13 research outputs found

    Volumetric absorptive microsampling at home as an alternative tool for the monitoring of HbA1c in diabetes patients

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    Background: Microsampling techniques have several advantages over traditional blood collection. Dried blood spot (DBS) sampling and blood collection with heparinized capillaries are the standard techniques. Volumetric absorptive microsampling (VAMS) is a novel technique that collects a fixed volume of blood by applying an absorbent tip to a blood drop. In the present study we explored the feasibility of HbA(1c) monitoring with VAMS sampling at home and analysis in the laboratory. Methods: Diabetic patients were enrolled in this study during consultation with the endocrinologist. A venous (adults) or capillary (children) sample was taken for immediate HbA(1c) analysis. DBS (n=1)and dried VAMS (n=2) were collected at home and sent to the laboratory. For 25 pediatric patients one VAMS was collected during consultation for immediate analysis (without drying), referred to as "wet VAMS". HbA(1c) analyses were performed on a Tosoh HLC-723 G8 high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyzer. Results: The median time between sampling at home and analysis was 3 days. Results of HbA(1c) in dried VAMS showed a poor agreement with venous/capillary blood collected in hospital (concordance correlation coefficient CCC=0.72). Similar observations were found with standard DBS. An excellent agreement was obtained between HbA(1c) results on wet VAMS (CCC=0.996) and standard blood samples. Patients experienced VAMS and DBS as easy and convenient to use. Conclusions: Utilizing equipment standard available in the clinical laboratory, the use of home-sampled dried VAMS and DBS is not a reliable tool for the monitoring of HbA(1c). However, perfect agreement between HbA(1c) measured on wet VAMS and capillary microsamples was obtained

    First report on brorphine : the next opioid on the deadly new psychoactive substance horizon?

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    New psychoactive substances (NPS) continue to appear on the drug market. Until recently, new synthetic opioids, which are amongst the most dangerous NPS, primarily encompassed analogues of the potent analgesic fentanyl. Lately, also other new synthetic opioids have increasingly started to surface. This is the first report on the identification and full chemical characterization of brorphine, a novel potent synthetic opioid with a piperidine benzimidazolone structure. Brorphine was identified in a powder and in the serum of a patient seeking medical help for detoxification. Liquid chromatography–high resolution mass spectrometry (LC–HRMS) identified an exact mass of m/z 400.1020 and 402.1005 for the compound, corresponding to both bromine isotopes. Further chemical characterization was performed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), LC–diode array detection (DAD) and Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy analyses. Finally, the structure was confirmed by performing 1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy. In vitro biological activity of brorphine was determined by a cell-based µ-opioid receptor (MOR) activation assay, resulting in an EC50 of 30.9 nM (13.5 ng/mL) and an Emax of 209% relative to hydromorphone, confirming the high potency and efficacy of this compound. In a serum sample of the patient, brorphine and a hydroxy-metabolite were found using the LC–HRMS screening method. The presence of opioid activity in the serum was also confirmed via the activity-based opioid screening assay. The occurrence of brorphine is yet another example of how the illicit drug market is continuously evolving in an attempt to escape international legislation. Its high potency poses a serious and imminent health threat for any user

    Microsampling at home : a patient-centric approach to monitor cancer therapy and diabetes

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    Volumetric absorptive microsampling as a suitable tool to monitor tyrosine kinase inhibitors

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    Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) shows significant potential in guiding personalized anticancer treatment. Dried blood microsampling could be a valuable alternative for traditional plasma sampling to provide TDM results faster and to reach a wider audience. Sample collection is easy and patient friendly as only a small volume of blood is collected via a fingerprick. This enables the possibility of home sampling by the patients themselves. Therefore, an LC-MS/MS method was developed and validated for the quantification of bosutinib, dasatinib, gilteritinib, ibrutinib, imatinib, midostaurin, nilotinib and ponatinib in dried blood samples collected via volumetric absorptive microsampling (VAMS). A VAMS device collects a fixed volume of blood ( +/- 10 mu L), irrespective of the sample's hematocrit (Hct). During method validation, special attention was paid to the possible impact of Hct (range 0.18-0.55) on matrix effect (ME), robustness of the extraction, and accuracy of the method. The method was successfully validated based on international guidelines in terms of calibration curves, precision (within-run CV 2.20-14.8%; between-run CV 2.40-12.3%), accuracy (within-run bias 0.34-12.5%; between-run bias -0.15 to 16.2%), carry-over and selectivity. IS-compensated ME and recovery were Hct independent and no significant impact of Hct on the accuracy of the TKI quantifications was observed. All TKIs were stable in VAMS samples stored at -20 degrees C, 4 degrees C and room temperature for at least 4 weeks and for 2 days at 60 degrees C (except ibrutinib). Lastly, we demonstrated a good agreement between liquid blood obtained from patients on TKI treatment and VAMS samples prepared from that venous blood. As this implies that there is no methodological impact of liquid versus dried blood analysis, the presented method can be applied in clinical follow-up studies for determining TKIs in (capillary) VAMS samples with varying Hct levels. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Quantification of eight hematological tyrosine kinase inhibitors in both plasma and whole blood by a validated LC-MS/MS method

