91 research outputs found

    Pancreatic Ductal Bicarbonate Secretion: Challenge of the Acinar Acid Load

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    Acinar and ductal cells of the exocrine pancreas form a close functional unit. Although most studies contain data either on acinar or ductal cells, an increasing number of evidence highlights the importance of the pancreatic acinar-ductal functional unit. One of the best examples for this functional unit is the regulation of luminal pH by both cell types. Protons co-released during exocytosis from acini cause significant acidosis, whereas, bicarbonate secreted by ductal cells cause alkalization in the lumen. This suggests that the first and probably one of the most important role of bicarbonate secretion by pancreatic ductal cells is not only to neutralize the acid chyme entering into the duodenum from the stomach, but to neutralize acidic content secreted by acinar cells. To accomplish this role, it is more than likely that ductal cells have physiological sensing mechanisms which would allow them to regulate luminal pH. To date, four different classes of acid-sensing ion channels have been identified in the gastrointestinal tract (transient receptor potential ion channels, two-pore domain potassium channel, ionotropic purinoceptor and acid-sensing ion channel), however, none of these have been studied in pancreatic ductal cells. In this mini-review, we summarize our current knowledge of these channels and urge scientists to characterize ductal acid-sensing mechanisms and also to investigate the challenge of the acinar acid load on ductal cells

    A Novel in situ Approach to Studying Pancreatic Ducts in Mice

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    Introduction: The tissue slice technique offers several benefits compared to isolated cells and cell clusters that help us understand the (patho)physiology of several organs in situ. The most prominent features are preserved architecture and function, with intact homotypic and heterotypic interactions between cells in slices. In the pancreas, this technique has been utilized successfully to study acinar and endocrine islet cells. However, it has never been used to investigate ductal function. Since pancreatic ductal epithelial cells (PDECs) play an essential role in the physiology of the pancreas, our aim was to use this technique to study PDEC structure and function in situ.Materials and methods: Eight- to sixteen weeks old C57BL/6 mice were used for preparation of pancreas tissue slices. Low melting point agarose was injected into the common bile duct and the whole organ was extracted. For morphological studies, pieces of tissue were embedded in agarose and cryosectioned to obtain 15 mu m thick slices. In order to visualize pancreatic ducts, (i) the Giemsa dye was added to the agarose and visualized using light microscopy or (ii) immunostaining for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) was performed. For functional characterization, agarose-embedded tissue was immediately cut to 140 mu m thick tissue slices that were loaded with the cell permeant form of the Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-1 dye and used for confocal calcium imaging.Results: Giemsa staining has shown that the injected agarose reaches the head and body of the pancreas to a greater extent than the tail, without disrupting the tissue architecture. Strong CFTR expression was detected at the apical membranes of PDECs and acinar cells, whereas islet cells were completely negative for CFTR. Stimulation with chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA, 1 mM) resulted in a robust transient increase in intracellular calcium concentration that was readily visible in >40 ductal cells per slice.Conclusion: Our results confirm that the acutely-isolated pancreas tissue slice technique is suitable for structural and functional investigation of PDECs and their relationship with other cell types, such as acini and endocrine cells in situ. In combination with different genetic, pharmacological or dietary approaches it could become a method of choice in the foreseeable future

    Bile acid- and ethanol-mediated activation of Orai1 damages pancreatic ductal secretion in acute pancreatitis

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    Sustained intracellular Ca2+ overload in pancreatic acinar and ductal cells is a hallmark of biliary and alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis, which leads to impaired ductal ion and fluid secretion. Orai1 is a plasma membrane Ca2+ channel that mediates extracellular Ca2+ influx upon endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ depletion. Our results showed that Orai1 is expressed on the luminal plasma membrane of the ductal cells and selective Orai1 inhibition impaired Stim1-dependent extracellular Ca2+ influx evoked by bile acids or ethanol combined with non-oxidative ethanol metabolites. The prevention of sustained extracellular Ca2+ influx protected ductal cell secretory functions in in vitro models and maintained exocrine pancreatic secretion in in vivo AP models. Orai1 inhibition prevents the bile acid-, and alcohol-induced damage of the pancreatic ductal secretion and holds the potential of improving the outcome of acute pancreatitis.Regardless of its etiology, sustained intracellular Ca2+ overload is a well-known hallmark of acute pancreatitis (AP). Toxic Ca2+ elevation induces pancreatic ductal cell damage characterized by impaired ion- and fluid secretion -essential to wash out the protein-rich fluid secreted by acinar cells while maintaining the alkaline intra-ductal pH under physiological conditions- and mitochondrial dysfunction. While prevention of ductal cell injury decreases the severity of AP, no specific drug target has yet been identified in the ductal cells. Although Orai1 -a store operated Ca2+ influx channel- is known to contribute to sustained Ca2+ overload in acinar cells, details concerning its expression and function in ductal cells are currently lacking. In this study, we demonstrate that functionally active Orai1 channels reside dominantly in the apical plasma membrane of pancreatic ductal cells. Selective CM5480-mediated Orai1 inhibition impairs Stim1-dependent extracellular Ca2+ influx evoked by bile acids or ethanol combined with non-oxidative ethanol metabolites. Furthermore, prevention of sustained extracellular Ca2+ influx protects ductal cell secretory function in vitro and decrease pancreatic ductal cell death. Finally, Orai1-inhibition partially restores and maintains proper exocrine pancreatic secretion in in vivo AP models. In conclusion, our results indicate that Orai1 inhibition prevents AP-related ductal cell function impairment and holds the potential of improving disease outcome. Abstract figure legend This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Calcium imaging in intact mouse acinar cells in acute pancreas tissue slices.

