376 research outputs found

    Stellar Motions in the Polar Ring Galaxy NGC 4650A

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    We present the first measurement of the stellar kinematics in the polar ring of NGC 4650A. There is well defined rotation, with the stars and gas rotating in the same direction, and with similar amplitude. The gaseous and stellar kinematics suggest an approximately flat rotation curve, providing further support for the hypothesis that the polar material resides in a disk rather than in a ring. The kinematics of the emission line gas at and near the center of the S0 suggests that the polar disk lacks a central hole. We have not detected evidence for two, equal mass, counterrotating stellar polar streams, as is predicted in the resonance levitation model proposed by Tremaine & Yu. A merger seems the most likely explanation for the structure and kinematics of NGC 4650A.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Estels, galàxies, cosmos: la dècada passada, la dècada vinent

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    La nostra visió de l'univers ha canviat molt pel descobriment de nous objectes i nous fenòmen

    Simultaneous Z/p-acyclic resolutions of expanding sequences

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    We prove the following Theorem: Let X be a nonempty compact metrizable space, let l1l2...l_1 \leq l_2 \leq... be a sequence of natural numbers, and let X1X2...X_1 \subset X_2 \subset... be a sequence of nonempty closed subspaces of X such that for each k in N, dimZ/pXklk<dim_{Z/p} X_k \leq l_k < \infty. Then there exists a compact metrizable space Z, having closed subspaces Z1Z2...Z_1 \subset Z_2 \subset..., and a surjective cell-like map π:ZX\pi: Z \to X, such that for each k in N, (a) dimZklkdim Z_k \leq l_k, (b) π(Zk)=Xk\pi (Z_k) = X_k, and (c) πZk:ZkXk\pi | {Z_k}: Z_k \to X_k is a Z/p-acyclic map. Moreover, there is a sequence A1A2...A_1 \subset A_2 \subset... of closed subspaces of Z, such that for each k, dimAklkdim A_k \leq l_k, πAk:AkX\pi|{A_k}: A_k\to X is surjective, and for k in N, ZkAkZ_k\subset A_k and πAk:AkX\pi|{A_k}: A_k\to X is a UV^{l_k-1}-map. It is not required that X be the union of all X_k, nor that Z be the union of all Z_k. This result generalizes the Z/p-resolution theorem of A. Dranishnikov, and runs parallel to a similar theorem of S. Ageev, R. Jim\'enez, and L. Rubin, who studied the situation where the group was Z.Comment: 18 pages, title change in version 3, old title: "Z/p-acyclic resolutions in the strongly countable Z/p-dimensional case

    The Stellar and Gas Kinematics of Several Irregular Galaxies

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    We present long-slit spectra of three irregular galaxies from which we determinethe stellar kinematics in two of the galaxies (NGC 1156 and NGC 4449) and ionized-gas kinematics in all three (including NGC 2366). We compare this to the optical morphology and to the HI kinematics of the galaxies. In the ionized gas, we see a linear velocity gradient in all three galaxies. In NGC 1156 we also detect a weak linear velocity gradient in the stars of (5+/-1/sin i) km/s/kpc to a radius of 1.6 kpc. The stars and gas are rotating about the same axis, but this is different from the major axis of the stellar bar which dominates the optical light of the galaxy. In NGC 4449 we do not detect organized rotation of the stars and place an upper limit of (3/sin i) km/s/kpc to a radius of 1.2 kpc. For NGC 4449, which has signs of a past interaction with another galaxy, we develop a model to fit the observed kinematics of the stars and gas. In this model the stellar component is in a rotating disk seen nearly face-on while the gas is in a tilted disk with orbits whose planes precess in the gravitational potential. This model reproduces the apparent counter-rotation of the inner gas of the galaxy. The peculiar orbits of the gas are presumed due to acquisition of gas in the past interaction.Comment: To be published in ApJ, November 20, 200


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    Abstract: Charlotte Moore Sitterl