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    Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) in cancer therapy offers the potential to improve treatment efficacy while minimizing toxicity. Therefore, a high-throughput, sensitive LC-MS/MS method was developed and validated, to be used for personalized treatment of hematologic malignancies. The assay allows the simultaneous quantification in plasma (EDTA and heparin) and whole blood of eight TKIs, including bosutinib, dasatinib, gilteritinib, ibrutinib, imatinib, midostaurin, nilotinib and ponatinib, which are used in the treatment of chronic and acute myeloid leukemia (CML, AML) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The procedure involves simple protein precipitation of 50 mu L of sample, a 4-min chromatographic separation by applying gradient elution on a standard reverse phase column, and tandem mass spectrometric detection. The method was successfully validated based on international guidelines in terms of calibration curves, precision (within-run CV 0.74-16.4%; between-run CV 1.65-17.8%), accuracy (within-run bias 0.07-19.8%; between-run bias 0.05 to 17.6%), carry-over (max 19.4%, for ponatinib), selectivity, matrixeffects, recovery (ranging from 61 to 128%), stability (only issues observed for ibrutinib) and dilution integrity. Furthermore, the accuracy of the method was demonstrated by analyzing external quality controls, with a maximum bias of 11.3%. Assay applicability was demonstrated by analyzing authentic plasma and whole blood samples in order to derive blood-plasma ratios and the variation thereof. The latter are important to allow possible blood-plasma conversion when envisaging possible future implementation of TDM via dried blood microsampling. The presented method can be applied in clinical practice for performing TDM of TKIs in plasma and whole blood samples

    Therapeutic drug monitoring of tyrosine kinase inhibitors using dried blood microsamples

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    Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) is not yet performed routinely in the standard care of oncology patients, although it offers a high potential to improve treatment outcome and minimize toxicity. TKIs are perfect candidates for TDM as they show a relatively small therapeutic window, a wide inter-patient variability in pharmacokinetics and a correlation between drug concentration and effect. Moreover, most of the available TKIs are susceptible to various drug-drug interactions and medication adherence can be checked by performing TDM. Plasma, obtained via traditional venous blood sampling, is the standard matrix for TDM of TKIs. However, the use of plasma poses some challenges related to sampling and stability. The use of dried blood microsamples can overcome these limitations. Collection of samples via finger-prick is minimally invasive and considered convenient and simple, enabling sampling by the patients themselves in their home-setting. The collection of small sample volumes is especially relevant for use in pediatric populations or in pharmacokinetic studies. Additionally, working with dried matrices improves compound stability, resulting in convenient and cost-effective transport and storage of the samples. In this review we focus on the different dried blood microsample-based methods that were used for the quantification of TKIs. Despite the many advantages associated with dried blood microsampling, quantitative analyses are also associated with some specific difficulties. Different methodological aspects of microsampling-based methods are discussed and applied to TDM of TKIs. We focus on sample preparation, analytics, internal standards, dilution of samples, external quality controls, dried blood spot specific validation parameters, stability and blood-to-plasma conversion methods. The various impacts of deviating hematocrit values on quantitative results are discussed in a separate section as this is a key issue and undoubtedly the most widely discussed issue in the analysis of dried blood microsamples. Lastly, the applicability and feasibility of performing TDM using microsamples in a real-life home-sampling context is discussed

    Interference of anti-streptavidin antibodies in immunoassays : a very rare phenomenon or a more common finding?

