275 research outputs found
ISI Publications Management Through Performance Indicators
The paper proposes to describe the ways in which the research management and administration department from a certain institution can interfere with specific policies in order to increase the visibility of scientific publications. Scientometric analysis is made on ISI publications of “Constantin Brancsi” University from Targu Jiu and wants to reveal performance indicators able to monitor the visibility of the papers indexed in ThomsonReuters ISI base.scientometric analysis, Web of Science, performance indicators, h-index
The new economy or e-Economy represents the surging of growth generated since the end of the 1991-2000 decade by New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC). Consequently, the shift to the knowledge-based economy has triggered significant structural mutations in the GDP evolution, such as: the prices cutback, changes on the labor market (unemployment rate decrease), the multi-factor productivity strengthening etc. The most meaningful are the modifications occurred in the international environment and in the mix politics in the United States of America. Strangely enough, the shift to NTIC finds our country in a quite advantageous position, in the sense that the generalized crisis may be overcome by investing in NTIC; the resources are at hand, except for the capital for the non-involvement of the national economy into large industries that feature new technologies, but rather morally worn out.NTCI; open source; knowledge-based economy; multifactor productivity
TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.A Constituição, enquanto documento que exprime o conteúdo essencial da ordem política e jurídica de um país, convive com duas forças que operam em direções opostas: uma tendente à rigidez e outra à flexibilidade. Deve imprimir estabilidade, sem, todavia, se desvencilhar da realidade. A Constituição é, então, marcada pela oposição entre o dever de segurança e a necessidade de se adequar às mudanças políticas e sociais. Deste modo, o próprio constituinte, visando a conciliar esses valores opostos, deve prever a forma como o texto constitucional será alterado, através de um processo formal previsto na própria Constituição. Contudo, surgem e ganham força teses defendendo que a opção do constituinte não seria suficiente para manter a Constituição em constante adaptação e, por isso, seria necessário aceitar a possibilidade da Constituição sofrer mutações em seu texto, isto é, modificações não formais não previstas no texto constitucional. Neste contexto, a presente pesquisa tem por objeto o estudo das mutações constitucionais, processos informais de mudança da Constituição, visando a analisar o que são e como operam, bem como sua compatibilidade com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Outrossim, será examinado o caso da Reclamação 4.335/AC, julgado pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, em que a teoria das mutações constitucionais foi aventada para legitimar uma modificação substancial no papel do Senado Federal no controle de constitucionalidade.The Constitution, as the document that expresses the essence of the political and legal system of a country, live with two forces working in opposite directions: one prone to strictness and other to flexibility. It ought to print stability, without, however, break away from reality. The Constitution is then marked by the opposition between the obligation to security and the need to adapt to social and political change. Thus, the constituent itself, in order to conciliate these opposing values, must predict how the Constitution will be amended through a formal procedure laid down in the Constitution itself. However, emerge and gain strength theses arguing that the constitutional option would not be enough to keep the Constitution in constant adaptation and, therefore, would need to accept the possibility of the Constitution to suffer mutations, i.e., informal changes in the constitutional text. In this context, this research's purpose is the study of constitutional mutations, informal processes of change of the Constitution, in order to analyze what they are and how they operate, as well as its compatibility with the Brazilian legal system. Furthermore, it will be examined the case of the Reclamação n. 4335/ AC, judged by the Supremo Tribunal Federal, where the theory of constitutional change was suggested in order to legitimize a substantial change in the role of the Senate in the control of constitutionality
Guidelines for creating an authentic virtual enterprise in Romania
The main goal of this paper is to propose a mathematical model which can be easily used by the strategic managers of any organisation that initiates a virtual enterprise in Romania. Therefore, the first step is to identify the main characteristics a potential partner in such a specific supply chain must have. These characteristics can vary depending on the specific of the company and its position in the chain of the virtual enterprise. Some of these characteristics are mandatory requirements, some are optional requirements. We strongly advice that the mandatory requirements are observed, even when the process of gathering these data and/or information proves to be difficult. The optional requirements mentioned in the model provide a general framework as to what should be expected from a potential partner and can be changed according to the particular needs. These requirements are then inserted into a mathematical model, adaptable, flexible, customizable. The model is adaptable because it allows to insert certain issues of interest and to eliminate the unnecessary or irrelevant ones, it is flexible due to the possibility to change weights according to the relative importance of each feature and it is customizable since is based on questionnaires which are designed by each agent company, according to its specific needs. This model is based on actual observation of the Romanian market.virtual enterprise, virtual enterprise potential partners evaluation, vertical integration, extended enterprise potential partners evaluation, virtual enterprise metrics, virtual enterprise broker
Paradigms of the e-economy. Opportunities for Romania
The new economy or e-Economy represents the surging of growth generated since the end of the 1991-2000 decade by New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC). Consequently, the shift to the knowledge-based economy has triggered significant structural mutations in the GDP evolution, such as: the prices cutback, changes on the labor market (unemployment rate decrease), the multi-factor productivity strengthening, etc.The most meaningful are the modifications occurred in the international environment and in the mix politics in the United States of America. Strangely enough, the shift to NTIC finds our country in a quite advantageous position, in the sense that the generalized crisis may be overcome by investing in NTIC; the resources are at hand, except for the capital for the non-involvement of the national economy into large industries that feature new technologies, but rather morally worn out.
Difficulties in the collection of data and information in Romania
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the difficulties encountered by any person or company when searching for valuable information on the official sites of the ministries or state institutions, using the available search keys. At the same time, the paper states the necessity to design a new, comprehensive database, with another two keys (one primary and one secondary), in order to better assist the search effort. The data and information contained in this database should be accurate, supplied in a timely manner and against small or no fees. At the same time, the level of the information supplied as result of the search should strictly observe the present regulation regarding the privacy of data and information in the European Union.
Sustainable business model innovation: The role of boundary work for multi-stakeholder alignment
This study focuses on the boundary-spanning nature of sustainable business model innovation, studying multi-stakeholder engagement and alignment. Drawing on the concept of boundary work, we explore the different types of organizational boundary changes between focal companies and their external stakeholders, investigating specifically the process of exploring, negotiating, disrupting and realigning organizational boundaries. Based on an exploratory study of nine different sustainable business model initiatives from for-profit and non-profit organizations, our analysis shows how actors involved need to find alignment at normative, instrumental and strategic dimensions in order to achieve sustainable value creation. However, complexity for alignment emerges through different understandings of value,diverging interests, division of risks and responsibilities, and existing processes and activities that limits actors’ openness to align. Mutual boundary changes are thus necessary in the process of multi-stakeholder engagement in order to enhance organizations’understanding of value and to capture the envisioned value. This paper functions as an agenda-setting paper, presenting first insights on how the boundary work lens can advance our understanding of alignment processes between focal organizations and their external stakeholders, required for sustainable business model innovation
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