62 research outputs found

    Ефективність аналогів регуляторних пептидів у лікуванні розладу адаптації

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    Background. Adjustment disorder (AD) is one of the most common mental disorders. Considering the social and economic situation in Ukraine at present, in almost 50% of the population, there are non-psychotic mental health disorders, and this number tends to increase. Individual risk factors that are particularly important for the AD development include the experience of a significant stress in childhood, problems with mental health in the past, difficult life circumstances, etc. At the same time, pathogenetically approaches to AD therapy are not fully understood. Pathogenetically oriented therapy of AD should be based on neurotransmitter causes and systemic therapeutic approach. The neurometabolic, anxiolytic, and psycho-stimulating action of the regulatory peptide allows it to be used in the therapy of psychogenic adaptation disorders. Methods. Clinical manifestations of the AD were studied in different age groups - 21-34 years (n=153), 35-50 years (n=257), 51-65 years (n=167) using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) and Questionnaire of Stress Resistance (QSR). For the study on the effectiveness of the selank (a synthetic analogue of the immunomodulatory peptide tuftsin) were included 30 patients with the AD. Main (experimental group) received selank for two weeks; the control group didn’t receive any treatment (wait list). Patients were monitored for additional two weeks after the treatment with an assessment at the end of follow-up. Results. According to the study results, selank significantly reduced PHQ score in patients with AD compared to control group. PHQ scores in the selank group after 2 weeks of follow-up were significantly lower for somatic symptoms (mean score 1.2 vs. 3.6; p<0.05), nutritional problems (0.1 vs. 3.4; p<0.05), and alcohol misuses (0.3 vs. 1.5; p<0.05). Conclusions. The use of the synthetic analogue of the immunomodulatory peptide tuftsin has a therapeutic effect on the somatic and mental symptoms of the adjustment disorder.Актуальність. Адаптаційні розлади є одними з найбільш поширених психічних розладів у сучасному суспільстві. Враховуючи соціально-економічну ситуацію в Україні в даний час, майже у 50% населення є симптоми не психотичних розладів нервової системи і це число має тенденцію до збільшення. Індивідуальні фактори ризику особливо важливі для розвитку розладу адаптації. Це досвід значного стресу в дитинстві, проблеми психічного здоров'я в анамнезі, череда складних життєвих обставин та інше. Патогенетичні підходи до терапії даних розладів не є повністю вирішеними. Комплексна нейрометаболічна, анксіолітична, психостимулююча дія синтетичного аналога регулюючого пептиду тафтцину дозволяє застосовувати його при терапії психогенних адаптаційних розладів. Методи. Вивчено клінічні прояви адаптаційних розладів в різних вікових групах - 21-34 років (153 людини), 35-50 років (257 осіб), 51-65 років (167 осіб), за допомогою використування опитувальника стану здоров’я та анкети стійкості до стресу. Результати. Продемонстровано поширеність зниження стресової стійкості та суб'єктивне погіршення здоров’я у всіх вікових групах зі збільшенням до 50,9% у віковій групі 51-65 років. Вивчено ефективність та особливості анксіолітичного, стрес-захисного ефекту синтезованого аналога ендогенного пептиду тафтцину (Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro) - в лікуванні 30 хворих на розлад адаптації. Висновки. Застосування регулюючого пептиду має коригувальний вплив на соматичні та психічні симптоми розладу адаптації

    Minisatellite DNA Markers in Population Studies

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    Gantry and bridge cranes neuro-fuzzy control by using neural-like structures of geometric transformations

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    Fuzzy logic is based on the use of natural language such as ‘far or close’, ‘cold or hot’ and etc. Its application range is very wide, from household appliances to the management of complex industrial processes. Many modern management tasks cannot be simply solved by classical methods because of the very great complexity of mathematical models. However, mathematical transformations are required for using the fuzzy logic theory on a computer and give a possibility to convert linguistic variables to their numerical value in the computer and vice versa. In this paper a gantry and bridge crane control system for managing carts swinging during transporting a load with high accuracy positioning during movement is presented. T-Controller fuzzy inference system as a base for crane management system is described and its main advantages in comparison with traditional systems are delineated. Schema of simplified crane model is introduced


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    Methods and means for managing gantry and bridge cranes were reviewed. Manual crane control strategy, which is performed by a human operator, was considered and the requirements for operator’s work and features of crane management process were analyzed. Crane systems based on PID controllers, which allow managing cranes in semi or fully automated ways, were reviewed and the process of crane controlling using PID controllers was analyzed. Management process of gantry and bridge cranes based on fuzzy logic a system which is use knowledge and experience of the crane operator was considered. A comparative analysis of the design process of crane management systems based on traditional methods and techniques of fuzzy logic was examined and the benefits of fuzzy control systems were highlighted. Obtained results are used in designing of the automated fuzzy crane management system to control load position during its transporting.Проведено огляд методів та засобів управління портальними та мостовими крановими установками. Розглянуто ручне управління кранами, що виконується оператором-людиною, проаналізовано вимоги до їхньої роботи та особливості процесу управління крановими установками. Розглянуто управління крановими установками на основі пропорціонально-інтегрально-диференціальних (ПІД) регуляторів, що дозволяє напів чи повністю автоматизувати процес керування кранами, проаналізовано процес управління крановими установками з використанням ПІД регуляторів. Розглянуто управління портальними та мостовими кранами на основі систем нечіткої логіки, що базується на використанні знань та досвіду оператора крана. Проведено порівняльний аналіз процесу проектування системи управління на основі традиційних методів та методів нечіткої логіки та відзначено переваги систем нечіткого управління. Отримані результати застосовуються у розробці автоматизованої системи нечіткого управління крановими установками для контролю коливання вантажу під час його перевезення

