934 research outputs found

    Packet Filtering Module For PFQ Packet Capturing Engine.

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    The evolution of commodity hardware is pushing parallelism forward as the key factor that can allow software to attain hardware-class performance while still retaining its advantages. On one side, commodity CPUs are providing more and more cores (the next-generation Intel Xeon E 7500 CPUs will soon make 10 cores processors a commodity product), with a complex cache hierarchy which makes aware data placement crucial to good performance. On the other side, server NIC‘s are adapting to these new trends by increasing themselves their level of parallelism. While traditional 1Gbps NICs exchanged data with the CPU through a single ring of shared memory buffers, modern 10Gbps cards support multiple queues: multiple cores can therefore receive and transmit packets in parallel. In particular, incoming packets can be de-multiplexed across CPUs based on a hash function (the so-called RSS technology) or on the MAC address (the VMD-q technology, designed for servers hosting multiple virtual machines). The Linux kernel has recently begun to support these new technologies. Though there is lot of network monitoring software‘s, most of them have not yet been designed with high parallelism in mind. Therefore a novel packet capturing engine, named PFQ was designed, that allows efficient capturing and in-kernel aggregation, as well as connection-aware load balancing. Such an engine is based on a novel lockless queue and allows parallel packet capturing to let the user-space application arbitrarily define its degree of parallelism. Therefore, both legacy applications and natively parallel ones can benefit from such capturing engine. In addition, PFQ outperforms its competitors both in terms of captured packets and CPU consumption. In this thesis, a new packet filtering block is designed implemented and added to the existing PFQ capture engine which helps in dropping out unnecessary packets before they are copied into the kernel space thus improves the overall performance of the engine considerably. Because network monitors often want only a small subset of network traffic, a dramatic performance gain is realized by filtering out unwanted packets in interrupt context

    Jacobian-Scaled K-means Clustering for Physics-Informed Segmentation of Reacting Flows

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    This work introduces Jacobian-scaled K-means (JSK-means) clustering, which is a physics-informed clustering strategy centered on the K-means framework. The method allows for the injection of underlying physical knowledge into the clustering procedure through a distance function modification: instead of leveraging conventional Euclidean distance vectors, the JSK-means procedure operates on distance vectors scaled by matrices obtained from dynamical system Jacobians evaluated at the cluster centroids. The goal of this work is to show how the JSK-means algorithm -- without modifying the input dataset -- produces clusters that capture regions of dynamical similarity, in that the clusters are redistributed towards high-sensitivity regions in phase space and are described by similarity in the source terms of samples instead of the samples themselves. The algorithm is demonstrated on a complex reacting flow simulation dataset (a channel detonation configuration), where the dynamics in the thermochemical composition space are known through the highly nonlinear and stiff Arrhenius-based chemical source terms. Interpretations of cluster partitions in both physical space and composition space reveal how JSK-means shifts clusters produced by standard K-means towards regions of high chemical sensitivity (e.g., towards regions of peak heat release rate near the detonation reaction zone). The findings presented here illustrate the benefits of utilizing Jacobian-scaled distances in clustering techniques, and the JSK-means method in particular displays promising potential for improving former partition-based modeling strategies in reacting flow (and other multi-physics) applications
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