2,754 research outputs found
Skyrmion collapse
We investigate the topological change of a Belavin-Polyakov skyrmion under
the action of a spin-polarized current. The dynamics is described by the
Schr\"odinger equation for the electrons carrying the current coupled to the
Landau-Lifshitz equation for the evolution of the magnetic texture in a square
lattice. We show that the addition of an exchange dissipation term, tends to
smooth the transition from the skyrmion state to the ferromagnetic state. We
demonstrate that this topological change, in the continuum dissipationless
limit, can be described as a self-similar finite-time singularity by which the
skyrmion core collapses.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; v2. discussion added (the title of the published
version is "Skyrmion to ferromagnetic state transition: A description of the
topological change as a finite-time singularity in the skyrmion dynamics"
Interacting quantum walk on a graph
We introduce an elementary quantum system consisting of a set of spins on a
graph and a particle hopping between its nodes. The quantum state is build
sequentially, applying a unitary transformation that couples neighboring spins
and, at a node, the local spin with the particle. We observe the relaxation of
the system towards a stationary paramagnetic or ferromagnetic state, and
demonstrate that it is related to eigenvectors thermalization and random matrix
statistics. The relation between these macroscopic properties and interaction
generated entanglement is discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures (v2 extended version
Edge states in a two-dimensional quantum walk with disorder
We investigate the effect of spatial disorder on the edge states localized at
the interface between two topologically different regions. Rotation disorder
can localize the quantum walk if it is strong enough to change the topology,
otherwise the edge state is protected. Nonlinear spatial disorder, dependent on
the walker's state, attracts the walk to the interface even for very large
coupling, preserving the ballistic transport characteristic of the clean
regime.Comment: extended new version; 10 pages, 10 figure
Vortex sheet dynamics and turbulence
The nonlinear evolution of a vortex sheet driven by the Kelvin--Helmholtz
instability is characterized by the formation of a spiral possessing complex
stretching and intensity patterns. We show that the power energy spectrum of a
single two-dimensional vortex sheet tends to the usual fluid turbulent
spectrum, with an exponent of -3. Using numerical simulations and asymptotic
methods, we demonstrate the relation between this power law and the
singularities in the geometry and vorticity distribution of the sheet.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Letters, the Dynamique des vortex
Stock-bond correlation and the bond quality ratio: Removing the discount factor to generate a “deflated” stock index
This paper investigates the cyclical co-movements between US stocks and interest rates by testing a simple model where divergence between stock and bond price behavior is explained by “stock market strength,” where the latter depends on the market climate about future corporate profits—as captured by the corporate bond quality ratio—and an unexplained stock market sentiment. Using two different regression techniques to check for robustness, we find evidence of a statistically significant cyclical correlation between stocks and bonds. On the basis of this finding, we then present a methodology to “deflate” a stock price index such that we can compare stock market strength over time. This is obtained by removing the effect of a changing discount rate—as measured by our regressions—on stock prices. For example, viewed in this light, the past five years in the US stock market reveal a wider fluctuation in stock market strength than we can observe on the basis of stock price indices alone.Stock-bond correlation, Market sentiment, Stock price.
The Impact of Central Bank Announcements on Asset Prices in Real Time: Testing the Efficiency of the Euribor Futures Market
This paper examines the effect of European Central Bank communication on the price discovery process in the Euribor futures market using a new tick-by-tick dataset. First, we show that two pieces of news systematically hit financial markets on Governing Council meeting days: the ECB policy rate decision and the explanation of its monetary policy stance. Second, we find that the unexpected component of ECB explanations has a significant and sizeable impact on futures prices. This indicates that the ECB has already acquired some credibility: financial markets seem to believe that it does what it says it will do. Finally, our results suggest that the Euribor futures market is semi-strong form informational efficient.market efficiency, central bank communication, news shock, tickby-tick Euribor futures data, event-study analysis.
The Importance of the Wording of the ECB
This paper analyses the ECB communication, focusing in particular on its transparency dimension. We posit that if the ECB is transparent about its future policy decisions, then we should be able to forecast fairly well its future interest rate setting behaviour. We find that the predicting ability of the European monetary authority's words, is similar to the one implied by market-based measures of monetary policy expectations. Moreover, the ECB's wording provides complementary, rather than substitute, information with respect to economic and monetary variables.ECB communication, transparency, monetary policy forecast, empirical reaction function, Euribor rate curve
Is ECB Communication Effective?
In its Monthly Bulletin of November 2002, the European Central Bank (ECB) stated that the monthly press conference held by its President represents one of its most important communication channels and that it provides a comprehensive summary of the policy relevant assessment of economic developments. After providing a glossary to translate the qualitative information of the press conferences into an ordered scale, we verify empirically whether and to what extent market expectations react to the information released by the ECB. We found that the public not only understand but also believe the signals sent by the European monetary authority.communication, credibility, ECB, glossary, Repo, Euribor, news approach
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