60 research outputs found

    Aplicación del análisis de imagen hiperespectral y tridimensional al control de procesos y productos en la industria harinera y sus derivados

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] This work is focused on studying of hyperspectral and structured light based tridimensional image analysis about their application on quality and process control of cereal flour industry and derived products. The structured light based tridimensional image analysis has been used to develop a bread dough dynamic fermentation control system. Descriptors obtained from dough shape evolution were used to describe differences between wheat flour batches during fermentation process. In the same way, that system was used to characterize the effect of new ingredients on fermentation process. Those behaviors were analyzed joint to the intern structure of dough during the process, establishing relationships between it and the tridimensional information. Differences in fermentation process were also studied using hyperspectral image analysis. Flours were analyzed using the obtained diffuse reflectance spectra, which contained information within 400-1000 nm of wavelength range. Differences in several spectral bands were correlated with fundamental components of flours such as gluten. That spectral characterization of flours was used to detect adulterations with different grains. Adulterations until 2, 5% of oat, sorghum and corn were detected both flour and bread crumb. The hyperspectral image analysis was also used to control the heat treatment of wheat and oat flours, where spectral information was related to properties of end products.[ES] El presente trabajo está centrado en el estudio de los sistemas de análisis de imagen hiperespectral y tridimensional basado en luz estructurada para su aplicación en el control de procesos y calidad de la industria harinera y de sus derivados. El sistema de imagen tridimensional basado en luz estructurada fue la base para el desarrollo de un sistema de monitorización en continuo de la fase de fermentación de masas panarias. A partir de descriptores desarrollados relacionados con la variación de la forma del producto durante la operación, se establecieron diferencias entre lotes de harinas de trigo y describió el comportamiento de masas reformuladas con nuevos ingredientes. Dicho comportamiento fue analizado en conjunto con la estructura interna de la masa durante la operación, estableciendo relaciones concretas entre esta y la información obtenida a partir de las imágenes. Las diferencias de comportamiento durante la operación de fermentación también fueron estudiadas mediante el sistema de imagen hiperespectral. En este caso, las harinas fueron analizadas directamente mediante imágenes espectrales, obteniendo espectros de reflectancia difusa en el rango de longitudes de onda 400-1000, donde se observaron diferencias en determinadas bandas del espectro. Dichas diferencias fueron correlacionadas con determinados componentes fundamentales como el gluten. La caracterización espectral de la harina de trigo se utilizó posteriormente para la detección de cereales diferentes mezclados con esta. Adulteraciones de hasta un 2,5% de avena, sorgo y maíz fueron detectadas tanto en harina como en panes de trigo. El análisis de imagen hiperespectral también ha sido aplicado al control del tratamiento térmico de harinas de trigo y avena, donde se ha conseguido relacionar la información espectral con las características del producto final.[CA] El present treball està centrat en l'estudi dels sistemes d'anàlisis d'imatge hiperespectral i tridimensional basat en llum estructurada per a la seua aplicació en el control de processos i qualitat de la indústria farinera i dels seus derivats. El sistema d'imatge tridimensional basat en llum estructurada va ser la base per al desenvolupament d'un sistema de monitoratge en continu de la fase de fermentació de masses panaries. A partir dels descriptors desenvolupats relacionats amb la variació de la forma del producte durant l'operació, es van establir diferències entre lots de farines de blat i es va descriure el comportament de masses reformulades amb nous ingredients. Aquest comportament va ser analitzat en conjunt amb l'estructura interna de la massa durant l'operació, establint relacions concretes entre aquesta i la informació obtinguda a partir de les imatges. Les diferències de comportament durant l'operació de fermentació també van ser estudiades mitjançant el sistema d'imatge hiperespectral. En aquest cas, les farines van ser analitzades directament mitjançant imatges espectrals, obtenint espectres de reflectància difusa en el rang de longituds d'ona 400-1000, on es van observar diferències en determinades bandes de l'espectre. Aquestes diferències van ser correlacionades amb determinats components fonamentals com el gluten. La caracterització espectral de la farina de blat es va utilitzar posteriorment per a la detecció de cereals diferents barrejats amb aquesta. Adulteracions de fins a un 2,5% de civada, sorgo i dacsa van ser detectades tant en farina com en pans de blat. L'anàlisi d'imatge hiperespectral també ha sigut aplicat al control del tractament tèrmic de farines de blat i civada, on s'ha aconseguit relacionar la informació espectral amb les característiques del producte final.Verdú Amat, S. (2016). Aplicación del análisis de imagen hiperespectral y tridimensional al control de procesos y productos en la industria harinera y sus derivados [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/65354TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctoralesCompendi

