35 research outputs found

    Challenges and barriers of new public management: empirical evidence from Serbia

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    Taking into account the requirements and challenges of dynamic business environment, New Public Management becomes a dominant paradigm in managing the public organizations. The paper aims to identify the main features, i.e., challenges and barriers of new public management generally, and particularly in Serbian public organizations. Therefore, the paper focuses on analyzing the NPM as a contemporary management paradigm in public sector which contributes to enhancing effectiveness and efficiency of public organizations.  The results of empirical research conducted in public sector organizations in the Republic of Serbia are presented with the aim to reveal employees’ perceptions regarding challenges and barriers of NPM implementation. The results demonstrate that, although some aspects of NPM can be observed, the practice of NPM is not sufficiently developed in Serbian public sector organizations. Additionally, the results indicate the need for emphasizing the employees as one of the main factors of success by public managers, with enabling the appropriate training for employees, effective communication as well as an adequate leadership style

    Prisustvo deoksinivalenola u uzorcima strnih žita u žetvenoj 2009/10. godini

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB) is present in all growing regions of small grains and causes significant losses in yield and grain quality. In our environmental conditions, dominant species is Fusarium graminearum Group 2. During 2009/10 there was a significant Fusarium infestation on wheat, barley and triticale. The aim of this study was to examine the contents of deoxynivalenol (DON) in cereal samples taken after 2009/10 harvest season. We analyzed 22 NS varieties of small grains from Rimski Šančevi, including 16 varieties of winter wheat, one facultative wheat variety, four varieties of winter barley and one variety of triticale. Analytical methods based on clean-up by solid-phase extraction (SPE) columns and detection by liquid chromatography were used. Fifteen out the 22 analyzed samples were positive for the presence of DON at a mean level of 0.537 mg/kg. The highest concentration was 1.952 mg/kg. These findings were in correlation with percentage of the Fusarium damaged kernels.Patogeni iz roda Fusarium su prisutni u svim rejonima gajenja strnih žita i nanose značajne gubitke u prinosu i kvalitetu zrna. Fuzariozu klasa pšenice prouzrokuje veći broj vrsta iz roda Fusarium. U našim uslovima gajenja dominantna je vrsta Fusarium graminearum Grupa 2. U toku 2009/10. godine došlo je do značajne pojave fuzarioza na pšenici, ječmu i tritikaleu. Cilj rada je bio da se ispita sadržaj DON-a na uzorcima strnih žita uzetih posle žetve iz uslova prirodne zaraze. Analizirane su 22 novosadske sorte strnih žita iz lokaliteta Rimski Šančevi, od čega: 16 sorti ozime pšenice, jedna fakultativna sorta pšenice, četiri sorte ozimog ječma i jedna sorta tritikalea. Uzorci su uzeti sa parcela različitih površina u zavisnosti od značaja i rasprostranjenosti gajene sorte. Analitičko određivanje je zasnovano na prečišćavanju sirovog ekstrakta analiziranih uzoraka pomoću tzv. Mucosep kolona, a zatim je sadržaj DON-a kvantitativno određen tečnom hromatografijom. Od 22 analizirana uzorka strnih žita čak 15 (68,2%) je bilo pozitivno na prisustvo DON-a. Još veći procenat zaraženosti DON-om je utvrđen kada je u pitanju samo pšenica (82,4%). Prosečan sadržaj DON-a je iznosio 0,537 mg/kg a najveća koncentracija je utvrđena u uzorku tritikalea i iznosila je visokih 1,952 mg/kg. Od svih uzoraka koji su bili pozitivni na prisustvo ovog mikotoksina, 2 su prevazilazila koncentracije koje su propisane od strane Evropske komisije. Sve ovo ukazuje na visoku zaraženost strnih žita sa naših polja iz žetve 2010. Procenat fuzarioznih zrna kod 16 ispitivanih sorti pšenice kretao se od 1 do 11,5%, a gubici u masi 1000 zrna od 1,2 do 5,7%. Između jačine zaraze u polju i sadržaja mikotoksina DON ustanovljena je potpuna pozitivna korelacija kod pojedinih sorti. Fakultativna sorta pšenice Nataša je imala visoku koncentraciju DON od 1,572 mg/kg, pri stepenu zaraze u polju od 33,3% zaraženih klasova po 1 m2. Sorta Zvezdana imala je najniži procenat zaraze u polju od 1% i kod nje nije determinisano prisustvo mikotoksina DON

    Industrially contaminated areas in Serbia as a potential public health threat to the exposed population