    Parietal and occipital hair loss patterns in initial stages of androgenic alopecia in men

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    Background. The initial stages of androgenetic alopecia in men are characterized by a variety of clinical manifestation in the parietal or occipital scalp regions. However, the differences in the pathogenesis of hair loss patterns are not well understood, selective treatment has not been developed. Aims. Trichological characteristics of patients with initial stages of androgenetic alopecia with identification of genetic and non-genetic factors that determine the hair loss in the different scalp regions, and their response to conservative therapy. Materials and methods: Trichograms were photodocumented using an AramoSG microcamera (Republic of Korea). The genetic factor was analyzed by mini-sequencing of single nucleotide polymorphisms rs929626, rs5919324, rs1998076, rs12565727, rs756853. The non-genetic factors study included hormonal status (total and free testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, 17OH-progesterone, dehydroepiandrostenone, SHBG) and blood content of trace elements (Mg, Ca, Zn, Cu, Se, Fe) and vitamins (B12, D, E, folic acid). Conservative treatment was topical application of a minoxidil 5% (twice-a-day, 4 months) and a micronutrient deficiencies personalized correction. Results. The study included 47 man with initial stages of androgenetic alopecia. Their trichological examination showed two patterns, consisting a predominant decrease in the hair density and diameter in the parietal and occipital scalp regions, which were subgroups formation criteria. An intergroup comparison revealed similar genetic risk, while hormonal parameters (increased dihydrotestosterone levels, a decrease in free testosterone) characterized the subgroup with parietal hair loss pattern. Also, a multiple deficiency of Zn, Cu, Se and vitamins B12, D, folic acid was detected in all patients. Subsequent conservative treatment had a positive effect in patients with parietal hair loss pattern, while in patients with occipital pattern no significant response was observed. Conclusions. The study develops ideas about differences between androgen-dependent parietal and androgen-independent occipital hair loss patterns in the initial stages of androgenetic alopecia, which requires different approaches to their conservative therapy

    Search for predictors of psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis

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    Background. Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints, spine and entheses that can occur in patients with psoriasis. The prevalence of psoriatic arthritis is 19.7%. In 70% of cases, psoriasis precedes the development of arthritis. It has been proven that a delay in the diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis even by 6 months is associated with a deterioration in long-term radiological and functional results, leading to disability. The problem of early diagnosis of joint damage can be solved by identifying predictors of the risk of developing psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis. Aims. To determine possible predictors for the development of psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis. Methods. The open, uncontrolled, prospective study enrolled 250 patients. The main group consisted of 190 patients diagnosed with plaque psoriasis. The control group consisted of 60 patients with psoriatic arthritis. In order to identify associations of clinical and genetic (HLA-B27 carriage) parameters with the development of psoriatic arthritis, we compared the frequency of occurrence of these parameters in patients with psoriatic arthritis and without. Results. Among 190 patients with plaque psoriasis 128 (67.4%) men, 62 (32.6%) women, aged 18 to 84 years (40.30 ± 15.56), the average duration of psoriasis was 10.09 ± 11.08 years (0–57). Among 60 patients with psoriatic arthritis 39 (65%) men, 21 (35%) women aged 18 to 86 years (44.43 ± 14.15), the average duration of psoriasis was 20.47 ± 13.22 years (2–57), the average duration of psoriatic arthritis was 7.97 ± 9.95 years (0–47). Сlinical predictors for the development of psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis: nail psoriasis (OR = 2.244 [95% CI: 1.245–4.045]); severe psoriasis (PASI ≥ 20) (OR = 2.148 [95% CI: 1.161–3.975]); arterial hypertension (OR = 1.982 [95% CI: 1.031–3.812]); duration of psoriasis over 25 years (OR = 3.365 [95% CI: 1.676–6.756]), р 0,05. Conclusions. The joint consideration of informative predictors will allow us to develop an original multi-parameter mathematical model for calculating the risk of developing psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis

    A rare form of leishmaniasis, identified in the Russian Federation

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    Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis is a rare form of cutaneous leishmaniasis characterized by an inadequate immune response of the host cells to parasitic invasion (weak T-helper (Th)1 response or Th2 response with the production of interleukin IL-4 and IL-10). The characteristic features of the disease include diffuse nodular eruption, masquerading as leprosy and a frequent association with immunosuppression (HIV co-infection, for example). The Russian Federation is a non-endemic country for leishmaniasis, but this disease can be brought into the country by tourists, immigrants, refugees and military personnel. A clinical case of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis and HIV co-infection is presented. The patient was a citizen of Uzbekistan, a country endemic for leishmaniasis. The authors were unable to find domestic scientific publications describing cases of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis detected in the Russian Federation. The presented clinical case of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis in a patient with HIV is the first in the Russian literature