    Empleo del análisis de imagen 3d para el control de procesos en la ia

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    [ES] Las exigencias de los consumidores y la necesidad de mejorar los rendimientos en la industria alimentaria hacen necesario el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas rápidas y fiables para el control de calidad a pie de línea. En este sentido los análisis basados en técnicas no destructivas son los que mayor potencial presentan para ajustarse a las necesidades requeridas para tal tarea. El análisis de alimentos mediante tecnología de visión artificial es un campo que se ha venido estudiando con resultados satisfactorios, siendo diversas las aplicaciones en algunos de los sectores de la industria de alimentos. La aplicación en la industria cárnica es variada, existiendo diversas líneas de investigación basadas en distintas variantes de ésta tecnología que proporcionan información sobre atributos sensoriales, propiedades fisicoquímicas e índices de frescura entre otros. En el presente trabajo se han testado dos métodos de análisis de imágenes 3D (por tiempo de vuelo y por luz estructurada) para ser aplicados a la determinación del volumen de magro y grasa de cerdo. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron como el método basado en la captura del tiempo de vuelo de luz no es una metodología aplicable a este tipo de muestras, dado que la composición de las mismas (principalmente el agua) afectan en gran medida al tiempo de vuelo. En cambio, el método basado en el fenómeno de luz estructurada se ha mostrado como una herramienta óptima para este fin, por lo que esta tecnología podría ser aplicada y/o combinada con otras con la finalidad de ser aplicada a la industria de alimentos.[CA] Les exigències dels consumidors i la necessitat de millorar els rendiments en la indústria alimentària fan necessari el desenvolupament de noves tècniques ràpides i fiables per al control de qualitat a peu de línia. En aquest sentit els anàlisis basats en tècniques no destructives són els que major potencial presenten per a ajustar-se a les necessitats requerides per a tal tasca. L'anàlisi d'aliments per mitjà de tecnologia de visió artificial és un camp que s'ha vingut estudiant amb resultats satisfactoris, sent diverses les aplicacions en alguns dels sectors de la indústria d'aliments. L'aplicació en la indústria càrnia és variada, existint diverses línies d'investigació basades en distintes variants d'esta tecnologia que proporcionen informació sobre atributs sensorials, propietats fisicoquímiques i índexs de frescor entre altres. En el present treball s'han testat dos mètodes d'anàlisi d'imatges 3D (per temps de vol i per llum estructurada) per a ser aplicats a la determinació del volum de magre i greix de porc. Els resultats obtinguts van mostrar com el mètode basat en la captura del temps de vol de llum no és una metodologia aplicable a aquest tipus de mostres, atès que la composició de les mateixes (principalment l'aigua) afecten en gran manera a temps de vol. En canvi, el mètode basat en el fenomen de llum estructurada s'ha mostrat com una ferramenta òptima per a aquest fi, per la qual cosa esta tecnologia podria ser aplicada i/o combinades amb altres amb la finalitat de ser aplicada a l¿industria d¿aliments.[EN] Consumers¿ requirements and the necessity of the food industry to increase its productivity require the development of new rapid and reliable quality control assessments methods. In this sense, the assessments based in non-destructive techniques have the greatest potential to perform this task. The artificial vision analysis, applied to food industry, is a widely studied area with successfully results. There are many applications in food industry based in some variants of this technique. They provide information such as physicochemical properties and freshness index. In this work, two 3D image methods were tested (time of flight & structured light) to predict the volume of samples of pork lean and fat. The results showed that the method based on time of flight cannot be applicable for predicting the samples volume, due to the influence of their chemical composition. The structured light method showed a good performance for this purpose, so this technology could be applied, combined or not, with other methods for analyzing and checking food processing.Verdú Amat, S. (2011). Empleo del análisis de imagen 3d para el control de procesos en la ia. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/27910.Archivo delegad

