91 research outputs found

    Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (1976): Speech 01

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    POGs/PlantRBP: a resource for comparative genomics in plants

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    POGs/PlantRBP () is a relational database that integrates data from rice, Arabidopsis, and maize by placing the complete Arabidopsis and rice proteomes and available maize sequences into ‘putative orthologous groups’ (POGs). Annotation efforts will focus on predicted RNA binding proteins (RBPs): i.e. those with known RNA binding domains or otherwise implicated in RNA function. POGs form the heart of the database, and were assigned using a mutual-best-hit-strategy after performing BLAST comparisons of the predicted Arabidopsis and rice proteomes. Each POG entry includes orthologs in Arabidopsis and rice, annotated with domain organization, gene models, phylogenetic trees, and multiple intracellular targeting predictions. A graphical display maps maize sequences on to their most similar rice gene model. The database can be queried using any combination of gene name, accession, domain, and predicted intracellular location, or using BLAST. Useful features of the database include the ability to search for proteins with both a specified domain content and intracellular location, the concurrent display of mutual best hits and phylogenetic trees which facilitates evaluation of POG assignments, the association of maize sequences with POGs, and the display of targeting predictions and domain organization for all POG members, which reveals consistency, or lack thereof, of those predictions

    Structural determinants crucial to the RNA chaperone activity of glycine-rich RNA-binding proteins 4 and 7 in Arabidopsis thaliana during the cold adaptation process

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    Although glycine-rich RNA-binding proteins (GRPs) have been determined to function as RNA chaperones during the cold adaptation process, the structural features relevant to this RNA chaperone activity remain largely unknown. To uncover which structural determinants are necessary for RNA chaperone activity of GRPs, the importance of the N-terminal RNA recognition motif (RRM) and the C-terminal glycine-rich domains of two Arabidopsis thaliana GRPs (AtGRP4 harbouring no RNA chaperone activity and AtGRP7 harbouring RNA chaperone activity) was assessed via domain swapping and mutation analyses. The results of domain swapping and deletion experiments showed that the domain sequences encompassing the N-terminal RRM of GRPs were found to be crucial to the ability to complement cold-sensitive Escherichia coli mutant cells under cold stress, RNA melting ability, and freezing tolerance ability in the grp7 loss-of-function Arabidopsis mutant. In particular, the N-terminal 24 amino acid extension of AtGRP4 impedes the RNA chaperone activity. Collectively, these results reveal that domain sequences and overall folding of GRPs governed by a specific modular arrangement of RRM and glycine-rich sequences are critical to the RNA chaperone activity of GRPs during the cold adaptation process in cells

    Bibby (Geoffrey) : Dilmoun, la découverte de la plus ancienne civilisation. Trad. de l'américain par Emy Molondé

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    Vermel Pierre. Bibby (Geoffrey) : Dilmoun, la découverte de la plus ancienne civilisation. Trad. de l'américain par Emy Molondé. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 61, n°223, 2e trimestre 1974. pp. 342-343

    Rasjidi (Haji Muhammad) : Documents pour servir Ă  l'histoire de l'islam Ă  Java

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    Vermel Pierre. Rasjidi (Haji Muhammad) : Documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'islam à Java. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 65, n°238, 1er trimestre 1978. pp. 144-146

    War, Technology and Society in the Middle East, Ă©d. by V. J. Parry and M. E. Yapp

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    Vermel Pierre. War, Technology and Society in the Middle East, éd. by V. J. Parry and M. E. Yapp. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 63, n°231, 2e trimestre 1976. pp. 358-359

    Rasjidi (Haji Muhammad) : Documents pour servir Ă  l'histoire de l'islam Ă  Java

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    Vermel Pierre. Rasjidi (Haji Muhammad) : Documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'islam à Java. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 65, n°238, 1er trimestre 1978. pp. 144-146

    Racines de conteur et conteur de racines

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    Vermel François. Racines de conteur et conteur de racines. In: Horizons Maghrébins - Le droit à la mémoire, N°49, 2003. Conte, conteurs et néo-conteurs. Usages et pratiques du conte et de l'oralité entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée. pp. 150-151

    L’intĂ©rĂȘt du simulateur 3D dans l’apprentissage et le perfectionnement des prĂ©lĂšvements naso-pharyngĂ©s pour le dĂ©pistage de la COVID-19 : une Ă©tude prospective multicentrique française

