3 research outputs found

    Valoriser les processus pour Ă©laborer des cahiers des charges: une approche innovante

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    Lors de la fusion de communes, l’organisation des services du feu et leur efficacitĂ© dans la lutte contre les incendies et autres sinistres est une prĂ©occupation des autoritĂ©s cantonales. L’accroissement des activitĂ©s socio-Ă©conomiques et des besoins humains exerce une pression grandissante sur les corps des sapeurs-pompiers (CSP), crĂ©ant des difficultĂ©s de recrutement et de fonctionnement, rĂ©duisant l’efficacitĂ© d’utilisation des ressources disponibles (hommes et Ă©quipement). Le processus de collaboration ou de fusion au niveau des CSP vise Ă  mieux identifier les problĂšmes et Ă  ĂȘtre capable de rĂ©pondre aux normes en vigueur, notamment en intervenant dans le dĂ©lai stipulĂ© (15 minutes Ă  partir de l’alarme). Ce papier introduit un modĂšle de reprĂ©sentation des processus liĂ©s aux activitĂ©s des sapeurs-pompiers (SP). La bonne comprĂ©hension de ces processus permet d’identifier les activitĂ©s de chaque acteur et ainsi d’élaborer son cahier des charges (CdC). A partir de trois processus caractĂ©ristiques, les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes du modĂšle proposĂ© sont explicitement mises en Ă©vidence

    Finding the adequate location scenario after the merger of fire brigades thanks to Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis Methods

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    This paper addresses the issue of selecting a suitable location for a fire station in canton of Fribourg, as a result of a fire brigades’merger, by applying Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods. Solving the problem of determining fire station locations through various methods has been analyzed in-­‐depth by researchers. However, a different approach, based on application of methods like ELECTRE and PROMETHEE is advanced in this paper. The selection of the most suitable fire station site is obtained by applying the designated methods to five distinctive alternatives (called scenarios), taking into consideration the relatively limited information and specifics, and the extensive number of relevant criteria that summed up to seventy-­‐ eight. Taking the merger of the three local fire departments as an example, the proposed methods for selecting a suitable location for the fire station demonstrate and justify the reason behind this choice. Research shows that the applied methods have been proven to be useful and powerful tools that exhibited acceptable levels of consistency when selecting the best project. The main finding is that one scenario in particular proved to be strongly dominant over the others and most suitable in determining the fire station location

    Finding the Adequate Location Scenario After the Merger of Fire Brigades Thanks to Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis Methods

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    This paper addresses the issue of selecting a suitable location for a fire station in canton of Fribourg, as a result of a fire brigades’ merger, by applying Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods. Solving the problem of determining fire station locations through various methods has been analyzed in-depth by researchers. However, a different approach, based on application of ELECTRE I and ELECTRE II methods is advanced in this paper. The selection of the most suitable fire station site is obtained by applying the designated methods to five distinctive alternatives (called scenarios), taking into consideration the relatively limited information and specifics, and the extensive number of relevant criteria that summed up to sixty-one. Taking the merger of the three local fire departments as an example, the proposed methods for selecting a suitable location for the fire station demonstrate and justify the reason behind this choice. Research shows that the applied methods have been proven to be useful and powerful tools that exhibited acceptable levels of consistency when selecting the best project. The main finding is that one scenario in particular proved to be preferred over the others and most suitable in determining the fire station location