    Laser backscattering imaging as a non-destructive quality control technique for solid food matrices: Modelling the fibre enrichment effects on the physico-chemical and sensory properties of biscuits

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    [EN] This work focused on modelling the effect of fibre enrichment on the physico-chemical and sensory properties of biscuits by an image analysis of laser backscattering patterns. The study was done on four formulas where, besides the control, three fibre enrichment levels were included (5%, 10% and 20% w/w). The impact on the physico-chemical and sensory properties of biscuits was characterised according to analyses of texture, thickness, area, mass increment, density, flux of solvents (water and milk), colour, taste, mouth texture, etc. Moreover, the image analysis was carried out to collect information from the interaction of a laser with two different biscuit production chain matrices: after the mixing and forming phase (doughs) and after baking (end biscuits). That information was obtained according to the image descriptors generated from the morphology of the observed laser patterns. Both studied matrices offered different, but complementary, information about isolating the variance produced by fibre enrichment for doughs, while the variance generated by heat treatment was also recorded for biscuits. The quantitative prediction of the physico-chemical and sensory properties of biscuits improved when combining both information blocks. The impact of fibre enrichment on biscuits can be modelled by this imaging technique, which could be the basis to develop new non-destructive systems for online inspections made during cookie processing to quickly and non-destructively report physico-chemical and sensory information.This study was supported by the Regional Valencian Ministry of Culture, Education and Sport for Scientific and Technological Politics by Project entitled Use of non-wheat flours, from co-products of the food industry, to produce bread, cakes and snacks (AICO/2015/107) and by the University Polytechnic of Valencia by program Ayudas para la Contratación de Doctores para el Acceso al Sistema Español de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, en Estructuras de Investigación de la UPV (PAID-10-17)Verdú Amat, S.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2019). Laser backscattering imaging as a non-destructive quality control technique for solid food matrices: Modelling the fibre enrichment effects on the physico-chemical and sensory properties of biscuits. Food Control. 100:278-286. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2019.02.004S27828610

    Non destructive monitoring of the yoghurt fermentation phase by an image analysis of laser-diffraction patterns: Characterization of cow s, goat s and sheep s milk

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    [EN] Monitoring yogurt fermentation by the image analysis of diffraction patterns generated by the laser-milk interaction was explored. Cow¿s, goat¿s and sheep¿s milks were tested. Destructive physico-chemical analyses were done after capturing images during the processes to study the relationships between data blocks. Information from images was explored by applying a spectral phasor from which regions of interest were determined in each image channel. The histograms of frequencies from each region were extracted, which showed evolution according to textural modifications. Examining the image data by multivariate analyses allowed us to know that the captured variance from the diffraction patterns affected both milk type and texture changes. When regression studies were performed to model the physico-chemical parameters, satisfactory quantifications were obtained (from R2¿=¿0.82 to 0.99) for each milk type and for a hybrid model that included them all. This proved that the studied patterns had a common fraction of variance during this processing, independently of milk type.Verdú Amat, S.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2019). Non destructive monitoring of the yoghurt fermentation phase by an image analysis of laser-diffraction patterns: Characterization of cow s, goat s and sheep s milk. Food Chemistry. 274:46-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.08.091S465427

    Evaluation of the influence of food intake on the incorporation and excretion kinetics of mesoporous silica particles in C.elegans

