2 research outputs found

    Application of OpenFoam solver SettlingFoam to bedload sediment transport analysis

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    Sediment transport is an important process for rivers and natural channels. The determination of sediment transport is a very complex process due to the high variability and changing nature of the factors that intervene. As a contribution to the description of this kind of phenomenon and to highlight the problems, the needs and potentials of the numerical approaches, OpenFOAM solver settlingFoam is used to simulate sediment transport in a rectangular channel. The model used constitutes a simplification of a complex procedure based on the application of a single parameter (alpha) to determine the fluid-sediment mixture features. High variability was found between the results from different alpha values. Nevertheless, there is a lack of information to determine the appropriate value of this parameter. However, even though the procedure applied and the results obtained have to be taken as a reference, this study provides valuable criteria for future research of this complex topic

    Application of OpenFoam solver SettlingFoam to bedload sediment transport analysis

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    Sediment transport is an important process for rivers and natural channels. The determination of sediment transport is a very complex process due to the high variability and changing nature of the factors that intervene. As a contribution to the description of this kind of phenomenon and to highlight the problems, the needs and potentials of the numerical approaches, OpenFOAM solver settlingFoam is used to simulate sediment transport in a rectangular channel. The model used constitutes a simplification of a complex procedure based on the application of a single parameter (alpha) to determine the fluid-sediment mixture features. High variability was found between the results from different alpha values. Nevertheless, there is a lack of information to determine the appropriate value of this parameter. However, even though the procedure applied and the results obtained have to be taken as a reference, this study provides valuable criteria for future research of this complex topic.El transporte de sedimento es un proceso importante para r铆os naturales, su determinaci贸n es un proceso complejo debido a la variabilidad y a la naturaleza cambiante de los factores que intervienen. Como una contribuci贸n a la descripci贸n de este fen贸meno y para enfatizar los problemas, las necesidades y las potencialidades de los enfoques num茅ricos, el solucionador settingFoam (OpenFoam) es utilizado para simular el transporte de sedimentos en un canal rectangular. El modelo utilizado constituye una simplificaci贸n de basada en la aplicaci贸n de un solo par谩metro (alpha) para determinar las caracter铆sticas de la mezcla fluido-sedimento. Alta variabilidad se reporta en los resultados para diferentes valores de alpha, sin embargo, existe poca informaci贸n para determinar los valores apropiados para 茅ste par谩metro. A pesar de que el procedimiento aplicado y los resultados obtenidos deben ser tomados como referencia, este estudio provee criterios valiosos para la futura investigaci贸n de este tema tan complejo