3 research outputs found

    Comparison of Enterococcus faecalis biofilm degradation after diode laser exposure with Chlorophyll and Psoralens photosensitizer

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    Introduction: Enterococcus faecalis are dominant in root canal infection and can survive harsh conditions such as high pH, scarce nutrients, and heat. They form mature biofilm readily and can resist disinfection approaches. Photo-activated disinfection with photosensitizer and laser irradiation is a viable alternative to eliminate E. faecalis biofilm. This study aimed to investigate and compare E. Faecalis biofilm degradation using photoactivated disinfection with chlorophyll or psoralens photosensitizer and 405 nm diode laser irradiation. Methods: This study used E. Faecalis biofilm grown in the laboratory. Chlorophyll or psoralens were applied as a photosensitizer, and then 405 nm diode laser was irradiated for 30 or 60 seconds. The effectiveness of biofilm degradation was measured with optical density using microplate reader. Results: Chlorophyll with 30 seconds of laser irradiation results in 30.8% biofilm degradation, whereas psoralens with 60 seconds of laser irradiation result in 81.8% biofilm degradation. One-way ANOVA test results in significant difference in biofilm degradation effectiveness amongst all groups. Conclusion: Psoralens with 60 seconds of 405nm diode laser irradiation yielded the most Enterococcus faecalis biofilm degradation compared to other group


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    Kalsium hidroksida (Ca(OH)2) dianggap sebagai gold standar dalam perawatan pulp capping karena kemampuannya untuk merangsang pembentukan dentin reparatif, melindungi pulpa dari rangsangan thermal, dan menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Kalsium hidroksida memiliki beberapa kekurangan dalam sifat mekaniknya yaitu dapat larut dalam air dan asam. Propolis adalah substansi resin yang berasal dari bahan alami, dikumpulkan lebah kemudian dicampurkan dengan lilin (wax) dan air liurnya. Propolis bersifat tidak toksik dan tidak mudah larut dalam air (non polar) karena mengandung CAPE, Bees Wax, dan Volatile oil. Kombinasi kalsium hidroksida dengan propolis dalam bentuk pasta menggunakan perbandingan 1: 2 dengan propolis 11% dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kalsium hidroksida berdifusi ke dalam tubuli dentin. Tujuan: Untuk menjelaskan perbedaan daya kelarutan kalsium hidroksida dan kombinasi kalsium hidroksida-propolis sebagai bahan pulp capping. Metode: 18 sampel berupa kepingan kalsium hidroksida (15 mm x 1 mm) dan 18 sampel berupa kepingan kombinasi kalsium hidroksida-propolis (15 mm x 1 mm). Kepingan tersebut di simpan dalam inkubator pada suhu 37oC selama 24 jam, kemudian ditimbang sampai menemukan massa konstan (M1). Masing-masing kepingan dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yang selama 1 hari dan 7 hari dalam 50 ml saliva buatan pada suhu 37oC lalu ditimbang (M2), dikeringkan, diinkubator, ditimbang lagi (M3). Hasil pengurangan M1 dikurangi M3 dibagi volume merupakan data hasil kelarutan kepingan. Data dianalisa menggunakan Uji One Way ANOVA dan Post Hoc Test. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan daya kelarutan kalsium hidroksida dan kombinasi kalsium hidroksida-propolis sebagai bahan pulp capping. Simpulan: daya kelarutan kalsium hidroksida lebih besar daripada kombinasi kalsium hidroksida-propolis sebagai bahan pulp capping

    Direct anterior resin composite bridge – a case report

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    Background: Dental hard tissue loss renders a tooth restorable or unrestorable. The treatment ranges from endodontic treatment to dental implant. Sometimes patients in need to restore their oral function and esthetics cannot afford those treatments due to a limited financial capability and time availability. Purpose: This case report presents a minimal invasive, single appointment, quick, and affordable alternative treatment to restore morphology, function, and esthetics. Case: A 40 years old male patient suffered enamel-dentin-pulp fracture on central incisor due to trauma. Eventhough the fracture involves pulp exposure, it remains vital. The tooth lacks sound tooth structure for ferrule effect. The patient wished to retain the tooth. Therefore, initial treatment plan comprised of reestablishing ferrule effect, root canal treatment, endodontic post, and porcelain crown. Nevertheless, due to financial and time constraint, patient refused the suggested treatment plan; thus, direct resin composite bridge was suggested. Case Management: Isolation is followed by calcium hydroxide capping of the exposed pulp. After application of etch and adhesive bonding to tooth 11, 21, and 22, nanohybrid resin composite was layered to fabricate the direct composite bridge, bonded to 11 and 21, with the following layering sequence: 1) palatal; 2) proximal; 3) body; 4) labial. The procedure took 1 hour to restore tooth morphology, function, and esthetics. Upon five years follow-up, the tooth remains asymptomatic. The direct resin composite bridge has been serving well. Conclusion: Direct resin composite bridges can be an affordable, quick, and minimal invasive treatment modality resulting in satisfactory esthetics, function, and longevity