60 research outputs found

    Hysteroscopic metroplasty with resectoscope or microscissors for the correction of septate uterus

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    During 1990, we performed hysteroscopic incision of uterine septum in 23 women with repeated abortion. The patients were allocated randomly to metroplasty with resectoscope (12 patients in group 1) or microscissors (11 patients in group 2) to compare surgical feasibility and anatomic results with these instruments. The uterine cavity was distended by instillation of sorbitol and mannitol solution under manometric control. Two patients in group 1 and three in group 2 had a complete septum. In group 1, the mean operating time, plus or minus standard deviation (S.D.), was 22 +/- 6 minutes compared with 17 +/- 5 minutes in group 2 (p = 0.06). The mean amount of distension medium used, plus or minus S.D., was 890 +/- 153 milliliters in group 1 versus 671 +/- 170 milliliters in group 2 (p = 0.003). One woman in group 1 with complete uterine septum had a uterine perforation that was managed conservatively. Postoperative morbidity for the entire series was negligible. At follow-up ultrasonography and hysteroscopy performed two months postoperatively, a residual fundal notch > or = 1 centimeter deep was detected and corrected in four patients in group 1 and two in group 2. Our findings indicate that, in terms of operating time and efficacy, the resectoscope and microscissors are equally valid instruments to correct a septate uterus, with a feasibility rate of 100 percent

    Veralipride for hot flushes during gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist treatment

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    Hot flushes are the commonest symptom induced by gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRHa). We performed an open observational trial to evaluate the efficacy of veralipride, an antidopaminergic drug, in reducing hot flushes in 25 premenopausal women treated with a GnRHa for endometriosis (8 subjects) or menorrhagia (17 subjects). The patients received goserelin depot for 6 months and veralipride was added for the third month. Hot flushes, severe in all women at 2 months, improved in both frequency and intensity in 92 % of the subjects during veralipride administration. The benefit obtained persisted until the end of the GnRHa treatment

    Androgens stimulate early stages of follicular growth in the primate ovary.

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    The steroid-sparing effect of JAK inhibitors across multiple patient populations

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    Introduction JAK-inhibitors (JAK-i) represent an effective treatment in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Oral glucocorticoids (OGC) are commonly used in combination with JAK-i to reach therapeutic target. we aimed to assess, in a real-life setting, the reduction of OGC dose during JAK-i treatment in active RA and PsA patients.methods we prospectively enrolled 103 patients (88 RA, 15 PsA) treated with JAK-i: 24% bio-na & iuml;ve (b-na & iuml;ve), 76% bDMARD-insufficient responders (bDMARD-IR) and 40% difficult to treat (D2T), defined as failure of >= 2 bDMARDs with different mechanism of action. disease activity (DAS28 and DAPSA, VAS-pain, GH) and OGC dose was collected at baseline and after 3, 6 and 12 months (T3, T6, T12) of treatment. results In all the cohort and in b-na & iuml;ve patients we reported a reduction of OGC dose at all time-points; bDMARD-IR patients were able to reduce OGC dose at T3 and T12; D2T ones only at T3. we reported an improvement of disease activity and withdrawal of OGC as early as three months of therapy, at all time-points, regardless of line of bDMARD treatment.conclusion chronic OGC may cause detrimental bone, metabolic, cardiovascular side effects and infections; therefore JAK-i steroid-sparing effect may be beneficial for patients in long-term treatment
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