92 research outputs found

    Giant magnetic anisotropy at nanoscale: overcoming the superparamagnetic limit

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    It has been recently observed for palladium and gold nanoparticles, that the magnetic moment at constant applied field does not change with temperature over the range comprised between 5 and 300 K. These samples with size smaller than 2.5 nm exhibit remanence up to room temperature. The permanent magnetism for so small samples up to so high temperatures has been explained as due to blocking of local magnetic moment by giant magnetic anisotropies. In this report we show, by analysing the anisotropy of thiol capped gold films, that the orbital momentum induced at the surface conduction electrons is crucial to understand the observed giant anisotropy. The orbital motion is driven by localised charge and/or spin through spin orbit interaction, that reaches extremely high values at the surfaces. The induced orbital moment gives rise to an effective field of the order of 103 T that is responsible of the giant anisotropy.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    Surface magnetism in ZnO/Co3O4 mixtures

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    We recently reported the observation of room temperature ferromagnetism in mixtures of ZnO and Co3O4 despite the diamagnetic and antiferromagnetic character of these oxides respectively. Here we present a detailed study on the electronic structure of this material in order to account for this unexpected ferromagnetism. Electrostatic interactions between both oxides lead to a dispersion of Co3O4 particles over the surface of ZnO larger ones. As a consequence, the reduction of Co+3 to Co2+ at the particle surface takes place as evidenced by XAS measurements and optical spectrocopy. This reduction allows to xplain the observed ferromagnetic signal within the well established theories of magnetism.Comment: Accepted in Journal of Applied Physic

    Effect of photodiode angular response on surface plasmon resonance measurements in the Kretschmann-Raether configuration

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    We study the effect of photodiode angular response on the measurement of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in metallic thin films using the Kretschmann-Raether configuration. The photodiode signal depends not only on the light intensity but also on the incidence angle. This mplies that the photodiode sensitivity changes along the SPR curve. Consequently, the measured SPR spectrum is distorted, thus affecting fits and numerical analyses of SPR curves. We analyze the magnitude of this change, determine when it is significant, and develop a calibration method of the experimental setup which corrects for this type of spectral shape distortions

    Sources of experimental errors in the observation of nanoscale magnetism

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    It has been recently reported that some non-magnetic materials in bulk state, exhibit magnetic behavior at the nanscale due to surface and size effects. The experimental observation of these effects is based on the measurement of very small magnetic signals. Thus, some spurious effects that are not critical for bulk materials with large magnetic signals may become important when measuring small signals (typically below 0.0001 emu). Here, we summarize some sources of these small magnetic signals that should be considered when studying this new nanomagnetismComment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Study of Co-phthalocyanine films by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy

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    We present a Surface Plasmon Resonance spectroscopy study of Co-Phthalocyanine (CoPc) thin films grown on Au layers at different substrate temperatures. We demonstrate that for quantitative analysis, fitting of the resonance angle alone is insufficient and Whole Curve Analysis (WCA) needs to be performed. This is because CoPc thin film dielectric constant and thickness are strongly affected by substrate temperature, even when the total deposited mass remains fixed. Using WCA, we are able to uniquely fit both the dielectric constants and the thicknesses of the films without making a priori assumptions

    Assessment of patient safety culture in clinical laboratories in the Spanish National Health System

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    Introduction: There is increasing awareness of the importance of transforming organisational culture in order to raise safety standards. This paper describes the results obtained from an evaluation of patient safety culture in a sample of clinical laboratories in public hospitals in the Spanish National Health System. Material and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among health workers employed in the clinical laboratories of 27 public hospitals in 2012. The participants were recruited by the heads of service at each of the participating centers. Stratified analyses were performed to assess the mean score, standardized to a base of 100, of the six survey factors, together with the overall patient safety score. Results: 740 completed questionnaires were received (88% of the 840 issued). The highest standardized scores were obtained in Area 1 (individual, social and cultural) with a mean value of 77 (95%CI: 76-78), and the lowest ones, in Area 3 (equipment and resources), with a mean value of 58 (95%CI: 57-59). In all areas, a greater perception of patient safety was reported by the heads of service than by other staff. Conclusions: We present the first multicentre study to evaluate the culture of clinical safety in public hospital laboratories in Spain. The results obtained evidence a culture in which high regard is paid to safety, probably due to the pattern of continuous quality improvement. Nevertheless, much remains to be done, as reflected by the weaknesses detected, which identify areas and strategies for improvement

    Long-term effects of tongue piercing — a case control study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate tooth and periodontal damage in subjects wearing a tongue piercing (TP) in comparison to matched control subjects without tongue piercing. Members of the German Federal Armed Forces who had TP (group TP) and a matched control group (group C) volunteered to take part in the study. The time in situ, localization and material of TP were documented. Dental examinations included DMF-T, oral hygiene, enamel fissures (EF), enamel cracks (EC) and recessions. Statistical analysis was determined by χ2 test and the t test. Both groups had 46 male subjects (mean age 22.1 years). The piercings had been in situ for 3.8 ± 3.1 years. Subjects in the TP group had a total of 1,260 teeth. Twenty-nine subjects had 115 teeth (9.1%) with EF (67% lingual). In group C (1,243 teeth), 30 subjects had 60 teeth with EF (4.8%, 78% vestibular) (p < 0.01). Thirty-eight subjects belonging to group TP had EC in 186 teeth (15%). In group C, 26 subjects with 56 teeth (4.5%) were affected by EC (p < 0.001). Twenty-seven subjects in group TP had 97 teeth (7.7%) with recessions. Lingual surfaces of anterior teeth in the lower jaw were affected most frequently (74%). In group C, 8 subjects had 19 teeth (1.5%) with recessions (65% vestibular). Differences between the two groups were statistically significant (p < 0.001). Tongue piercing is correlated with an increased occurrence of enamel fissures, enamel cracks and lingual recessions. Patients need better information on the potential complications associated with tongue piercing
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