578 research outputs found

    Regional distribution of the knowledge based economy in the eu: towards an oligocentric model?

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    The emergence of new economic activities is a driving force of economic growth and its geography is clearly controversial. But the Knowledge-Based Economy (K-BE) is something more than new activities, it is also about the ongoing renewal of all economic activities. And this increasing knowledge intensity of every activity could have an effect on the geography of large part of industries. In this paper we aims to contribute to a better understanding of the geography of Knowledge-Based Economy (K-BE), by an empirical examen of its geographic concentration across European regions. To do so we classify economic activities into six sectors according to its knowledge/technology intensity and we analyse its concentration patterns at the EU regional level (nuts 2). The six sectors we set-up are: High, Medium and Low Knowledge Intensive Services and High, Medium and Low Tech Manufacturing. The data has been provided by the REGIO database (Eurostat). At the same time, we also try to capture the regional specialisation patterns. The results regarding concentration show that the higher the knowledge/technology content of the economic activity, the higher its concentration level is. Besides, we found that some services activities (the high knowledge intensive ones), present similar concentration levels than high or medium tech manufacturing. On the other hand, regarding specialisation the most outstanding result is the clear predominance of metropolitan regions in the highest knowledge/technology intensive activities (particularly in the case of services). Altogether, the picture delivered on a whole viewpoint is one where a reinforced oligocentric model remains in Europe, while relativelly reshaping its appearence: southern German regions leading high and medium tech manufacturing and the English Southeast leading high knowledge-intensive services, but sharing all of them its relevance with a peak range of growing state metropolis (particularly capitals) from both northern and southern Europe. Key words: regional concentration,knowledge intensive activities,oligocentric model.

    Ernesto Tornquist and the 1901 Project of unification of debts

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    En las últimas décadas del siglo XIX la Argentina vivenció un endeudamiento acelerado que fue una de las principales causas de la crisis de 1890. Los intentos para aliviar el peso de los servicios de la deuda sobre las cuentas públicas se demoraron más de una década. Este trabajo propone analizar las negociaciones de la deuda externa en el año 1901, teniendo en cuenta el rol de los diferentes actores que participaron, sus intereses y los resultados de las negociaciones. El foco esta puesto en examinar el rol de Ernesto Tornquist, tanto como agente financiero de la Casa Baring como del gobierno nacional.In the last decades of the nineteenth century Argentina experienced an accelerated debt that was one of the main causes of the crisis of 1890. Attempts to alleviate the burden of debt services on public accounts were delayed for more than a decade. This paper proposes to analyze the negotiations of the external debt in 1901, taking into account the role of the different actors who participated, their interests and the results of the negotiations. The focus is on examining the role of Ernesto Tornquist, both as financial agent of the Baring House and the national government.Fil: Vence Conti, Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Política de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Política de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Laser-atom interactions: a multiresolution approach

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    Isolated, attosecond laser pulses have allowed real-time measurement and control of electrons on atomic time scales. We present an explicit time-evolution scheme solving the time dependent Schro ̈dinger equation, which employs an adaptive, discontinuous, spectral-element basis that automatically refines to accommodate the requested precision providing efficient computation across many length scales in multiple dimensions. This method is illustrated through time evolution studies of single electron atoms and molecular ions in three and four dimensions under the influence of intense, few-cycle laser pulses


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    Análisis de sistemas de agua caliente sanitaria en viviendas unifamiliares : comparación entre la situación finlandesa y española

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    The objective of this thesis is to analyse the useful solar energy that can be obtained in thermal solar installations aimed for domestic hot water (DHW) heating in a single family house. The analysis has been made for two countries with different climate conditions (Finland and Spain). A virtual house has been implemented to have the same characteristics and specifications in both countries, so that the analysis results obtained do not depend on the physical characteristics, but only the climatologic ones. Firstly, a wide literature research about solar energy, its applications, its installations and systems has been done, for having a consistent theoretical background before the analysis are performed. Secondly, the climatologic and energetic situation in both countries has been analyzed. Then, the regulations, which for both countries are based on the European directives, have been studied for being able to perform the simulations accordingly. Then the simulations have been done with the software RETScreen, widely used for renewable installations. The aim of these simulations is to obtain the effects various issues on the total useful solar energy received and the behaviour of the installation when varying the following parameters: the tilt angle of the collectors, the type of collector (either glazed or evacuated tube collectors are used) and the total collector area. All in all, with these analyses, the optimal solution for the solar installation in both countries is pursued. And in the end, an economical analysis has been performed, to obtain the allowed investment for the optimized solar installation in each country; taking into account the common ways of DHW heating for single family houses. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________El objetivo de este proyecto es analizar la energía solar útil que puede ser obtenida en instalaciones solares enfocadas a la obtención de agua caliente sanitaria (ACS) en una vivienda unifamiliar. El análisis se ha realizado para dos países con diferentes condiciones climatológicas (España y Finlandia). Se ha implementado una casa virtual con el objetivo de tener las mismas características y especificaciones en ambos países, de modo que los resultados obtenidos tras el análisis no dependan de las características físicas, sino solamente de las climatológicas. Primeramente, se ha realizado un amplio estudio sobre la energía solar, sus aplicaciones, tipos de instalaciones y de diferentes sistemas; para así tener una buena base teórica antes de realizar el análisis y las simulaciones. Consiguientemente, ha sido analizada la situación climatológica y energética en ambos países. Asimismo, las regulaciones energéticas, las cuales en ambos países están basadas en las directivas europeas, han sido estudiadas para así poder llevar a cabo las simulaciones de acuerdo a éstas. Tras el estudio teórico se procede a realizar las simulaciones. Éstas se han realizado con el software RETScreen, ampliamente usado para instalaciones basadas en energías renovables. La finalidad de estas simulaciones es obtener el efecto de varios factores sobre la energía útil total y el comportamiento de la instalación cuando se varían los siguientes parámetros: la inclinación de los colectores, el tipo de colector (colector de placa plana o de vacío, que son los tipos analizados) y la superficie total colectora. Por tanto, con estos análisis se quiere alcanzar la solución óptima para la instalación solar en cada país. Finalmente, se ha realizado un análisis económico para obtener la inversión mínima necesaria para la instalación solar óptima en cada país; teniendo en cuenta las formas más comunes de obtención de ACS en viviendas unifamiliares.Ingeniería Industria

    Diseño y elaboración de un software educativo como estrategia que facilite la resolución de problemas matemáticos con varias operaciones para estudiantes del cuarto grado de la institución educativa de Sabanalarga “Codesa”

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    Se propone un software educativo como estrategia para facilitar la resolución de problemas matemáticos en estudiantes del grado cuarto de la Institución Educativa de Sabanalarga “CODESA”. Se propone como una nueva opción metodológica que permita el desarrollo de destrezas de pensamiento. En la propuesta se plantea una serie de situaciones problemas que le posibilitan al estudiante hacer una ruta que lo lleva a desarrollar habilidades para la formulación y resolución de problemas, y a consolidar el manejo las operaciones (adición, sustracción, multiplicación y división) así como dotar de significado las prácticas matemáticas que realizan en su cotidianidad. Esta propuesta busca facilitar la resolución de problemas matemáticos en el grado cuarto, dando así respuesta a la problemática encontrada en la Institución Educativa de Sabanalarga; en donde la formulación y resolución de problemas le permite al estudiante no solo la exploración de posibles soluciones, la modelación de la realidad, sino el desarrollo de estrategias y la aplicación de técnicas que le permitan desenvolverse en su cotidianidad

    Analisis Sifat Fisis dan Kimia Produk Minyak Kayu Putih di Pasaran Kota Ambon

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    This study analyzes the physical and chemical characteristics of eucalyptus oil products in the Ambon city market. Eucalyptus oil stamped Merpati Putih/MP to determine the quality grade of MP eucalyptus oil. The MP quality grade is based on the chemical component content level of 1,8-cineole. Furthermore, according to results of the testing on the physics properties of some parameters as required at SNI 3954-2014 about Eucalyptus (Cajuput) Oil standard, and the analysis of chemical components through GC-MS apparatus, the results shows that the MP Cajuput oil has the properties of physics that meet the required standards, among others: the specific gravity (BJ) of 0917, light green-colored towards clear, smelling as typical cajuput oil (original), the refractive indexes at ambient was about 1.469; there was no mixing with other oils (clear) and the absence of fatty oil with an optical rotation value at (-) 0, 33o, respectively. However, the results of the analysis of chemical components by GC-MS proved that the quality of the MP Cajuput oil at the first quality class was based on SNI 3954-2014 due to contains 1.8-cineole whose it value was within the standard ranges of 50 to < 55%, which is 52.51