117 research outputs found

    Interaction between hypoxia, AKT and HIF-1 signaling in HNSCC and NSCLC: implications for future treatment strategies

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    Background: Hypoxia is a negative prognostic factor and this study investigated the relationship between hypoxia, hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) and AKT signaling in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Results/methodology: pAKT was induced by hypoxia (0.5% O2) in a part of HNSCC (3/4) and squamous (2/3) and adenocarcinoma (1/3) NSCLS lines. AKT-inhibitor MK-2206 reduced hypoxic HIF-1 signaling in most HNSCC cell lines. This reduction did not correlate with hypoxic induction of pAKT or with sensitivity to MK-2206 under hypoxia. Patient biopsies revealed a hypoxia-induced expression pattern of pAKT in HNSCC (n = 16), which was not observed in squamous cell (n = 34) or adenocarcinoma (n = 41) NSCLC. Conclusion: The interaction between hypoxia, HIF-1 and AKT signaling varies between tumor types and histologies, which could significantly affect response to targeted therapies.</p

    Expression of CD3-ζ on T-cells in primary cervical carcinoma and in metastasis-positive and -negative pelvic lymph nodes

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    Lymphocytic infiltrate is often present in cervical cancer lesions, possibly reflecting an ongoing, but ineffective, immune response to the tumour. Recently, evidence has accumulated for systemically impaired T-cell functions in cancer patients, associated with decreased expression of signal-transducing zeta (ζ) chain dimer molecules on circulating T-cells and NK-cells. Here, we report on the intralesional down-regulation of ζ chain expression on T-cells in cervical carcinoma. Paraffin-embedded or snap-frozen sections from 24 different cervical cancer specimens were studied. Paraffin-embedded tumour-positive (n = 7) and tumour-negative (n = 15) pelvic lymph nodes were also included in the study. Immunostaining was performed on consecutive sections with antibodies specific for CD3-ɛ or the CD3-associated ζ chain dimer. Antigen retrieval by sodium citrate/microwave treatment was essential for ζ staining of paraffin sections. The amount of ζ positive cells was quantitated and related to the number of CD3-ɛ+ cells in corresponding tumour areas. Of the 24 cervical cancer specimens studied, ζ chain dimer expression was reduced in seven cases and strongly reduced in the other 17 samples. In tonsil control sections, CD3-ɛ and CD3-ζ were always co-expressed in almost equal numbers. Also, both tumour-negative and -positive lymph nodes showed ζ chain expression which equalled that of CD3-ɛ expression. These data indicate that a decreased expression of signal-transducing ζ molecules on tumour-infiltrating T-cells is frequent in cervical cancer. The apparently unimpaired ζ chain expression within draining lymph nodes suggests that local tumour-derived factors at the primary site are instrumental in ζ chain down-regulation. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Protective Effects of Positive Lysosomal Modulation in Alzheimer's Disease Transgenic Mouse Models

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an age-related neurodegenerative pathology in which defects in proteolytic clearance of amyloid β peptide (Aβ) likely contribute to the progressive nature of the disorder. Lysosomal proteases of the cathepsin family exhibit up-regulation in response to accumulating proteins including Aβ1–42. Here, the lysosomal modulator Z-Phe-Ala-diazomethylketone (PADK) was used to test whether proteolytic activity can be enhanced to reduce the accumulation events in AD mouse models expressing different levels of Aβ pathology. Systemic PADK injections in APPSwInd and APPswe/PS1ΔE9 mice caused 3- to 8-fold increases in cathepsin B protein levels and 3- to 10-fold increases in the enzyme's activity in lysosomal fractions, while neprilysin and insulin-degrading enzyme remained unchanged. Biochemical analyses indicated the modulation predominantly targeted the active mature forms of cathepsin B and markedly changed Rab proteins but not LAMP1, suggesting the involvement of enhanced trafficking. The modulated lysosomal system led to reductions in both Aβ immunostaining as well as Aβx-42 sandwich ELISA measures in APPSwInd mice of 10–11 months. More extensive Aβ deposition in 20-22-month APPswe/PS1ΔE9 mice was also reduced by PADK. Selective ELISAs found that a corresponding production of the less pathogenic Aβ1–38 occurs as Aβ1–42 levels decrease in the mouse models, indicating that PADK treatment leads to Aβ truncation. Associated with Aβ clearance was the elimination of behavioral and synaptic protein deficits evident in the two transgenic models. These findings indicate that pharmacologically-controlled lysosomal modulation reduces Aβ1–42 accumulation, possibly through intracellular truncation that also influences extracellular deposition, and in turn offsets the defects in synaptic composition and cognitive functions. The selective modulation promotes clearance at different levels of Aβ pathology and provides proof-of-principle for small molecule therapeutic development for AD and possibly other protein accumulation disorders

    An ecological future for weed science to sustain crop production and the environment. A review

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    Sustainable strategies for managing weeds are critical to meeting agriculture's potential to feed the world's population while conserving the ecosystems and biodiversity on which we depend. The dominant paradigm of weed management in developed countries is currently founded on the two principal tools of herbicides and tillage to remove weeds. However, evidence of negative environmental impacts from both tools is growing, and herbicide resistance is increasingly prevalent. These challenges emerge from a lack of attention to how weeds interact with and are regulated by the agroecosystem as a whole. Novel technological tools proposed for weed control, such as new herbicides, gene editing, and seed destructors, do not address these systemic challenges and thus are unlikely to provide truly sustainable solutions. Combining multiple tools and techniques in an Integrated Weed Management strategy is a step forward, but many integrated strategies still remain overly reliant on too few tools. In contrast, advances in weed ecology are revealing a wealth of options to manage weedsat the agroecosystem levelthat, rather than aiming to eradicate weeds, act to regulate populations to limit their negative impacts while conserving diversity. Here, we review the current state of knowledge in weed ecology and identify how this can be translated into practical weed management. The major points are the following: (1) the diversity and type of crops, management actions and limiting resources can be manipulated to limit weed competitiveness while promoting weed diversity; (2) in contrast to technological tools, ecological approaches to weed management tend to be synergistic with other agroecosystem functions; and (3) there are many existing practices compatible with this approach that could be integrated into current systems, alongside new options to explore. Overall, this review demonstrates that integrating systems-level ecological thinking into agronomic decision-making offers the best route to achieving sustainable weed management

    A comprehensive overview of radioguided surgery using gamma detection probe technology

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    The concept of radioguided surgery, which was first developed some 60 years ago, involves the use of a radiation detection probe system for the intraoperative detection of radionuclides. The use of gamma detection probe technology in radioguided surgery has tremendously expanded and has evolved into what is now considered an established discipline within the practice of surgery, revolutionizing the surgical management of many malignancies, including breast cancer, melanoma, and colorectal cancer, as well as the surgical management of parathyroid disease. The impact of radioguided surgery on the surgical management of cancer patients includes providing vital and real-time information to the surgeon regarding the location and extent of disease, as well as regarding the assessment of surgical resection margins. Additionally, it has allowed the surgeon to minimize the surgical invasiveness of many diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, while still maintaining maximum benefit to the cancer patient. In the current review, we have attempted to comprehensively evaluate the history, technical aspects, and clinical applications of radioguided surgery using gamma detection probe technology
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