123 research outputs found

    Avaliação de resistência de planta adulta nas cultivares de arroz irrigado à Magnaporthe grisea.

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    O objetivo desta investigação foi identificar cultivares de arroz irrigado com resistência diferenciada na fase adulta

    Identification of superior doubled haploid maize (Zea mays) inbred lines derived from high oil content subtropical populations

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    High oil maize (HOM) hybrids, adapted to subtropical regions are needed to meet existing requirements forindustrial and livestock purposes. Recently, the doubled haploid (DH) breeding technology is applied to reduceconsiderably the time to generate homozygous maize lines, however, information of heterotic response, per seproductivity, stress, disease reaction, and adaptation to different environments are not known. In this work, fieldevaluations of per se and testcross high oil content DH lines adapted for subtropical environments were studiedto identify superior DH lines with good heterotic response and agronomic characteristics. White and yellow kerneltest crosses were formed using the different heterotic population as testers from which DH lines were derived.Test crosses were evaluated at three locations in Mexico. Superior DH lines from each tester presented highGCA effects through test crosses, with a range of grain yield across locations of 12.8 to 10.4 Mg ha-1 and 11.1to 9.1 Mg ha-1 respectively. Per se DH lines were observed and screened for adaptation, productivity, diseasereaction and other agronomic traits in five locations/year environments. Per se DH lines screening process acrossenvironments was able to obtain information for adaptation, productivity, and healthiness. Also of DH lines withhigh response of GCA, information regarding heterotic groups, and DH lines oil content determination was usedto identify outstanding DH lines for developing HOM high-yielding hybrids adapted for subtropical regions, withfewer costs and time. This research demonstrated that it was feasible to identify subtropical elite DH lines withhigh oil content

    ESR, raman and conductivity studies on fractionated poly(2-methoxyaniline-5-sulfonic acid)

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    Synthesis methods used to produce poly(2-methoxyaniline-5-sulfonic acid) (PMAS), a water soluble, self-doped conducting polymer, have been shown to form two distinctly different polymer fractions with molecular weights of approximately 2 kDa and 8 -10 kDa. The low molecular weight (LMWT) PMAS fraction is redox inactive and non-conducting while the high molecular weight (HMWT) PMAS is electro-active with electrical conductivities of 0.94 0.05 S cm-1. Previous investigations have illustrated the different photochemical and electrochemical properties of these fractions, but have not correlated these properties with the structural and electronic interactions that drive them. Incomplete purification of the PMAS mixture, typically via bag dialysis, has been shown to result in a mixture of approximately 50:50 HMWT:LMWT PMAS with electrical conductivity significantly lower at approximately 0.10 to 0.26 S cm-1. The difference between the electrical conductivities of these fractions has been investigated by the controlled addition of the non-conducting LMWT PMAS fraction into the HMWT PMAS composite film with the subsequent electronic properties investigated by solid-state ESR and Raman spectroscopies. These studies illustrate strong electronic intereactions of the insulating LMWT PMAS with the emeraldine salt HMWT PMAS to substantially alter the population of the electronic charge carriers in the conducting polymer. ESR studies on these mixtures, when compared to HMWT PMAS, exhibited a lower level of electron spin in the presence of LMWT PMAS indicative of the the formation of low spin bipolarons without a change the oxidation state of the conducting HMWT fraction

    Eficiência de fungicidas para o controle da ferrugem-asiática da soja, Phakopsora pachyrhizi, na safra 2011/12: resultados sumarizados dos ensaios cooperativos.

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    Material e método: Tabela 1 - Instituições, locais, cultivares, datas da semeadura da soja, presença (1) ou ausência (0) de sintomas de ferrugem na primeira aplicação de fungicida (incidência - INC). Tabela 2 - Ingrediente ativo (i.a.), produto comercial (p.c.) e dose dos fungicidas nos tratamentos para o controle da ferrugem-asiática da soja, safra 2011/12. Resultados e discussões: Figura 1 - Box plot da porcentagem de controle da ferrugem, para os diferentes tratamentos com fungicidas, em relação à média da severidade da testemunha sem controle (T1). Figura 2 - Box plot da porcentagem de redução da produtividade, para os diferentes tratamentos com fungicidas, em relação à média da produtividade do melhor tratamento. Tabela 3: Severidade da ferruge, porcentagem de controle em relação à testemunha sem tratamento, produtividade (Kg ha-1) e porcentagem de redução de produtividade (RP) em relação ao tratamento com a maior produtividade, para os diferentes tratamentos. Média de 11 ensaios para severidade e de 15 ensaios para produtividade. Rede de ensaios cooperativos, safra 2011/12.bitstream/item/61841/1/CT93.2012.pd

    Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, photochemical and photophysical properties and biological activities of ruthenium complexes with mono- and bi-dentate histamine ligand

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    The monodentate cis-[Ru(phen)(2)(hist)(2)](2+) 1R and the bidentate cis-[Ru(phen)(2)(hist)](2+) 2A complexes were prepared and characterized using spectroscopic (H-1, (H-1-H-1) COSY and (H-1-C-13) HSQC NMR, UV-vis, luminescence) techniques. The complexes presented absorption and emission in the visible region, as well as a tri-exponential emission decay. The complexes are soluble in aqueous and non-aqueous solution with solubility in a buffer solution of pH 7.4 of 1.14 x 10(-3) mol L-1 for (1R + 2A) and 6.43 x 10(-4) mol L-1 for 2A and lipophilicity measured in an aqueous-octanol solution of -1.14 and -0.96, respectively. Photolysis in the visible region in CH3CN converted the starting complexes into cis-[Ru(phen)(2)(CH3CN)(2)](2+). Histamine photorelease was also observed in pure water and in the presence of BSA (1.0 x 10(-6) mol L-1). The bidentate coordination of the histamine to the ruthenium center in relation to the monodentate coordination increased the photosubstitution quantum yield by a factor of 3. Pharmacological studies showed that the complexes present a moderate inhibition of AChE with an IC50 of 21 mu mol L-1 (referred to risvagtini, IC50 181 mu mol L-1 and galantamine IC50 0.006 mu mol L-1) with no appreciable cytotoxicity toward to the HeLa cells (50% cell viability at 925 mu mol L-1). Cell uptake of the complexes into HeLa cells was detected by fluorescence confocal microscopy. Overall, the observation of a luminescent complex that penetrates the cell wall and has low cytotoxicity, but is reactive photochemically, releasing histamine when irradiated with visible light, are interesting features for application of these complexes as phototherapeutic agents.FAPESP [Proc 2009/08218-0]FAPESPCNPq [Universal 470890/2010-0]CNPqCAPESCAPE

    Unveiling the Angiotensin-(1–7) Actions on the Urinary Bladder in Female Rats

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    Angiotensin-(1–7) is a peptide produced by different pathways, and regardless of the route, the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) is involved in one of the steps of its synthesis. Angiotensin-(1–7) binds to Mas receptors localized in different cells throughout the body. Whether angiotensin-(1–7) exerts any action in the urinary bladder (UB) is still unknown. We investigated the effects of intravenous and topical (in situ) administration of angiotensin-(1–7) on intravesical pressure (IP) and cardiovascular variables. In addition, the Mas receptors and ACE-2 gene and protein expression were analyzed in the UB. Adult female Wistar rats were anesthetized with 2% isoflurane in 100% O2 and submitted to the catheterization of the femoral artery and vein for mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) recordings, and infusion of drugs, respectively. The renal blood flow was acquired using a Doppler flow probe placed around the left renal artery and the renal conductance (RC) was calculated as a ratio of Doppler shift (kHz) and MAP. The cannulation of the UB was performed for IP recording. We observed that angiotensin-(1–7) either administered intravenously [115.8 ± 28.6% angiotensin-(1–7) vs. −2.9 ± 1.3% saline] or topically [147.4 ± 18.9% angiotensin-(1–7) vs. 3.2 ± 2.8% saline] onto the UB evoked a significant (p < 0.05) increase in IP compared to saline and yielded no changes in MAP, HR, and RC. The marked response of angiotensin-(1–7) on the UB was also investigated using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and western blotting assay, which demonstrated the mRNA and protein expression of Mas receptors in the bladder, respectively. ACE-2 mRNA and protein expression was also observed in the bladder. Therefore, the findings demonstrate that angiotensin-(1–7) acts in the UB to increase the IP and suggest that this peptide can be also locally synthesized in the UB