131 research outputs found

    First identification of Bartonella coopersplainsensis in wild rodents (Rattus norvegicus) in Greece

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    Η μελέτη αυτή ήταν μια πρώτη προσπάθεια για ανίχνευση της Bartonella sp. σε ιστούς (ήπαρ και καρδιά) πουπάρθηκαν από άγρια τρωκτικά {Rattus norvegicus) στην κεντρική Ελλάδα. Εξετάστηκαν δεκαοκτώ (18) δείγματα ήπατος και δεκαοκτώ (18) δείγματα καρδιάς, τα οποία προέρχονταν από είκοσι τρία (23) ζώα. Δυο (2) δείγματα ήπατος βρέθηκαν θετικάενώ όλα τα δείγματα καρδιάς ήταν αρνητικά για το γονίδιο 16S-23S intergenic spacer rDNA της Bartonella sp. Η αλληλουχίατων βάσεων του DNA των θετικών δειγμάτων και η σύγκριση με τα διαθέσιμα δεδομένα της GenBank με τη χρησιμοποίησητου προγράμματος BLAST, αποκάλυψε το ίδιο είδος Bartonella και στα δύο θετικά δείγματα με 100% ομοιότητα με τηναλληλουχία των βάσεων της Bartonella coopersplainsensis. This study was a preliminary attempt to detect Bartonella sp. in tissues (liver and heart) obtained from wild rodents {Rattus norvegicus) in central Greece. Eighteen (18) liver and eighteen (18) heart samples were examined, which were obtained from twenty three (23) animals. Two (2) liver samples were found positive, while the heart samples examined were found negative for Bartonella sp. 16S-23S intergenic spacer rDNA gene by PCR. Sequencing of the positive PCR products and comparison with those available in GenBank using the BLAST program revealed the same species of Bartonella in both positive samples with 100% sequence homology to Bartonella coopersplainsensis

    Hypertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports (HYENA): study design and noise exposure assessment

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    An increasing number of people live near airports with considerable noise and air pollution. The Hypertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports (HYENA) project aims to assess the impact of airport-related noise exposure on blood pressure (BP) and cardiovascular disease using a cross-sectional study design. We selected 6,000 persons (45-70 years of age) who had lived at least 5 years near one of six major European airports. We used modeled aircraft noise contours, aiming to maximize exposure contrast. Automated BP instruments are used to reduce observer error. We designed a standardized questionnaire to collect data on annoyance, noise disturbance, and major confounders. Cortisol in saliva was collected in a subsample of the study population (n = 500) stratified by noise exposure level. To investigate short-term noise effects on BP and possible effects on nighttime BP dipping, we measured 24-hr BP and assessed continuous night noise in another subsample (n = 200). To ensure comparability between countries, we used common noise models to assess individual noise exposure, with a resolution of 1 dB(A). Modifiers of individual exposure, such as the orientation of living and bedroom toward roads, window-opening habits, and sound insulation, were assessed by the questionnaire. For four airports, we estimated exposure to air pollution to explore modifying effects of air pollution on cardiovascular disease. The project assesses exposure to traffic-related air pollutants, primarily using data from another project funded by the European Union (APMoSPHERE, Air Pollution Modelling for Support to Policy on Health and Environmental Risks in Europe)

    Saliva cortisol and exposure to aircraft noise in six European countries

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    BACKGROUND: Several studies show an association between exposure to aircraft or road traffic noise and cardiovascular effects, which may be mediated by a noise-induced release of stress hormones. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to assess saliva cortisol concentration in relation to exposure to aircraft noise. METHOD: A multicenter cross-sectional study, HYENA (Hypertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports), comprising 4,861 persons was carried out in six European countries. In a subgroup of 439 study participants, selected to enhance the contrast in exposure to aircraft noise, saliva cortisol was assessed three times (morning, lunch, and evening) during 1 day. RESULTS: We observed an elevation of 6.07 nmol/L [95% confidence interval (CI), 2.32-9.81 nmol/L] in morning saliva cortisol level in women exposed to aircraft noise at an average 24-hr sound level (L(Aeq,24h)) > 60 dB, compared with women exposed to L(Aeq,24h) < or = 50 dB, corresponding to an increase of 34%. Employment status appeared to modify the response. We found no association between noise exposure and saliva cortisol levels in men. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that exposure to aircraft noise increases morning saliva cortisol levels in women, which could be of relevance for noise-related cardiovascular effects

