1,412 research outputs found

    Muon anomalous magnetic moment due to the brane-stretching effect

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    We investigate the contribution of extra dimensions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment by using an ADD-type 6-dimensional model. This approach analyzes the extent of the influence of classical brane fluctuations on the magnetic moment. When we consider that the brane fluctuations are static in time, they add new potential terms to the Schr{\"o}dinger equation through the induced vierbein. This paper shows that the brane fluctuation is responsible for the brane-stretching effect. This effect would be capable of reproducing the appropriate order for recent Brookhaven National Laboratory measurements of the muon (g-2) deviation.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, minor changed, accepted for Phys. Rev.

    Interpretation of Precision Measurements in the Strongly Interacting Limit of the Standard Electroweak Model

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    Strong rescattering corrections to one-loop contributions to the parameters of the standard electroweak model are considered.Comment: 12 page

    Supersymmetric NLO QCD Corrections to Resonant Slepton Production and Signals at the Tevatron and the LHC

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    We compute the total cross section and the transverse momentum distribution for single charged slepton and sneutrino production at hadronic colliders including NLO supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric QCD corrections. The supersymmetric QCD corrections can be substantial. We also resum the gluon transverse momentum distribution and compare our results with two Monte Carlo generators. We compute branching ratios of the supersymmetric decays of the slepton and determine event rates for the like-sign dimuon final state at the Tevatron and at the LHC.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures, uses REVTex

    E-reverse auctions : de leverancierskant

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    What is the discrete gauge symmetry of the R-parity violating MSSM?

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    The lack of experimental evidence for supersymmetry motivates R-parity violating realizations of the MSSM. Dropping R-parity, alternative symmetries have to be imposed in order to stabilize the proton. We determine the possible discrete R and non-R symmetries, which allow for renormalizable R-parity violating terms in the superpotential and which, at the effective level, are consistent with the constraints from nucleon decay. Assuming a gauge origin, we require the symmetry to be discrete gauge anomaly-free, allowing also for cancellation via the Green Schwarz mechanism. Furthermore, we demand lepton number violating neutrino mass terms either at the renormalizable or non-renormalizable level. In order to solve the mu problem, the discrete Z_N or Z_N^R symmetries have to forbid any bilinear superpotential operator at tree level. In the case of renormalizable baryon number violation the smallest possible symmetry satisfying all conditions is a unique hexality Z_6^R. In the case of renormalizable lepton number violation the smallest symmetries are two hexalities, one Z_6 and one Z_6^R.Comment: 25 pages, version to appear in PR

    Consequences of a Possible Di-Gamma Resonace at TRISTAN

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    If high mass di-gamma events observed at LEP are due to the production of a di-gamma resonance via its leptonic coupling, its consequences can be observed at TRISTAN. We find that a predicted ZZ decay branching rate is too small to account for the observed events if the resonance spin is zero, due to a strong cancellation in the decay amplitudes. Such a cancellation is absent if the resonance has a spin two. We study the consequences of a tensor production in the processes e+ee+ee^+e^- \to e^+e^-, μ+μ\mu^+\mu^- and γγ\gamma\,\gamma at TRISTAN energies. Complete helicity amplitudes with tensor boson exchange contributions are given, and the signal can clearly be identified from various distributions. TRISTAN experiments are also sensitive to the virtual tensor boson exchange effects, which reduce to the contact interaction terms in the high mass limit.Comment: 23 pages in revtex, 7 figures (not included) available upon request, KEK-TH-35

    Measuring a Light Neutralino Mass at the ILC: Testing the MSSM Neutralino Cold Dark Matter Model

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    The LEP experiments give a lower bound on the neutralino mass of about 46 GeV which, however, relies on a supersymmetric grand unification relation. Dropping this assumption, the experimental lower bound on the neutralino mass vanishes completely. Recent analyses suggest, however, that in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), a light neutralino dark matter candidate has a lower bound on its mass of about 7 GeV. In light of this, we investigate the mass sensitivity at the ILC for very light neutralinos. We study slepton pair production, followed by the decay of the sleptons to a lepton and the lightest neutralino. We find that the mass measurement accuracy for a few-GeV neutralino is around 2 GeV, or even less if the relevant slepton is sufficiently light. We thus conclude that the ILC can help verify or falsify the MSSM neutralino cold dark matter model even for very light neutralinos.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure; references adde

    Natural media workshop

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    This workshop will examine what our current imaging and sensing technologies do to our perception. We will examine, using practical examples, the potential to develop more 'Natural Media’ and technologies by broadening the focus of attention to the whole visual, auditory, tactile and sensual field. The aim is to re-incorporate peripheral awareness into our experience using these multiple sense inputs

    New bounds on trilinear R-parity violation from lepton flavor violating observables

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    Many extensions of the leptonic sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) are known, most of them leading to observable flavor violating effects. It has been recently shown that the 1-loop contributions to lepton flavor violating three-body decays li3ljl_i \to 3 l_j involving the Z0Z^0 boson may be dominant, that is, much more important than the usual photonic penguins. Other processes like μ\mu-ee conversion in nuclei and flavor violating τ\tau decays into mesons are also enhanced by the same effect. This is for instance also the case in the MSSM with trilinear R-parity violation. The aim of this work is to derive new bounds on the relevant combinations of R-parity violating couplings and to compare them with previous results in the literature. For heavy supersymmetric spectra the limits are improved by several orders of magnitude. For completeness, also constraints coming from flavor violating Z0Z^0-decays and tree-level decay channels lliljlkl \to l_i l_j l_k are presented for a set of benchmark points.Comment: 21 pages; 5 figures; v2: corrected bug, conclusion unchange

    Heavy Fermion Screening Effects and Gauge Invariance

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    We show that the naively expected large virtual heavy fermion effects in low energy processes may be screened if the process under consideration contains external gauge bosons constrained by gauge invariance. We illustrate this by a typical example of the process γγbbˉ\gamma\gamma\to b \bar{b}. Phenomenological implications are also briefly indicated.Comment: a miss-print fixed, 7 pages, LaTex, no figure