62 research outputs found
According to the present interest of the government to encourage the fruitconsumption by the scholars, especially the apple consumption, two functional model of technical equipment for sorting apples have been designed, manufactured and tested in INMA Bucharest. These equipments can be used for sorting also others fruits with spherical shape such as oranges, peaches, grapefruits etc. The mechanized sorting process conducts to valorisation of the farmer’s production and to increase their turnover, thus is necessary to analyse and improve this process, by optimizing the working parameters
Achieving a distribution standards per hectare as uniform and as specified by eachculture is the most important objective when it comes to administering fertilizer machine. In this sense the paper aims to highlight the theoretical and experimental research conducted by specialists from home and abroad on the process of working machines administrator chemical fertilizer granulation, according to parameters that can influence this process: as blades, the angle of their and so on
Invasive Candidiasis in the Elderly:Considerations for Drug Therapy
Candida infections in the elderly are an important and expanding clinical problem, with significantly higher mortality in this group than in younger patients. The increasing problem of invasive Candida infections may be related to higher prevalence of immunocompromised older people and the emergence of treatment resistance. Older people, especially the frail and critically ill, are at higher risk of medication-related harmful effects due to changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, which may be further complicated by organ dysfunction, diminished homeostatic control, co-morbidities and polypharmacy. Here, we review the available options for the treatment of Candida infections and provide insights into the challenges surrounding the optimal use of antifungal drugs in the elderly
Enhancement of Opsonophagocytosis of Bacteroides Spp. By Clindamycin in Subinhibitory Concentrations
Radioactively labelled bacteria were incubated overnight in the presence or absence of one-half the MIC of clindamycin, then preopsonized with normal human serum or homologous rabbit antiserum and incubated with human polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Clindamycin in subinhibitory concentrations significantly enhanced the phagocytosis of all four Bacteroides strains. Complement-dependent as well as antibody-dependent phagocytosis was enhanced by clindamycin in one Bacteroides strain. In the other three strains, only antibody dependent phagocytosis was enhanced by clindamycin. Transmission electron microscopy confirmed phagocytosis of the bacteroides
The Role of Glycocalyx in Surface Phagocytosis of Baeteroides Spp., in the Presence and Absence of Clindamycin
The influence of isolated glycocalyx from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron and B.fragilis on surface phagocytosis of clindamycin-treated and -untreated homologous and heterologous species was studied. When homologous or heterologous isolated glycocalyx was added to clindamycin-treated B. thetaiotaomicron or B. fragilis before incubation with PMNL, phagocytosis was reduced to levels observed in the untreated control bacteria, but addition of glycocalyx to untreated control strains showed no reduction of phagocytosis. When isolated bacteroides-glycocalyx was added to Staphylococcus aureus or S. epidermidis, phagocytosis of both clindamycin-treated and -untreated bacteria was significantly reduced. The isolated glycocalyx preparations were analysed by thin layer and gas-liquid chromatography; these preparations were free of lipopolysaccharides. The isolated glycocalyx did not affect PMNL viability. Our findings suggest that the glycocalyx is an important virulence factor because it impairs phagocytosis of Bacteroides spp. by PMNL. Clindamycin may enhance opsonophagocytosis of baeteroides by altering the glycocalyx
Phagocytosis of Bacteroides in Suspension and on a Glass Surface Determined by a Modified Fluorochrome Assay
Phagocytosis of Bacteroides fragilis and Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) was studied using a modified fluorochrome assay. Bacteria were grown overnight, washed and opsonized in normal, human, pooled serum. Preopsonized bacteria, either in suspension or preadhered onto a glass cover slip, were then incubated with PMNL. Afer appropriate incubation, the mixtures were centrifuged onto the cover glasses. The cover glasses were stained with acridine orange, while duplicate cover glasses were also stained with Giemsa solution. The total number and distribution of bacteria and PMNL, as well as morphological changes in PMNL, were observed with the Giemsa stain. The acridine orange stained only ingested bacteria which provided an accurate indication of phagocytosis. Bacteroides cells adhered to a glass surface were phagocytized significantly more efficiently than Bacteroides in suspension
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