2 research outputs found

    Isolasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri Penyebab Bau Kaki

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    Foot odour is caused by combination of sweat and bacteria. Smelly feet can lead to lack of confidence and discomfort. In this study, conducted on 21 probands to isolate the microbes with the following criteria: male, aged 18-25 years, wore shoes for 8 hours without taking them off, moist, and smelly feet. Isolating microbes from the feet using a cotton swab. The result of the study found 7 isolates. Several bacteria isolates, namely: Staphylococcus sp, Bacillus sp, Enterobacter sp. In addition, isolates from fungi Aspergillus sp, Penicillium sp, Syncephalastrum sp, and Candida krusei yeast were isolate

    Standarisasi Spesifik dan Non Spesifik Simplisia dan Ekstrak Etanol Bawang Putih Tunggal Terfermentasi (Allium sativum Linn.)

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    Garlic that has undergo a fermentation process (Black garlic) has been shown to have a total content of flavonoids and polyphenols greater than fresh garlic. One of garlic varieties is single bulb Garlic (Allium sativum Linn.) which contains only one small bulb. This study aims to determine specific and non specific standardization of dried fermented single bulb Garlic and ethanol extract of fermented single bulb Garlic (Allium sativum Linn.). Samples were collected from three different regions: Temanggung, Bromo and Banyuwangi. The results of the study showed that dried fermented single bulb garlic have round shape oval, brown color blackish, and aromatic odor; water soluble content >25%, ethanol soluble content >26%, total polyphenols >4.5% b/b, total flavonoids >0.6% b/b; dred fermented single bulb Garlic contain polyphenols, flavonoids, and saponins; total ash content 2% b/b; the ethanol extract contain polyphenols and flavonoids; total ash conten