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    MĂ©decine (gynĂ©cologie-obstĂ©trique)Cette thĂšse a pour objectif d’évaluer l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’un simulateur conçu en impression 3D dans l’apprentissage et le perfectionnement des prĂ©lĂšvements naso-pharyngĂ©s pour le dĂ©pistage de la COVID-19. Pour ce faire, l’avis de 589 prĂ©leveurs quant au rĂ©alisme et Ă  l’intĂ©rĂȘt de ce simulateur a Ă©tĂ© recueilli au sein de 11 centres alsaciens et parisiens, lors de sĂ©ance de simulation, Ă  l’aide d’un questionnaire composĂ© de 16 items. Le simulateur est jugĂ© trĂšs rĂ©aliste et facile d’utilisation avec un vĂ©ritable intĂ©rĂȘt pĂ©dagogique. Les scores de satisfaction Ă©taient Ă©levĂ©s dans toutes les catĂ©gories, que les utilisateurs soient des personnels mĂ©dicaux ou des paramĂ©dicaux, des Ă©tudiants ou des sĂ©niors, des novices ou des expĂ©rimentĂ©s. Ce simulateur, reproductible librement et gratuitement, est un outil Ă©ducatif essentiel qui devrait aider Ă  mieux dĂ©tecter le virus, et ses nouveaux variants, et donc participer activement au contrĂŽle de la pandĂ©mie.The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the value of a 3D printing naso-pharyngeal swab collection simulator in the learning and the improvement of naso-pharyngeal sampling for COVID-19 screening. The opinion of 589 participants regarding the realism and interest of this simulator was collected in 11 centers, in Alsace and around Paris. A questionnaire composed of 16 items was dispensed at the end of a simulation session. The simulator was considered very realistic and easy to use with a real educational benefit. Satisfaction scores were high in all categories, whether users were medical or paramedical staff, students or seniors, novices or experienced in naso-pharyngeal sampling. This simulator, in open access and free of charge, is an essential educational tool that should help to improve the virus detection and its new variants, and thus actively participate in the control of the pandemic

    L’intĂ©rĂȘt du simulateur 3D dans l’apprentissage et le perfectionnement des prĂ©lĂšvements naso-pharyngĂ©s pour le dĂ©pistage de la COVID-19 : une Ă©tude prospective multicentrique française

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    MĂ©decine. GynĂ©cologie-obstĂ©triqueCette thĂšse a pour objectif d’évaluer l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’un simulateur conçu en impression 3D dans l’apprentissage et le perfectionnement des prĂ©lĂšvements naso-pharyngĂ©s pour le dĂ©pistage de la COVID-19. Pour ce faire, l’avis de 589 prĂ©leveurs quant au rĂ©alisme et Ă  l’intĂ©rĂȘt de ce simulateur a Ă©tĂ© recueilli au sein de 11 centres alsaciens et parisiens, lors de sĂ©ance de simulation, Ă  l’aide d’un questionnaire composĂ© de 16 items. Le simulateur est jugĂ© trĂšs rĂ©aliste et facile d’utilisation avec un vĂ©ritable intĂ©rĂȘt pĂ©dagogique. Les scores de satisfaction Ă©taient Ă©levĂ©s dans toutes les catĂ©gories, que les utilisateurs soient des personnels mĂ©dicaux ou des paramĂ©dicaux, des Ă©tudiants ou des sĂ©niors, des novices ou des expĂ©rimentĂ©s. Ce simulateur, reproductible librement et gratuitement, est un outil Ă©ducatif essentiel qui devrait aider Ă  mieux dĂ©tecter le virus, et ses nouveaux variants, et donc participer activement au contrĂŽle de la pandĂ©mie.The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the value of a 3D printing naso-pharyngeal swab collection simulator in the learning and the improvement of naso-pharyngeal sampling for COVID-19 screening. The opinion of 589 participants regarding the realism and interest of this simulator was collected in 11 centers, in Alsace and around Paris. A questionnaire composed of 16 items was dispensed at the end of a simulation session. The simulator was considered very realistic and easy to use with a real educational benefit. Satisfaction scores were high in all categories, whether users were medical or paramedical staff, students or seniors, novices or experienced in naso-pharyngeal sampling. This simulator, in open access and free of charge, is an essential educational tool that should help to improve the virus detection and its new variants, and thus actively participate in the control of the pandemic