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    Mining and mineral processing is still a vital source of income in Serbia, due to mineral abundance in copper, lead, zinc, antimony. Copper mining and metal-processing are located in the east: Bor, Veliki Krivelj, Cerovo, Majdanpek. Abandoned sites from antimony mining and processing and secondary lead smelter are at the western border: Zajača, Krupanj, Stolice. Coal mining and power plants are surrounding Belgrade: Obrenovac (2 power plants), Grabovac (plant ash landfill), Kolubara and Kostolac. Main objective is to focus on potential public health hazards from industrial contamination in Serbia. Key public health issue is presence of As and Cd in ambient air PM10 close to industrially contaminated sites due to the fact that ores have high naturally occurring contents of heavy metals and metalloids. Data originate from Serbian Environmental Protection Agency, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Belgrade Institute of Public Health, as part of continuous measurement of air quality within State network of automatic stations. Concentration of As in PM10 are extremely above the limit value in Bor and Lazarevac, with Cd values slightly increased in Bor. Serbia lacks the legal framework for continuous and institutionalized follow-up of population groups vulnerable to hazardous environmental exposure, although measured concentration indicate urgent need for such activities

    Docking studies, cytotoxicity evaluation and interactions of binuclear copper(ii) complexes with s-isoalkyl derivatives of thiosalicylic acid with some relevant biomolecules

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    The numerous side effects of platinum based chemotherapy has led to the design of new therapeutics with platinum replaced by another transition metal. Here, we investigated the interactions of previously reported copper(II) complexes containing S-isoalkyl derivatives, the salicylic acid with guanosine-5′-monophosphate and calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) and their antitumor effects, in a colon carcinoma model. All three copper(II) complexes exhibited an affinity for binding to CT-DNA, but there was no indication of intercalation or the displacement of ethidium bromide. Molecular docking studies revealed a significant affinity of the complexes for binding to the minor groove of B-form DNA, which coincided with DNA elongation, and a higher affinity for binding to Z-form DNA, supporting the hypothesis that the complex binding to CT-DNA induces a local transition from B-form to Z-form DNA. These complexes show a moderate, but selective cytotoxic effect toward colon cancer cells in vitro. Binuclear complex of copper(II) with S-isoamyl derivative of thiosalicylic acid showed the highest cytotoxic effect, arrested tumor cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, and significantly reduced the expression of inflammatory molecules pro-IL-1β, TNF-α, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1 in the tissue of primary heterotopic murine colon cancer, which was accompanied by a significantly reduced tumor growth and metastases in the lung and liver

    NS Emara, sorta ozime obične pšenice

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    Novostvorena sorta pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) NS Emara priznata od strane Uprave za zaštitu bilja Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije.A newly-developed wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum L.) NS Emara registered by the Plant Protection Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia.Broj rešenja 320-04-06603/ 2/2020-11 Datum rešenja 5.10.2022

    NS Alnora, sorta ozime obične pšenice

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    Novostvorena sorta pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) NS Alnora priznata od strane Uprave za zaštitu bilja Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije.A newly-developed wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum L.) NS Alnora registered by the Plant Protection Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia.Rešenje broj 320-04-06600/ 2/2020-11 Datum rešenja 05.10.2022

    Part XVI - Stereospecific ligands and their complexes: Synthesis, characterization and In Vitro antiproliferative activity of new platinum(iv) complexes with some O,O'-dialkyl esters of (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-propanoic acid against breast cancer (MDA-MB-231) and colon cancer (HCT-116 and SW-480) cell lines

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    Synthesis of four new platinum(IV) complexes (C1-C4) with bidentate N,N'-ligand precursors, O,O'-dialkyl esters (L1-L4) (alkyl = ethyl, propyl, butyl and pentyl) of (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-propanoic acid, H2-S,S-eddp were reported. The platinum(IV) complexes were characterized by elemental analysis and their structures determined on the basis of infra-red, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Cyto-toxicity against human breast carcinoma MDA-MB-231, human colon carcinoma HCT-116 and SW-480 tumour cell lines was determined using the MTT assay, which indicated the larger the size of the complex or ligand, the greater the cytotoxicity

    NS Elora, sorta ozime obične pšenice

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    Novostvorena sorta pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) NS Elora priznata od strane Uprave za zaštitu bilja Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije.A newly-developed wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum L.) NS Elora registered by the Plant Protection Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia.Broj rešenja 320-04-06601/ 2/2020-11 Datum rešenja 05.10.2022

    NS Ignjat, sorta ozimog tritikalea

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    Novostvorena sorta ozimog tritikalea (x Triticosecale Witm.) NS Ignjat priznata od strane Uprave za zaštitu bilja Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije.A newly-developed triticale cultivar (x Triticosecale Witm.) NS Ignjat registered by the Plant Protection Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia.Broj rešenja 320-04-06594/ 2/2020-11 Datum rešenja 5.10.2022

    NS Arijana, sorta ozime obične pšenice

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    Novostvorena sorta pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) NS Arijana priznata od strane Uprave za zaštitu bilja Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije.A newly-developed wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum L.) NS Arijana registered by the Plant Protection Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia.Broj rešenja 320-04-06602/ 2/2020-11 Datum rešenja 05.10.2022