196 research outputs found

    Chemoattractant-stimulated calcium influx in Dictyostelium discoideum does not depend on cGMP

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    Chemoattractant stimulation of Dictyostelium cells leads to the opening of calcium channels in the plasma membrane, causing extracellular calcium to flux into the cell. The genetically uncharacterised mutants stimF and K18 show strongly altered chemoattractant-stimulated cGMP responses. The aberrant calcium influx in these strains has provided evidence that the chemoattractant-stimulated calcium influx is potentiated by cGMP. We have tested this hypothesis in genetically defined mutants by measuring the calcium influx in a strain that lacks intracellular cGMP due to the disruption of two guanylyl cyclases, and in a strain with increased cGMP levels caused by the disruption of two cGMP-degrading phosphodiesterases. The results reveal that the calcium influx stimulated by cAMP or folic acid is essentially identical in these strains. We conclude that cGMP is not involved in chemoattractant-stimulated calcium influx. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved

    SILAC-based proteomic quantification of chemoattractant-induced cytoskeleton dynamics on a second to minute timescale

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    Cytoskeletal dynamics during cell behaviours ranging from endocytosis and exocytosis to cell division and movement is controlled by a complex network of signalling pathways, the full details of which are as yet unresolved. Here we show that SILAC-based proteomic methods can be used to characterize the rapid chemoattractant-induced dynamic changes in the actin–myosin cytoskeleton and regulatory elements on a proteome-wide scale with a second to minute timescale resolution. This approach provides novel insights in the ensemble kinetics of key cytoskeletal constituents and association of known and novel identified binding proteins. We validate the proteomic data by detailed microscopy-based analysis of in vivo translocation dynamics for key signalling factors. This rapid large-scale proteomic approach may be applied to other situations where highly dynamic changes in complex cellular compartments are expected to play a key role

    Assaying Rho GTPase–dependent processes in Dictyostelium discoideum

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    The model organism D. discoideum is well-suited to investigate basic questions of molecular and cell biology, particularly those related to the structure, regulation and dynamics of the cytoskeleton, signal transduction, cell-cell adhesion and development. D. discoideum cells make use of Rho-regulated signaling pathways to reorganize the actin cytoskeleton during chemotaxis, endocytosis and cytokinesis. In this organism the Rho family encompasses 20 members, several belonging to the Rac subfamily, but there are no representatives of the Cdc42 and Rho subfamilies. Here we present protocols suitable for monitoring the actin polymerization response and the activation of Rac upon stimulation of aggregation competent cells with the chemoattractant cAMP, and for monitoring the localization and dynamics of Rac activity in live cells

    Mercury Bioaccumulation and Prediction in Terrestrial Insects from Soil in Huludao City, Northeast China

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    Mercury accumulation was investigated by constructing and testing empirical equations based on mercury in soil (Cs) and in 10 terrestrial insects (Ci). Cs ranged from 0.13 to 41.01 mg/kg. Ci differed with species and the highest was found in dragonfly. Cs and Ci showed a good linear fit, and a simple equation was used in predicting Ci when insects were classified into one Insecta group (r = 0.3399, p = 0.0037). The taxonomy can affect validities of empirical equations, which fit field data well when insects were grouped by feeding habits, and when grouped by species, empirical equations were suitable only for certain insects

    Genetic Engineering of Dictyostelium discoideum Cells Based on Selection and Growth on Bacteria

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    Dictyostelium discoideum is an intriguing model organism for the study of cell differentiation processes during development, cell signaling, and other important cellular biology questions. The technologies available to genetically manipulate Dictyostelium cells are well-developed. Transfections can be performed using different selectable markers and marker re-cycling, including homologous recombination and insertional mutagenesis. This is supported by a well-annotated genome. However, these approaches are optimized for axenic cell lines growing in liquid cultures and are difficult to apply to non-axenic wild-type cells, which feed only on bacteria. The mutations that are present in axenic strains disturb Ras signaling, causing excessive macropinocytosis required for feeding, and impair cell migration, which confounds the interpretation of signal transduction and chemotaxis experiments in those strains. Earlier attempts to genetically manipulate non-axenic cells have lacked efficiency and required complex experimental procedures. We have developed a simple transfection protocol that, for the first time, overcomes these limitations. Those series of large improvements to Dictyostelium molecular genetics allow wild-type cells to be manipulated as easily as standard laboratory strains. In addition to the advantages for studying uncorrupted signaling and motility processes, mutants that disrupt macropinocytosis-based growth can now be readily isolated. Furthermore, the entire transfection workflow is greatly accelerated, with recombinant cells that can be generated in days rather than weeks. Another advantage is that molecular genetics can further be performed with freshly isolated wild-type Dictyostelium samples from the environment. This can help to extend the scope of approaches used in these research areas

    The Ordered Extension of Pseudopodia by Amoeboid Cells in the Absence of External Cues

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    Eukaryotic cells extend pseudopodia for movement. In the absence of external cues, cells move in random directions, but with a strong element of persistence that keeps them moving in the same direction Persistence allows cells to disperse over larger areas and is instrumental to enter new environments where spatial cues can lead the cell. Here we explore cell movement by analyzing the direction, size and timing of ∼2000 pseudopodia that are extended by Dictyostelium cells. The results show that pseudpopod are extended perpendicular to the surface curvature at the place where they emerge. The location of new pseudopods is not random but highly ordered. Two types of pseudopodia may be formed: frequent splitting of an existing pseudopod, or the occasional extension of a de novo pseudopod at regions devoid of recent pseudopod activity. Split-pseudopodia are extended at ∼60 degrees relative to the previous pseudopod, mostly as alternating Right/Left/Right steps leading to relatively straight zigzag runs. De novo pseudopodia are extended in nearly random directions thereby interrupting the zigzag runs. Persistence of cell movement is based on the ratio of split versus de novo pseudopodia. We identify PLA2 and cGMP signaling pathways that modulate this ratio of splitting and de novo pseudopodia, and thereby regulate the dispersal of cells. The observed ordered extension of pseudopodia in the absence of external cues provides a fundamental insight into the coordinated movement of cells, and might form the basis for movement that is directed by internal or external cues