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    [EN] The effect of the presence of food on the incorporation and excretion of silica particles was studied in this work using the biological model Caenorhabditis elegans and image analysis techniques. The experiment was based on two 24-hour phases: exposure and depuration. During exposure, nematodes were maintained for 24 h in liquid medium with silica particles, but some with and others without food. During depuration, nematodes were transferred to medium without particles. Nematodes were analysed by an image analysis in both phases to quantify the properties of particle distributions in nematodes' bodies with time. No differences were found in the proportion of nematodes carrying particles in the exposure phase when food was present. However in the depuration phase, lack of food generated a high proportion of particle carriers. Particle distribution properties were also similar in the exposure phase. Nevertheless, lack of food produced particle accumulation due to decelerated excretion because digestive tube relaxed under these conditions. Thus after the depuration phase, lack of food led particles to persist in digestive tubes. According to these results, intake of silica particles had no retention effects when a food flux was provided, but particles were not easily excreted when the food flux was interrupted.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Universitat Polit`ecnica de Valencia by Programme "Ayudas para la Contratacion de Doctores para el Acceso al Sistema Espanol de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion, en Estructuras de Investigacion de la UPV (PAID-10-17)"and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion and FEDER-EU (Project RTI2018101599-B-C21).Verdú, S.; Ruiz Rico, M.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2021). Evaluation of the influence of food intake on the incorporation and excretion kinetics of mesoporous silica particles in C.elegans. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 334:1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbi.2020.109363S1833

    Enrichment of chips with fibre from a tiger-nut (Cyperus esculentus) milk co-product to source of fibre and high fibre content levels: impact on processing, physicochemical and sensory properties

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    [EN] The impact of integrating a tiger-nut milk co-product into the wheat chip production process for enriching fibre content to meet European recommendations for 'source of fibre foods' and 'high fibre content foods' was studied. Four different flours, based on their composition and particle size, were obtained from the co-product. Wheat flour was substituted at the 5%, 10% and 20% levels with the co-product, and the processing, physico-chemical and sensory properties of chip were studied. In the baking phase, mass loss was more marked for the substituted samples (42%) than the control (34%), but differences diminished after the tempering time (33%) by absorbing moisture from the environment. This effect was related to the increased chips surface (approximate to 43%) in the forming phase because dough retraction decreased. The co-product as a fibre source produced alterations to chip processing and its physico-chemical properties should be taken into account. However, chips positively impacted consumer acceptability.Alava Pincay, C.; Verdú Amat, S.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2018). Enrichment of chips with fibre from a tiger-nut (Cyperus esculentus) milk co-product to source of fibre and high fibre content levels: impact on processing, physicochemical and sensory properties. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 54(3):908-915. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.14014S90891554

    Effect of tiger-nut (Cyperus esculentus) milk co-product on the surface and diffusional properties of a wheat-based matrix

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    [EN] The food processing industry generates huge volumes of waste and co-products which still contain valuable compounds. Tiger-nut milk production generates large amounts of a co-product with a high insoluble fibre content, which is interesting as a bioactive component from a nutritional viewpoint. This co-product is formed by two different tissues in composition, particle size and colour terms, so two different flours were obtained from them. Both flours were included in a wheat-based matrix at different substitution levels: 5%, 10% and 20% (d.b). The surface tension of matrices, and the wettability and diffusion of water and oil, were studied. The results showed the matrix s reduced capacity to interact with solvents, principally from the 10% substitution level, with diminished surface tension, and a longer time was needed for both water and oil to wet and diffuse.This study was supported by the Regional Valencian Ministry of Culture, Education and Sport for Scientific and Technological Politics, with the project entitled "Use of non-wheat flours, from co-products of the food industry, to produce bread, cakes and snacks (AICO/2015/107)".Verdú Amat, S.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Alava Pincay, C.; Grau Meló, R. (2017). Effect of tiger-nut (Cyperus esculentus) milk co-product on the surface and diffusional properties of a wheat-based matrix. Food Chemistry. 224:69-77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.12.016S697722

    Non-destructive control in cheese processing: Modelling texture evolution in the milk curdling phase by laser backscattering imaging