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    The physiology and pathophysiology of the exocrine pancreas are in close connection to changes in intra-cellular Ca2+ concentration. Most of our knowledge is based on in vitro experiments on acinar cells or acini enzymatically isolated from their surroundings, which can alter their structure, physiology, and limit our understanding. Due to these limitations, the acute pancreas tissue slice technique was introduced almost two decades ago as a complementary approach to assess the morphology and physiology of both the endocrine and exocrine pancreas in a more conserved in situ setting. In this study, we extend previous work to functional multicellular calcium imaging on acinar cells in tissue slices. The viability and morphological characteristics of acinar cells within the tissue slice were assessed using the LIVE/DEAD assay, transmission electron microscopy, and immunofluorescence imaging. The main aim of our study was to characterize the responses of acinar cells to stimulation with acetylcholine and compare them with responses to cerulein in pancreatic tissue slices, with special emphasis on inter-cellular and inter-acinar heterogeneity and coupling. To this end, calcium imaging was performed employing confocal microscopy during stimulation with a wide range of acetylcholine concentrations and selected concentrations of cerulein. We show that various calcium oscillation parameters depend monotonically on the stimulus concentration and that the activity is rather well synchronized within acini, but not between acini. The acute pancreas tissue slice represents a viable and reliable experimental approach for the evaluation of both intra- and inter-cellular signaling characteristics of acinar cell calcium dynamics. It can be utilized to assess many cells simultaneously with a high spatiotemporal resolution, thus providing an efficient and high-yield platform for future studies of normal acinar cell biology, pathophysiology, and screening pharmacological substances

    Az epesavak és a tripszin hatása a pankreász vezeték sejtek bikarbonát szekréciójára: klinikai és kísérletes vizsgálatok = The effects of bile acids and trypsin on pancreatic ductal bicarbonate secretion.

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    Az akut pankreatitisz egyik legyakoribb oka az epekövesség. A betegség kialakulásának pontos mechanizmusa azonban nem kellőképpen tisztázott. A projekt során célul tűztük ki az epesavak hatásának vizsgálatát pankreasz duktális epitél sejtekre (PDEC), illetve azok fő funkciójára, a bikarbonát szekrécióra. Azt tapasztaltuk, hogy a luminálisan adott kis dózisú nem konjugált kenodeoxikólsav (CDC) IP3-mediált kalcium szignalizáción keresztül stimulálja a bikarbonát szekréciót, míg a nagy dózis mind apikálisan, mind a bazalisan gátolta azt. A gátló hatás hátterében a CDC jelentős mitokondrium károsító hatása áll, mely következményesen ATP deplécióval jár. Kísérleteink során azt találtuk, hogy az ATP depléció önmagában is képes gátolni a bikarbonát szekréciót. A projekt másik célja az aktiválódott tripszin hatásának vizsgálata volt. Kísérleteinkben igazoltuk, hogy a luminálisan adott tripszin, vagy PAR2 aktiváló peptid (AP) gátolja a bikarbonát szekréciót. Kísérleteink alapján vaószínű, hogy , hogy a tripszin bikarbonát szekréciót gátló hatásának hátterében a luminális CFTR-ra kifejtett gátló hatás állhat. Jelen projekt eredményei nagy mértékben hozzájárulnak az akut pankreatitisz kialakulásának pontosabb megértéséhez. | Cholelithiasis is one of the most common reasons of acute pancreatitis. However the patomechanism of this disease is not well understood. Our aim was to investigate the effects of bile acids on pancreatic ductal epithelial cells (PDEC). We clearly showed that luminal admnistration of small doses chenodeoxycholate (CDC) stimulate bicarbonate secretion via IP3 mediated calcium signalisation. In addition. high doses of CDC administered either from the basolateral or the luminal membrane, inhibit bicarbonate secretion . CDC induced mitochondrial damage, wich evoked intracellular ATP depletion. We fuond, that ATP depletion by itself can inhibit pancreatic bicarbonate secretion. The other aim of the project was to investigate the effects of activated trypsin. We found, that luminal administration of trypsin, or PAR-2 activating peptide (AP) inhibit pancreatic bicarbonate secretion. Furthermore, patch clamp experiments revealed that the inhibitory effect of trypsin on bicarbonate secretion is caused via the inhibition of CFTR Cl- channel. Our results considerably contibute to the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis