11 research outputs found

    A spatiotemporal route to understanding metal halide perovskite crystallization

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    A spatiotemporal experimental route is reported for the antisolvent vapor diffusion crystal growth of metal halide perovskites. A computational analysis combining automated image capture and diffusion modeling enables the determination of the critical concentrations required for nucleation and crystal growth from a single experiment. Five different solvent systems and ten distinct organic ammonium iodide salts were investigated with lead iodide, from which nine previously unreported compounds were discovered. Automated image capture of the mother liquor and antisolvent vials were used to determine changes in solution meniscus positions and detect nucleation event location. Matching the observations to a numerical solution of Fick’s second law diffusion model enables the calculation of reactant, solvent and antisolvent concentrations at both the time and position of the first stable nucleation and crystal growth. A machine learning model was trained on the resulting data reveals solvent- and amine-specific crystallization tendencies. Solvent systems that interact more weakly with dissolved lead species promote crystallization, while those with stronger interaction can prevent crystallization through increased solubilities. Organic amines that interact more strongly with inorganic components and exhibit greater rigidity are more likely to be incorporated into crystalline products

    Active Meta-Learning for Predicting and Selecting Perovskite Crystallization Experiments

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    Autonomous experimentation systems use algorithms and data from prior experiments to select and perform new experiments in order to meet a specified objective. In most experimental chemistry situations there is a limited set of prior historical data available, and acquiring new data may be expensive and time consuming, which places constraints on machine learning methods. Active learning methods prioritize new experiment selection by using machine learning model uncertainty and predicted outcomes. Meta-learning methods attempt to construct models that can learn quickly with a limited set of data for a new task. In this paper, we applied the model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) model and Probabilistic LATent model for Incorporating Priors and Uncertainty in few-Shot learning (PLATIPUS) approach, which extends MAML to active learning, to the problem of halide perovskite growth by inverse temperature crystallization. Using a dataset of 1870 reactions conducted using 19 different organoammoniumn lead iodide systems, we determined the optimal strategies for incorporating historical data into active and meta-learning models. We then evaluated the best three algorithms (PLATIPUS, and active-learning k-Nearest Neighbor and Decision Tree algorithms) with four new chemical systems in experimental laboratory tests. With a fixed budget of 20 experiments, PLATIPUS makes superior predictions of reaction outcome compared to other active-learning algorithms and a random baseline

    Serendipity based recommender system for perovskites material discovery: balancing exploration and exploitation across multiple models

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    Machine learning is a useful tool for accelerating materials discovery, however it is a challenge to develop accurate methods that successfully transfer between domains while also broadening the scope of reaction conditions considered. In this paper, we consider how active- and transfer-learning methods can be used as building blocks for predicting reaction outcomes of metal halide perovskite synthesis. We then introduce a serendipity-based recommendation system that guides these methods to balance novelty and accuracy. The model-agnostic recommendation system is tested across active- and transfer-learning algorithms, using laboratory experiments for training and testing and a time-separated hold out that includes four different chemical systems. The serendipity recommendation system achieves high accuracy while increasing the scope of the synthesis conditions explored