in Australia. Conclusions This thesis demonstrates the value of integrating varied data sources in estimating the disease burden from pertussis. The data presented here show that the disease burden is substantial in all age groups, despite high levels of vaccine coverage in infants and children. This problem of disease control does not appear to be due to lack of vaccine effectiveness, but there is evidence of waning immunity over time. The analyses presented here form a basis for the ongoing monitoring of trends in pertussis epidemiology following the replacement of whole-cell by acellular pertussis vaccines, and will assist consideration of the need for additional booster doses in adolescents and adults

    Effectiveness of a short web-based film targeting parental oral health knowledge in a well-child care setting

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    Young children rely on their parents with respect to oral health routines. However, parental knowledge on this topic is often insufficient. Well-child care may be an excellent route to reach parents because almost all of them attend. To evaluate the effectiveness of an 8.5 min web-based film about oral health, provided by well-child care, a non-blinded quasi-experimental study was performed. Parents attending well-child care clinics in the Netherlands were assigned to an intervention (n = 88) or control group (n = 41). The control group received care as usual. We measured parental knowledge of oral health with a questionnaire (range of scores 1-12) before and directly after the intervention, and 6 months later, and assessed differences between the intervention and the control group. Parental oral health knowledge improved after watching the film: the intervention group's mean score of 11.1 (SD 1.3) was greater than the mean score of 7.1 (SD 2.0) of the control group (Cohen's d = 2.64). Scores remained higher in the intervention group 6 months after watching the film (mean 9.1, SD 1.3) than before (Cohen's d = 1.25). A web-based educational film delivered in a well-child care setting can be an effective way to address oral health and to improve parental knowledge

    The safety and effectiveness of chenodeoxycholic acid treatment in patients withcerebrotendinous xanthomatosis:two retrospective cohort studies.

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    Objective: To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) treatment in patients with cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis (CTX). Methods: Two retrospective cohort studies were conducted in CTX patients who underwent CDCA treatment: one in the Netherlands (NL; CDCA-STUK-15-001) and one in Italy (IT; CDCA-STRCH-CR-14-001). Eligible patients were aged 2–75 years, had been diagnosed with CTX, and were treated with CDCA orally for ≥1 year. The impact of CDCA treatment on biochemical markers (including serum cholestanol levels) and disease signs and symptoms were assessed, in addition to the safety and tolerability of CDCA treatment. Results: A total of 35 patients were screened in the NL study and were diagnosed with CTX at 25.6 (± 13.7 SD) years on average. These patients were treated with CDCA and followed up for a median of 9.00 (range: 0.4–26.3) years. In addition, 28 patients were enrolled in the IT study and were diagnosed at 35.0 (± 11.4 SD) years on average (median duration of CDCA treatment: 5.75 [range: 0.0–25.0] years). Signs and symptoms of disease resolved, improved, or remained stable in many patients, with concomitant improvements in biochemical marker levels (serum cholestanol, p < 0.001; 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one, p < 0.001 [IT study]). Conclusions: The outcomes of these retrospective cohort studies indicate that CDCA is effective in the long-term treatment of CTX, with an acceptable safety profile. © 2019, The Author(s)

    Body mass index and dental caries in children aged 5 to 8 years attending a dental paediatric referral practice in the Netherlands

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    Background Obesity and dental caries are widely-recognised problems that affect general health. The prevention of both dental caries and obesity have proven very difficult: children and their parents may need professional support to achieve behaviour change. To find out whether both dental caries and overweight in childhood can be targeted using a common risk factor approach, it is necessary to establish whether the two diseases are indeed linked. The aim of the present study was therefore to use anthropometric data obtained professionally to investigate the association between Body Mass Index and dental caries experience in children aged 5-8 years receiving treatment in a referral centre for paediatric dental care in the Netherlands. Methods Children’s dmft and dmfs scores were calculated using dental records and sociodemographic data were also extracted from these records. Dentists were trained to measure standing height and weight in a standardised way. Body Mass Index was calculated by dividing kilograms by height squared (kg/m2). Extended International (International Obesity Task Force) body mass index cut-offs were used to define ‘no overweight’ and ‘overweight’ (with the latter category including obesity). Results No statistically significant differences were found between the mean dmft or dmfs scores of the two groups (overweight and non-overweight), even after correction for the effect of the potential confounders sex, socio-economic status and ethnicity. The percentage of caries-active children in the non-overweight group was almost the same as in the overweight group. No statistically significant differences were found. Conclusions We hypothesised to find a positive association between body mass index and dental caries experience in children aged 5-8 years attending our practice. However, this study did not find a relationship of this kind. A common risk factor approach for the prevention of caries and overweight is therefore not supported by our study

    Trends in caries experience of adults in the Netherlands from 1995 to 2013

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    The Dutch National Health Care Institute, formerly CVZ/Ziekenfondsraad, asked TNO to investigate oral health in adults in the Netherlands 4 times in the period from 1995 to 2013 in order to monitor trends in oral health and, if necessary, to be able to adjust their policies accordingly. With the results of these 4 studies, the trends in caries experience of 25- up to and including 54-year-olds during the period 1995 to 2013 were established. In 1995, 2002, 2007 and 2013, the oral health of 25- up to and including 54-year-olds living in 's-Hertogenbosch was determined by means of a questionnaire and a clinical oral examination. In the period 1995-2013 a reduction in caries experience was found in both well- and less well-educated individuals. The outcomes for well-educated individuals were more favourable than those of their less well-educated peers. In 2012, then, oral health still has a socio-economic gradient. The debate on how to reach the high-risk group remains a matter of concern both for the dental profession and for politicians. In order to be able to keep a finger on the pulse monitoring of caries experience is of great importance.</p
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