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    [EN] This study aim was to explore the laser backscattering imaging technique's capacity to model the curdling phase in cheese processing. To do so, three different formulas were studied by modifying solute concentration. Textural modifications to the matrix during curdling were characterised by viscosimetry and texture measurements depending on samples' liquid or solid state. This state changed by determining gelation to establish the limits for the liquid and solid phases. The process was also characterised by the imaging technique, which showed dependence on both solute concentration and enzymatic effect on both the previously observed phases. After following multivariate statistical procedures to reduce dimensionality, the imaging results revealed that solute concentration strongly influenced the variance that the imaging technique captured. It reduced the visibility of the phase change in the image parameters. After eliminating this influence, the evolution of the matrix across the liquid and solid phases was modelled. Data were divided into phases and used to successfully predict the matrix status in each phase by multivariate non-linear regression procedures. It was concluded that the laser backscattering imaging technique presented suitable properties to be used for non-destructive continuous curdling process monitoring during the cheese-making process.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the University Polytechnic of Valencia for Programme "Ayudas para la Contratacion de Doctores para el Acceso al Sistema Espanol de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion, en Estructuras de Investigacion de la UPV (PAID-10-17)"Verdú Amat, S.; Pérez Jiménez, AJ.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2021). Non-destructive control in cheese processing: Modelling texture evolution in the milk curdling phase by laser backscattering imaging. Food Control. 121:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107638S1912

    Laser backscattering imaging as a control technique for fluid foods: Application to vegetable-based creams processing

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    [EN] In this work, the application of a laser backscattering image technique as a non-destructive quality control technique for fluid food matrices was studied. The used food matrices were vegetable-based creams, which were modified according to the combination of four production factors (raw material, biopolymer type, biopolymer concentration and homogenisation system) in order to obtain a wide space of variance in terms of physico-chemical properties (52 different creams). All the creams were characterised based on that imaging technique using pre-designed descriptors extracted from the captures of the generated laser patterns. The capacity to characterise creams presented by the imaging and physico-chemical data (rheology and syneresis) was compared, and the effect of each production factor on their captured variance was evaluated. Both characterisations were similar. This parallelism was proved by modelling the relationship between them by carrying out regression studies. The regression coefficients were successful for most physico-chemical variables. However, the prediction of creams¿ properties was maximised when done over the linear combination of them all. Thus the imaging descriptors collected enough variance from the cream categories to place them according to their physico-chemical properties into the generated space of physico-chemical variance. The results allowed us to conclude that this technique can be applied for the non-destructive quality control of fluid-food matrices for production processes with a wide spectrum of product categories.Verdú Amat, S.; Pérez Jiménez, AJ.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2019). Laser backscattering imaging as a control technique for fluid foods: Application to vegetable-based creams processing. Journal of Food Engineering. 241:58-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2018.08.003S586624

    Studying process variables to obtain undisturbed shaped soft meat for people with poor oral health

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    [EN] This study evaluated injection (I) and vacuum impregnation (VI) as the best methods to apply papain, and other important processing conditions (batch, aging and cooking conditions), to obtain soft meat (suitable for people with poor oral health) without disturbing its original shape. Two aging times were evaluated and four cooking conditions by immersion in soup. Meat samples were injected or vacuum-impregned (0.85 kPa) with a papain solution (5% w/v). After cooking, they were analyzed by the compression test, and by image and sensory ana-lyses. The results indicated that by using both methods to apply the enzyme, the obtained meat was suitable for people with poor oral health, even if VI was the better method because it minimized the factors batch, aging and cooking condition. Therefore, the best meat processing method to obtain panelists' highest softness values and the best appreciation was employing aged meat pretreated by VI and cooked at 65 degrees C for 10 min.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion and FEDER-EU (Project RTI2018-098842-B-I00).Grau Meló, R.; Hernández, S.; Verdú Amat, S.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Talens Oliag, P. (2022). Studying process variables to obtain undisturbed shaped soft meat for people with poor oral health. Meat Science. 194:1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2022.1089601819