10 research outputs found

    Onjuist geneesmiddelgebruik bij ouderen opsporen: de herziene STOPP- en START-criteria

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    - Het gebruik van potentieel ongeschikte geneesmiddelen door ouderen en potentiële omissies in de voorgeschreven geneesmiddelen vormen een omvangrijk probleem. Dit verhoogt het risico op bijwerkingen, maar is deels beïnvloedbaar. - Het gebruik van de in Ierland ontwikkelde STOPP- en START-criteria voor het optimaliseren van farmacotherapie bij ouderen vermindert het aantal geneesmiddelbijwerkingen en medicatiefouten. - Registratie van nieuwe geneesmiddelen, uitbreiding van het aantal potentieel ongeschikte geneesmiddelen en de beschikbaarheid van nieuwe literatuur gaven aanleiding tot herziening van de eerste versie van de STOPP- en START-criteria, die in 2008 verscheen. - Om een breder toepasbaar screeningsinstrument te ontwikkelen werd bij de 2e versie van de STOPP- en START-criteria gekozen voor een consensuspanel met experts op het gebied van farmacotherapie bij ouderen uit 14 Europese landen, waaronder 2 uit Nederland. - De vertaling van de 2e versie van de STOPP- en START-criteria is aangepast aan de Nederlandse situatie, onder meer door geneesmiddelen die in Nederland niet geregistreerd zijn, weg te laten

    Detecting inappropriate medication in older people:the revised STOPP/START criteria

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    The use of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) by older people and potential prescribing omissions (PPOs) represent a serious problem. It increases the risk of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), however it is susceptible to influence in a substantial number of cases. Use of the STOPP/START criteria developed in Ireland to optimise pharmacotherapy of older people reduces the number of ADRs and medication errors. Licensing of new drugs, the increased number of potentially inappropriate drugs, and the availability of new literature were grounds for an update of the first version of the STOPP/START criteria which was published in 2008. In order to develop a screening tool with a broader application, a consensus panel of experts in the field of pharmacotherapy of older people was selected from 14 European countries for the second version of the STOPP/START criteria, including two from the Netherlands. The translation of the second version of the STOPP/START criteria has been adapted to the situation in the Netherlands, partly by omitting drugs that are not licensed in the Netherlands.</p

    Onjuist geneesmiddelgebruik bij ouderen opsporen. De herziene STOPP- en START-criteria

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    The use of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) by older people and potential prescribing omissions (PPOs) represent a serious problem. It increases the risk of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), however it is susceptible to influence in a substantial number of cases. Use of the STOPP/START criteria developed in Ireland to optimise pharmacotherapy of older people reduces the number of ADRs and medication errors. Licensing of new drugs, the increased number of potentially inappropriate drugs, and the availability of new literature were grounds for an update of the first version of the STOPP/START criteria which was published in 2008. In order to develop a screening tool with a broader application, a consensus panel of experts in the field of pharmacotherapy of older people was selected from 14 European countries for the second version of the STOPP/START criteria, including two from the Netherlands. The translation of the second version of the STOPP/START criteria has been adapted to the situation in the Netherlands, partly by omitting drugs that are not licensed in the Netherlands