18 research outputs found

    Electrophysiological Correlates of Changes in Reaction Time Based on Stimulus Intensity

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    Background: Although reaction time is commonly used as an indicator of central nervous system integrity, little is currently understood about the mechanisms that determine processing time. In the current study, we are interested in determining the differences in electrophysiological events associated with significant changes in reaction time that could be elicited by changes in stimulus intensity. The primary objective is to assess the effect of increasing stimulus intensity on the latency and amplitude of afferent inputs to the somatosensory cortex, and their relation to reaction time. Methods: Median nerve stimulation was applied to the non-dominant hand of 12 healthy young adults at two different stimulus intensities (HIGH & LOW). Participants were asked to either press a button as fast as possible with their dominant hand or remain quiet following the stimulus. Electroencephalography was used to measure somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) and event related potentials (ERPs). Electromyography from the flexor digitorum superficialis of the button-pressing hand was used to assess reaction time. Response time was the time of button press. Results: Reaction time and response time were significantly shorter following the HIGH intensity stimulus compared to the LOW intensity stimulus. There were no differences in SEP (N20 & P24) peak latencies and peak-to-peak amplitude for the two stimulus intensities. ERPs, locked to response time, demonstrated a significantly larger pre-movement negativity to positivity following the HIGH intensity stimulus over the Cz electrode

    Does it really matter where you look when walking on stairs? Insights from a dual-task study.

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    Although the visual system is known to provide relevant information to guide stair locomotion, there is less understanding of the specific contributions of foveal and peripheral visual field information. The present study investigated the specific role of foveal vision during stair locomotion and ground-stairs transitions by using a dual-task paradigm to influence the ability to rely on foveal vision. Fifteen healthy adults (26.9 ± 3.3 years; 8 females) ascended a 7-step staircase under four conditions: no secondary tasks (CONTROL); gaze fixation on a fixed target located at the end of the pathway (TARGET); visual reaction time task (VRT); and auditory reaction time task (ART). Gaze fixations towards stair features were significantly reduced in TARGET and VRT compared to CONTROL and ART. Despite the reduced fixations, participants were able to successfully ascend stairs and rarely used the handrail. Step time was increased during VRT compared to CONTROL in most stair steps. Navigating on the transition steps did not require more gaze fixations than the middle steps. However, reaction time tended to increase during locomotion on transitions suggesting additional executive demands during this phase. These findings suggest that foveal vision may not be an essential source of visual information regarding stair features to guide stair walking, despite the unique control challenges at transition phases as highlighted by phase-specific challenges in dual-tasking. Instead, the tendency to look at the steps in usual conditions likely provides a stable reference frame for extraction of visual information regarding step features from the entire visual field

    Reaction times referenced to location on the stairs.

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    <p>Horizontal axis defines the step number in which reaction time stimuli occurred. Positive numbers refer to steps on the stairs. Steps 1, 2, 7 and 8 represent the transition steps (shaded).</p

    Frequency distribution of gaze fixations directed to the stairs relative to participants’ stepping location.

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    <p>Positive step numbers are the steps on the stairs. Frequency represents all fixations observed across all participants. Numbers at the top of the bars represent the number of participants contributing with fixations. Step “zero” represents the step ending with the last foot contact on the ground prior to the stairs. CONTROL and ART (A), and TARGET and VRT (B) were plotted in two difference graphs due to the large difference in scale.</p

    Effects of experimental conditions on gaze behavior.

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    <p>(a) total gaze time; (b) fixation time; (c) number of fixations; (d) fixation duration; ST = stair walking; TARGET = visual fixation target; ART = auditory reaction time; VRT = visual reaction time; *different from CONTROL and ART (p<0.0001); **p<0.01; ***p<0.05.</p

    Step time across task conditions and step location.

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    <p>In the horizontal axis, positive step numbers are the steps on the stairs. Steps 1, 2, 7 and 8 represent the transition steps (shaded step numbers). Colored symbols indicate statistically different pairwise comparisons; §p<0.05;†p<0.01; *p<0.0001.</p

    Miyasike-daSilvaV, Vette AH, McIlroy WE. Speed of processing in the primary motor cortex: a continuous theta burst stimulation study

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    ‘Temporally urgent’ reactions are extremely rapid, spatially precise movements that are evoked following discrete stimuli. The involvement of primary motor cortex (M1) and its relationship to stimulus intensity in such reactions is not well understood. Continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) suppresses focal regions of the cortex and can assess the involvement of motor cortex in speed of processing. The primary objective of this study was to explore the involvement of M1 in speed of processing with respect to stimulus intensity. Thirteen healthy young adults participated in this experiment. Behavioral testing consisted of a simple button press using the index finger following median nerve stimulation of the opposite limb, at either high or low stimulus intensity. Reaction time was measured by the onset of electromyographic activity from the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscle of each limb. Participants completed a 30 min bout of behavioral testing prior to, and 15 min following, the delivery of cTBS to the motor cortical representation of the right FDI. The effect of cTBS on motor cortex was measured by recording the average of 30 motor evoked potentials (MEPs) just prior to, and 5 min following, cTBS. Paired t-tests revealed that, of thirteen participants, five demonstrated a significant attenuation, three demonstrated a significant facilitation and five demonstrated no significant change in MEP amplitude following cTBS. Of the group that demonstrated attenuated MEPs, there was a biologically significant interaction between stimulus intensity and effect of cTBS on reaction time and amplitude of muscle activation. This study demonstrates the variability of potential outcomes associated with the use of cTBS and further study on the mechanisms that underscore the methodology is required. Importantly, changes in motor cortical excitability may be an important determinant of speed of processing following high intensity stimulation