106 research outputs found

    FTIR and XRD studies on some archaeological artifacts from Bohn, India

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              Spectroscopic studies have been performed on archaeological pottery samples from Bhon in Maharashtra. The clay mineral type and its structural deformation due to firing have been studied from their Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra. The maximum firing temperature attained during baking, firing conditions (open/reduced atmosphere) and iron mineral phase changes are well established. X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies on archaeological artifacts pave the way to identify the minerals

    A Study on Annual Expenditure and Income from Goat Farming in Kerala

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    A study on goat farmers from three districts of Kerala viz., Kannur, Kozhikode and Malappuram districts was carried out to study the annual expenditure and income from goat farming under field condition in Northern Kerala. Study revealed that small flock size (16-45) got the highest net return per goat per annum. The net return worked out to be Rs. 1748, 2374, 2960, 2258 and 1602 per goat /annum, respectively. The net profit (per goat/annum) increases and reaches a maximum point and again decreases with the increase of flock sizes due to inadequate nutrition and management practices by larger goat keepers. B:C ratio also showed a similar pattern of change with flock size. Selling of goats was the major source of income followed by milk, manures and urine. In the present study, shrinking of grazing resources, lack of good quality breeding stocks improper management practices, high and labour cost were found to be the major constraints in making the goat farming more remunerative. Therefore, rearing of goat cannot sustain only on grazing resources and cut fodder and needs to switch over to systematic commercial goat farming systems via., semi-intensive / intensive system of management. Recurring cost need to be curtailed by adopting mechanization and modernization especially in large farms and also cultivating fodder and formulating and preparing concentrate in the farm itself

    Characterization and analysis of Gomphonema sp frustule based on SEM/EDS

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    1576-1579Diatoms are unicellular algae whose cell wall structure is mainly made up of silicon dioxide (SiO2). Frustules were extracted from fresh diatom taxa (Gomphonema sp.) by treating with concentrated HNO3 and HCl. The Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images revealed that the diatoms have a valve asymmetrical to apical axis and raphe system is well developed and are unequal size. From significance of energy dispersive X - ray spectroscopy (EDS) examination it was proved that the frustules from diatoms are mainly made up of silicon through amorphous silica (SiO2)

    Growing of Chlorella, Scenedesmus and Botryococus in sewage water for biodiesel production

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    Algae grown on wastewater media are a potential source of low-​cost lipids for prodn. of liq. biofuels. This study was aimed to est. the effect of Physico-​chem. characteristics of normal and sewage water (pH 7.60 and 6.60, EC 15.97 and 12.36 μmol, free Co2 1.48 and 0.74, nitrogen 0.90 and 0.50 mg​/l, potassium 168.11 and 54.63 mg​/l, calcium 249.52 and 112.21 mg​/l, magnesium 104.91 and 51.19 mg​/l, sulfate 57.08 and 28.35 mg​/l, chloride 98.00 and 84.63 mg​/l, carbonates 362.18 and 32.64 mg​/l and bicarbonates 1138.30 and 253.33 mg​/l in sewage and normal water resp.) on Chlorella, Scenedesmus and Botryococus. The highest biomass (4.533 mg ml-​1)​, chlorophyll (15.56 μg ml-​1)​, lipid (49 %)​, acid value (0.52 mg KOH​/g)​, d. (0.885 g​/cm3)​, iodine value (75 mg​/g)​, sapon. value (0.125 mg KOH​/g)​, viscosity (4.8 mm2​/s)​, myristic acid (9.0​%)​, oleic acid (9.3​%)​, linolenic acid (20.1​%)​, palmitic acid (35.3​%)​, stearic acid (6.1​%) was obsd. in Scenedesmus than Botryococus and Chlorella. The properties of algal oil meet all the properties given by American society for testing and materials (ASTM) D6751, ISO 15607 and EN14214- Europe. Hence, it is concluded that algae can be grown better in sewage water than normal water for their oil and used as a potential feedstock for liq. biofuel prodn

    Erythropoietin receptor gene polymorphism in Indian pig lines

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    A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) based genotyping test was developed to assess a C/T polymorphism in the regulatory region of erythropoietin receptor (EPOR) gene of pigs. Homozygous CC animals were absent in all the genetic groups studied, whereas the locus appeared fixed with T alleles in indigenous animals. The association of allelic variants with traits like litter size at birth (LSB), litter size at weaning (LSW), litter weight at birth (LWB) and litter weight at weaning (LWW) were explored in Indian Large White Yorkshire (LWY), Duroc, Indigenous Ankamali and F1 crosses between LWY boars and Ankamali sows (CB). All the populations under study had very high frequency of T alleles, with desi group being fixed with T allele. Genotypes of EPOR gene were not associated with any of the litter traits. The allele frequencies remained under HWE except in desi group

    Patoanatomski i imunohistokemijski nalaz neizdiferenciranog karcinoma sitaste kosti u domaće svinje - prikaz slučaja.

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    An undifferentiated ethmoid carcinoma with uncommon initial stage invasion into the brain parenchyma in an indigenous pig is reported. A nodular, fleshy tumor mass, located in the posterior part of the nasal sinus adjacent to the cribriform plate and pressing on the brain, was noticed on post mortem. Rarifaction of the cribriform plate was evident. The histological picture showed sheets of cells with nuclear atypia, anaplasia and hyperchromatic nuclei infiltrating into the brain parenchyma. Upon detailed examination, the neoplasm revealed a mixture of spindle, squamous and round tumor cells. The case was diagnosed as ethmoid carcinoma of undifferentiated type, as the epithelial origin of the neoplasm was proved by immunohistochemical positivity against an anti-pancytokeratin antibody.Opisan je karcinom sitaste kosti u domaće svinje s rijetko viđenim početnim stupnjem širenja na parenhim mozga. Čvorasta, mesnata tumorska masa bila je smještena na stražnjoj strani nosnog sinusa tik uz sitastu ploču i pritiskala je na mozak. Uočena je prorijeđenost sitaste ploče. Histološki je ustanovljena infiltracija moždanog parenhima sa stanicama s atipičnim, hiperkromatskim jezgrama i anaplazijom. Detaljnom pretragom dokazano je da se novotvorina sastojala od mješavine vretenastih, ljuskavih i kuglastih tumorskih stanica. Tumor je bio dijagnosticiran kao karcinom sitaste kosti neizdiferenciranog tipa s obzirom na to da je njegovo epitelno podrijetlo bilo dokazano imunohistokemijskim postupkom upotrebom antipancitokeratinskog protutijela

    A Protein-Interaction Array Inside a Living Cell

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    Protein-interaction arrays were generated in living cells by the interaction of bait-presenting artificial receptor constructs (bait-PARCs) with micrometer-scaled antibody surface patterns (see figure). This method was applied to simultaneously monitor the interaction kinetics of a prey protein with two distinct bait proteins in individual living cells