29 research outputs found

    Figure 3

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    <p><b>a</b>. Time to enrolment among 482 HIV patients. <b>b</b>. Time to start of ART among 81 eligible HIV patients, from date of HIV diagnosis. <b>c</b>. Time to start of ART among 81 eligible HIV patients, from date of CD4 test.</p

    Number of newly diagnosed HIV infected patients, by department, sex, age and study site, Rwanda, March-May 2009.

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    <p>NA = Not Applicable; TB Tuberculosis; ANC Antenatal care; HIV Human immunodefiency virus; OPD Outpatient department; VCT Voluntary counselling and testing.</p

    Factors associated with non-enrolment, high WHO stage and CD4 count <350 cells/mm<sup>3</sup> among adult HIV patients diagnosed in eight Rwanda health facilities, 2009: logistic regression.

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    <p>Those aged <15 years were excluded from these analyses. NA = Not Applicable; TB Tuberculosis; ANC Antenatal care; HIV Human immunodefiency virus; OPD Outpatient department; VCT Voluntary counselling and testing; WHO World Health Organization.</p

    Enrolment into HIV care & treatment, WHO stage, median CD4 count, ART-eligibility and start of ART by study site, department, age and sex, Rwanda, 2009.

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    <p>N.A. Not Applicable; TB Tuberculosis; ANC Antenatal care; HIV Human immunodefiency virus; OPD Outpatient department; VCT Voluntary counselling and testing; ART antiretroviral treatment; IQR interquartile range; WHO World Health Organization.</p>a<p>WHO stage was available for 179. Data provided are for the 176 patients aged 15 years or above.</p>b<p>Patients with pulmonary TB and HIV infection are by definition in WHO stage 3; however not all patients diagnosed at TB clinics were confirmed TB cases.</p>c<p>CD4 count results were available for 188/201. Data provided are on the 185 patients aged 15 years or above.</p>d<p>ART eligibility was based on CD4 count (CD4<350 cells/mm<sup>3</sup>) and WHO stage (stage 4). Data provided are on the 170 patients aged 15 years or above.</p>e<p>Among those who were eligible for ART. Data provided are on the 81 patients aged 15 years or above.</p>f<p>The <i>p</i>-values are based on chi-squared test, Fisher's exact test or Kruskal-Wallis test, as appropriate.</p

    Association of sputum smear conversion after 2 months of intensive treatment phase with baseline characteristics in 220 smear-positive PTB patients, who had a sputum sample taken between 7 and 9 weeks after start of treatment, Rwanda 2007.

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    †<p>Multivariate analysis was based on n = 218.</p>*<p>Farming, housewives, unemployed, labourer, vendor.</p>#<p>On ART/Co-trimoxazole: already on these treatments at the time of start of TB treatment. Not ART/Co-trimoxazole: started with these treatments after start of TB treatment or did not start at all before end of treatment.</p><p>OR - Odds Ratios; CI - Confidence Interval, PTB Pulmonary TB, ART aniretroviral treatment.</p

    Characteristics of clinic attendees interviewed at intervention and control sites, PITC study, Rwanda, 2009–10.

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    <p>PITC: provider initiated testing and counselling; IQR: Inter-quartile range; OPD: out-patient department; FP: family planning; VCT: Voluntary counseling and testing; ANC: Antenatal care; TB: tuberculosis.</p><p>P values are based on the chi-squared test, except comparison of age (based on rank sum test).</p><p>Phase 1: before PITC was implemented; Phase 3: after PITC was implemented (at the intervention sites).</p

    Baseline characteristics and follow-up data of 581 patients with tuberculosis, Rwanda, 2007.

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    <p>Abbreviations: ART antiretroviral treatment; TB Tuberculosis; PTB pulmonary TB; IQR inter-quartile range; HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus; kg kilogram.</p>*<p>Farming, housewives, unemployed, laborer, vendor;</p>**<p>smear status 2 months after start of TB treatment (for details see text); percentages based on those with smear positive PTB at baseline.</p