    Coronary artery dominance and the risk of adverse clinical events following percutaneous coronary intervention: insights from the prospective, randomised TWENTE trial

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    Aims: To investigate the prognostic value of coronary dominance for various adverse clinical events following the implantation of drug-eluting stents. Methods and results: We assessed two-year follow-up data of 1,387 patients from the randomised TWENTE trial. Based on the origin of the posterior descending coronary artery, coronary circulation was categorised into left and non-left dominance (i.e., right and balanced). Target vessel-related myocardial infarction (MI) was defined according to the updated Academic Research Consortium (ARC) definition (2x upper reference limit of creatine kinase [CK], confirmed by CK-MB elevation), and periprocedural MI (PMI) as MI ≤48 hours following PCI. One hundred and thirty-six patients (9.8%) had left and 1,251 (90.2%) non-left dominance. Target lesions were more frequently located in dominant arteries (p<0.005). Left dominance was associated with more severe calcifications (p=0.006) and more bifurcation lesions (p=0.031). Non-left dominance tended to be less frequent in men (p=0.09). Left coronary dominance was associated with more target vessel-related MI (14 [10.3%] vs. 62 [5.0%], p=0.009). Left dominance independently predicted PMI (adjusted HR 2.19, 95% CI: 1.15-4.15, p=0.017), while no difference in other clinical endpoints was observed between dominance groups. Conclusions: In the population of the TWENTE trial, we observed a higher incidence of periprocedural myocardial infarction in patients who had left coronary dominance. - See more at: http://www.pcronline.com/eurointervention/ahead_of_print/201402-11/#sthash.p3Zkzx7X.dp

    An Excitable Cortex and Memory Model Successfully Predicts New Pseudopod Dynamics

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    Motile eukaryotic cells migrate with directional persistence by alternating left and right turns, even in the absence of external cues. For example, Dictyostelium discoideum cells crawl by extending distinct pseudopods in an alternating right-left pattern. The mechanisms underlying this zig-zag behavior, however, remain unknown. Here we propose a new Excitable Cortex and Memory (EC&M) model for understanding the alternating, zig-zag extension of pseudopods. Incorporating elements of previous models, we consider the cell cortex as an excitable system and include global inhibition of new pseudopods while a pseudopod is active. With the novel hypothesis that pseudopod activity makes the local cortex temporarily more excitable – thus creating a memory of previous pseudopod locations – the model reproduces experimentally observed zig-zag behavior. Furthermore, the EC&M model makes four new predictions concerning pseudopod dynamics. To test these predictions we develop an algorithm that detects pseudopods via hierarchical clustering of individual membrane extensions. Data from cell-tracking experiments agrees with all four predictions of the model, revealing that pseudopod placement is a non-Markovian process affected by the dynamics of previous pseudopods. The model is also compatible with known limits of chemotactic sensitivity. In addition to providing a predictive approach to studying eukaryotic cell motion, the EC&M model provides a general framework for future models, and suggests directions for new research regarding the molecular mechanisms underlying directional persistence

    Food Searching Strategy of Amoeboid Cells by Starvation Induced Run Length Extension

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    Food searching strategies of animals are key to their success in heterogeneous environments. The optimal search strategy may include specialized random walks such as Levy walks with heavy power-law tail distributions, or persistent walks with preferred movement in a similar direction. We have investigated the movement of the soil amoebae Dictyostelium searching for food. Dictyostelium cells move by extending pseudopodia, either in the direction of the previous pseudopod (persistent step) or in a different direction (turn). The analysis of ∼4000 pseudopodia reveals that step and turn pseudopodia are drawn from a probability distribution that is determined by cGMP/PLA2 signaling pathways. Starvation activates these pathways thereby suppressing turns and inducing steps. As a consequence, starved cells make very long nearly straight runs and disperse over ∼30-fold larger areas, without extending more or larger pseudopodia than vegetative cells. This ‘win-stay/lose-shift’ strategy for food searching is called Starvation Induced Run-length Extension. The SIRE walk explains very well the observed differences in search behavior between fed and starving organisms such as bumble-bees, flower bug, hoverfly and zooplankton

    AlignNemo: A Local Network Alignment Method to Integrate Homology and Topology

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    Local network alignment is an important component of the analysis of protein-protein interaction networks that may lead to the identification of evolutionary related complexes. We present AlignNemo, a new algorithm that, given the networks of two organisms, uncovers subnetworks of proteins that relate in biological function and topology of interactions. The discovered conserved subnetworks have a general topology and need not to correspond to specific interaction patterns, so that they more closely fit the models of functional complexes proposed in the literature. The algorithm is able to handle sparse interaction data with an expansion process that at each step explores the local topology of the networks beyond the proteins directly interacting with the current solution. To assess the performance of AlignNemo, we ran a series of benchmarks using statistical measures as well as biological knowledge. Based on reference datasets of protein complexes, AlignNemo shows better performance than other methods in terms of both precision and recall. We show our solutions to be biologically sound using the concept of semantic similarity applied to Gene Ontology vocabularies. The binaries of AlignNemo and supplementary details about the algorithms and the experiments are available at: sourceforge.net/p/alignnemo
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