112 research outputs found

    Immunofluorescence evaluation of Myf5 and MyoD in masseter muscle of unilateral posterior crossbite patients

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    A unilateral posterior crossbite is a malocclusion where the low activity of the affected masseter muscle is compensated by the contralateral muscle hypertrophy. It is still unknown if, in the same condition, myogenesis with new fibre formation takes place. Aim: the aim of the present study was to evaluate the expression of myogenesis markers, such as Myf5 and MyoD, in masseter muscles of unilateral posterior crossbite patients. Materials and methods: biopsies from fifteen surgical patients with unilateral posterior crossbites have been analysed by immunofluorescence reactions. The results show the expression of Myf5 and MyoD in the contralateral muscle but not in the ipsilateral one. Moreover, statistical analysis shows the higher number of satellite cells in the contralateral side if compared to the ipsilateral one. Conclusions: these results suggest that in contralateral muscle, hyperplastic events take place, as well as hypertrophy

    Map of the sarcoglycan sub-complex in rat brain

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    The sarcoglycan-sub-complex is made up of six glycoproteins which play mechanosignaling functions, connecting the extracellular matrix to cytoskeleton. This protein complex has been identified in different kind of tissues; in central nervous system, instead, only the ζ-sarcoglycans and the ε-sarcoglycans are considered to be present, where they seem to play a different role from the role played in muscle. Although that, previous our study have shown the expression of the entire sarcoglycan sub-complex in some region of the rat brain and the colocalization of this complex with post-synaptic receptors as GABA and DOPA receptors. Since we found that each sarcoglycan changes in staining pattern level among the brain regions, in the present study we performed, for the first time, a map of sarcoglycans expression in whole brain of rat and we examined which kind of post-synaptic receptor colocalizes with sarcoglycans in each part of brain. Results have shown that in rat brain the staining pattern level for each sarcoglycan and the different kind of colocalization between sarcoglycans and post-synaptic receptors, sarcoglycan/GABA or sarcoglycan/ DOPA, are characteristic of each brain region. These results support a role of the sarcoglycan sub-complex in post-synaptic neurotransmission, maybe modulating post-synaptic receptor assembly and stabilization

    Microsatellite instability in thyroid tumours and tumour-like lesions

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    Fifty-one thyroid tumours and tumour-like lesions were analysed for instability at ten dinucleotide microsatellite loci and at two coding mononucleotide repeats within the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) type II receptor (TβRII) and insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) receptor (IGFIIR) genes respectively. Microsatellite instability (MI) was detected in 11 out of 51 cases (21.5%), including six (11.7%) with MI at one or two loci and five (9.8%) with Ml at three or more loci (RER+ phenotype). No mutations in the TβRII and IGFIIR repeats were observed. The overall frequency of MI did not significantly vary in relation to age, gender, benign versus malignant status and tumour size. However, widespread MI was significantly more frequent in follicular adenomas and carcinomas than in papillary and Hürthle cell tumours: three out of nine tumours of follicular type (33.3%) resulted in replication error positive (RER+), versus 1 out of 29 papillary carcinomas (3.4%, P = 0.01), and zero out of eight Hürthle cell neoplasms. Regional lymph node metastases were present in five MI-negative primary cancers and resulted in MI-positive in two cases. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Impatti degli strumenti di e-government sui processi di co-produzione e sui rapporti di interazione fra Enti locali e cittadinanza. Il caso della piattaforma tecnologica ePart nel Comune di Udine.

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    In recent years, many legislative reforms have affected local authorities. In this context, the spread of open data technologies and e.government tools seems to allow for greater involvement of citizens in the management of public services. This research aims to study the impact of these new technologies on public service management and on relationships local authorities and citizens. Through a single case study, the effects of the ePart project (platform for the joint management of urban environments) on the Udine municipality have been analyzed. The research results show an improvement in the management of public services in terms of transparency and accountability, by intensifying the interaction with stakeholder involved

    S/N ratio improvement in the phase sensitive technique for low frequency measurements

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    This paper illustrates the operational principles of a phase sensitive tuned amplifying arrangement built up to improve the signal to noise ratio in the range of the low frequencies where the flicker noise is very troublesome. It is particularly useful when thermo-modulated absorption or reflection measurements must be carried out