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    Background: Anti-streptavidin antibodies (ASA) may cause analytical interference on certain immunoassay platforms. Streptavidin is purified from the non-pathogenic Streptomyces avidinii soil bacterium. In contrast to interference with biotin, ASA interference is supposed to be much rarer. In-depth studies on this topic are lacking. Therefore, we carried out an analysis toward the prevalence and the possible underlying cause of this interference. Methods: Anti-streptavidin (AS)-immunoglobulin G (IgG) and AS-IgM concentrations were determined on multiple samples from two patients with ASA interference and on 500 random samples. On a subset of 100 samples, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) was measured on a Cobas analyzer before and after performing a neutralization protocol which removes ASA. The relationship between the ratio of TSH after neutralization/TSH before neutralization and the ASA concentration was evaluated. Subsequently, an extract of S. avidinii colonies was analyzed using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDSPAGE) and immunoblotting. Results: A positive correlation between AS-IgM concentrations and TSH ratio was obtained. Eight samples out of 500 exceeded the calculated AS-IgM cut-off value. In comparison to the AS-IgM concentrations in the population, titers from the two described cases clearly stood out. The isolated cases represent the end of a broader spectrum as there is a continuum of AS-IgM reactivity in the general population. We could not observe any differences in the immunoblot patterns between the cases and controls, which may indicate the general presence of ASA in the population. Conclusions: Interference due to ASA is more prevalent than initially thought and is caused by IgM antibodies

    To pool or not to pool? Screening of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in female sex workers : pooled versus single-site testing

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    Objectives AsChlamydia trachomatis(CT) andNeisseria gonorrhoeae(NG) are the most commonly reported STIs in Belgium and the majority of women infected are asymptomatic, targeted screening of patients in specified risk groups is indicated. To prevent long-term complications and interrupt transmission, extragenital samples should be included. As this comes with a substantial extra cost, analysis of a pooled sample from vaginal and extragenital sites could be a solution. In this study, we evaluated the feasibility of molecular testing for CT and NG in pooled versus single-site samples in a large cohort of female sex workers. Methods Women were sampled from three anatomical sites: a pharyngeal, a vaginal and a rectal swab. Each sample was vortexed, and 400 mu L of transport medium from each sample site was pooled into an empty tube. NAAT was performed using the Abbott RealTime CT/NG assay on the m2000sp/rt system. Results We included 489 patients: 5.1% were positive for CT; 2.0% were positive for NG and 1.4% were coinfected, resulting in an overall prevalence of 6.5% (95% CI 4.5% to 9.1%) for CT and 3.5% (95% CI 2.0% to 5.5%) for NG. From the 42 patients positive on at least one non-pooled sample, only 5 gave a negative result on the pooled sample, resulting in a sensitivity of 94% (95% CI 79% to 99%) for CT and 82% (95% CI 57% to 96%) for NG. The missed pooled samples were all derived from single-site infections with low bacterial loads. The possibility of inadequate self-sampling as a cause of false negativity was excluded, as 4/5 were collected by the physician. Testing only vaginal samples would have led to missing 40% of CT infections and 60% of NG infections. Conclusions Pooling of samples is a cost-saving strategy for the detection of CT and NG in women, with minimal decrease in sensitivity. By reducing costs, more patients and more extragenital samples can be tested, resulting in higher detection rates

    Barriers and opportunities for the clinical implementation of therapeutic drug monitoring in oncology

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    There are few fields of medicine in which the individualisation of medicines is more important than in the area of oncology. Under-dosing can have significant ramifications due to the potential for therapeutic failure and cancer progression; by contrast, over-dosing may lead to severe treatment-limiting side effects, such as agranulocytosis and neutropenia. Both circumstances lead to poor patient prognosis and contribute to the high mortality rates still seen in oncology. The concept of dose individualisation tailors dosing for each individual patient to ensure optimal drug exposure and best clinical outcomes. While the value of this strategy is well recognised, it has seen little translation to clinical application. However, it is important to recognise that the clinical setting of oncology is unlike that for which therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is currently the cornerstone of therapy (e.g. antimicrobials). Whilst there is much to learn from these established TDM settings, the challenges presented in the treatment of cancer must be considered to ensure the implementation of TDM in clinical practice. Recent advancements in a range of scientific disciplines have the capacity to address the current system limitations and significantly enhance the use of anticancer medicines to improve patient health. This review examines opportunities presented by these innovative scientific methodologies, specifically sampling strategies, bioanalytics and dosing decision support, to enable optimal practice and facilitate the clinical implementation of TDM in oncology