14 research outputs found

    Мотивационные аспекты изучения математики студентами «гуманитарных» специальностей

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    Mathematical models, which are means to reflect almost all processes and phenomena, penetrate intensively into all life spheres and play an important role in both natural science, engineering research and humanities. In this regard, new requirements are being put forward for training future specialists of various qualifications, to form professional competencies of which it’s necessary to master mathematics foundations. The article substantiates the importance to form mathematical competence of students of humanitarian specialties. Under the humanitarian specialties here, we mean specialties related to business, such as «Trade», «Management», «Marketing», «Advertising and public relations», etc. At the same time, the authors note that each specialty has a component reflecting and modeling real situations in the industry, which is quite interesting and accessible to junior students of the listed specialties and can be demonstrated even in the math basic course. The article emphasize that the topic relevance is dictated by the transition to a competency-based learning model, which, among other things, implies the development of independent learning skills among university students. The paper shows that the introduction of professional orientation in teaching mathematical disciplines is complicated by the lack of appropriate technologies and standards, as well as by a drop in the level of school mathematics training. It analyzes some aspects of this issue and emphasizes that motivational aspects should be put at the forefront while developing mathematics courses for students of humanitarian specialties of the university. The authors conclude that the competent mathematics course elaboration for students studying in the humanities will help to understand the importance of mathematical foundations for their further growth, awaken their desire to analyze, highlight the main thing, reason, see many ways to solve professional problems.Математические модели, являющиеся средством отражения практически всех процессов и явлений, сильнее проникают во все сферы жизни и играют важную роль не только в естественно-научных и инженерно-технических исследованиях, но и гуманитарных. В связи с этим выдвигают новые требования к подготовке будущих специалистов разных квалификаций, для формирования профессиональных компетенций которых освоение основ математики является необходимым. В статье обоснована важность формирования математической компетентности студентов гуманитарных специальностей. Под гуманитарными специальностями имеются в виду специальности, так или иначе связанные с бизнесом, как, например, «Торговое дело», «Менеджмент», «Маркетинг», «Реклама и связи с общественностью» и пр. При этом отмечено, что в каждой специальности существует составляющая, которая, отражая и моделируя реальные ситуации в отрасли, достаточно интересна и доступна студентам младших курсов перечисленных специальностей и может быть продемонстрирована даже в базовом курсе математики. Подчеркнуто, что актуальность этой тематики продиктована переходом к компетентностной модели обучения, которая в том числе подразумевает развитие у студентов вузов навыков самостоятельного обучения. Отмечено, что внедрение профессиональной направленности обучения математическим дисциплинам осложняется отсутствием соответствующих технологий и стандартов, а также падением уровня школьной математической подготовки. Проанализированы некоторые аспекты этой проблемы и сделан акцент на том, что при разработке курсов математики для студентов гуманитарных специальностей вуза должны быть приоритетными мотивационные аспекты. Сделан вывод о том, что релевантное построение курса математики для студентов, обучающихся на гуманитарных специальностях, поможет понять важность математических основ для их дальнейшего роста, пробудить в них желание анализировать, выделять главное, рассуждать, видеть множество путей для решения профессиональных задач

    Adaptation and mitigation to climate change of envelope wall thermal insulation of residential buildings in a temperate oceanic climate

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    In the context of climate change, it is difficult to maintain the energy performance of houses, especially in countries with building codes that regulate the maximum allowed amount of energy that a building can consume. For this reason, there is a need for a review of building standards and adaptation to the context of energy performance in planning future projects. The objective of this research was to ascertain the thermal transmittance of external walls for single-family homes and to establish the energetically optimal thickness of thermal insulation by using an energy simulation to maintain heating energy consumption in conditions of climate change while following the state regulations in the Los Ríos region of Chile. It was demonstrated that for each time period and in each geographical location of the region the optimal U-value of the external walls is different. For a house to have a heating energy consumption corresponding to 90 kWh/m2/year, it must have an optimal average U-value of the walls of 0.49 ± 0.11 W/m2K (year 2006 in the study region); however, for the period 2035"“2050, this value is expected to reach 0.78 ± 0.14 W/m2K. In addition, it was shown that designing the house with an energy performance perspective of 15 years helps to reduce the carbon footprint of the use of thermal insulation in the walls by 20%. The results obtained demonstrate the importance of considering the effects of future climate change in the housing design process in terms of both energy and environmental. © 2021 Elsevier B.V

    Dynamic failure of dry and fully saturated limestone samples based on incubation time concept

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    This paper outlines the results of experimental study of the dynamic rock failure based on the comparison of dry and saturated limestone samples obtained during the dynamic compression and split tests. The tests were performed using the Kolsky method and its modifications for dynamic splitting. The mechanical data (e.g. strength, time and energy characteristics) of this material at high strain rates are obtained. It is shown that these characteristics are sensitive to the strain rate. A unified interpretation of these rate effects, based on the structural–temporal approach, is hereby presented. It is demonstrated that the temporal dependence of the dynamic compressive and split tensile strengths of dry and saturated limestone samples can be predicted by the incubation time criterion. Previously discovered possibilities to optimize (minimize) the energy input for the failure process is discussed in connection with industrial rock failure processes. It is shown that the optimal energy input value associated with critical load, which is required to initialize failure in the rock media, strongly depends on the incubation time and the impact duration. The optimal load shapes, which minimize the momentum for a single failure impact, are demonstrated. Through this investigation, a possible approach to reduce the specific energy required for rock cutting by means of high-frequency vibrations is also discussed