    Exposure to aircraft and road traffic noise and associations with heart disease and stroke in six European countries: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Although a number of studies have found an association between aircraft noise and hypertension, there is a lack of evidence on associations with other cardiovascular disease. For road traffic noise, more studies are available but the extent of possible confounding by air pollution has not been established. METHODS: This study used data from the Hypertension and Environmental Noise near Airports (HYENA) study. Cross-sectional associations between self-reported 'heart disease and stroke' and aircraft noise and road traffic noise were examined using data collected between 2004 and 2006 on 4712 participants (276 cases), who lived near airports in six European countries (UK, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Greece, Italy). Data were available to assess potential confounding by NO2 air pollution in a subsample of three countries (UK, Netherlands, Sweden). RESULTS: An association between night-time average aircraft noise and 'heart disease and stroke' was found after adjustment for socio-demographic confounders for participants who had lived in the same place for ≥ 20 years (odds ratio (OR): 1.25 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03, 1.51) per 10 dB (A)); this association was robust to adjustment for exposure to air pollution in the subsample. 24 hour average road traffic noise exposure was associated with 'heart disease and stroke' (OR: 1.19 (95% CI 1.00, 1.41), but adjustment for air pollution in the subsample suggested this may have been due to confounding by air pollution. Statistical assessment (correlations and variance inflation factor) suggested only modest collinearity between noise and NO2 exposures. CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to aircraft noise over many years may increase risks of heart disease and stroke, although more studies are needed to establish how much the risks associated with road traffic noise may be explained by air pollution

    Hypertension and exposure to noise near airports: the HYENA study

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    BACKGROUND: An increasing number of people are exposed to aircraft and road traffic noise. Hypertension is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and even a small contribution in risk from environmental factors may have a major impact on public health. OBJECTIVES: The HYENA (Hypertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports) study aimed to assess the relations between noise from aircraft or road traffic near airports and the risk of hypertension. METHODS: We measured blood pressure and collected data on health, socioeconomic, and lifestyle factors, including diet and physical activity, via questionnaire at home visits for 4,861 persons 45-70 years of age, who had lived at least 5 years near any of six major European airports. We assessed noise exposure using detailed models with a resolution of 1 dB (5 dB for United Kingdom road traffic noise), and a spatial resolution of 250 x 250 m for aircraft and 10 x 10 m for road traffic noise. RESULTS: We found significant exposure-response relationships between night-time aircraft as well as average daily road traffic noise exposure and risk of hypertension after adjustment for major confounders. For night-time aircraft noise, a 10-dB increase in exposure was associated with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.14 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.01-1.29]. The exposure-response relationships were similar for road traffic noise and stronger for men with an OR of 1.54 (95% CI, 0.99-2.40) in the highest exposure category (> 65 dB; p(trend) = 0.008). CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate excess risks of hypertension related to long-term noise exposure, primarily for night-time aircraft noise and daily average road traffic noise

    Annoyance due to aircraft noise has increased over the years--results of the HYENA study

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    In the HYENA study (HYpertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports) noise annoyances due to aircraft and road traffic noise were assessed in subjects that lived in the vicinity of 6 major European airports using the 11-point ICBEN scale (International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise). A distinction was made between the annoyance during the day and during the night. L(den) and L(night) were considered as indicators of noise exposure. Pooled data analyses showed clear exposure-response relationships between the noise level and the noise annoyance for both exposures. The exposure-response curves for road noise were congruent with the EU standard curves used for predicting the number of highly noise annoyed subjects in European communities. Annoyance ratings due to aircraft noise, however, were higher than predicted by the EU standard curves. The data supports other findings suggesting that the people's attitude towards aircraft noise has changed over the years, and that the EU standard curve for aircraft noise should be modified

    Pure cerebellar ataxia due to bi-allelic PRDX3 variants including recurring p.Asp202Asn

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    Bi-allelic variants in peroxiredoxin 3 (PRDX3) have only recently been associated with autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxia characterized by early onset slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia, variably associated with hyperkinetic and hypokinetic features, accompanied by cerebellar atrophy and occasional olivary and brainstem involvement. Herein, we describe a further simplex case carrying a reported PRDX3 variant as well as two additional cases with novel variants. We report the first Brazilian patient with SCAR32, replicating the pathogenic status of a known variant. All presented cases from the Brazilian and Indian populations expand the phenotypic spectrum of the disease by displaying prominent neuroradiological findings. SCAR32, although rare, should be included in the differential diagnosis of sporadic or recessive childhood and adolescent-onset pure and complex cerebellar ataxia

    Investigating silent pauses in connected speech: integrating linguistic, neuropsychological, and neuroanatomical perspectives across narrative tasks in post-stroke aphasia

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    IntroductionSilent pauses are regarded as integral components of the temporal organization of speech. However, it has also been hypothesized that they serve as markers for internal cognitive processes, including word access, monitoring, planning, and memory functions. Although existing evidence across various pathological populations underscores the importance of investigating silent pauses’ characteristics, particularly in terms of frequency and duration, there is a scarcity of data within the domain of post-stroke aphasia.MethodsThe primary objective of the present study is to scrutinize the frequency and duration of silent pauses in two distinct narrative tasks within a cohort of 32 patients with chronic post-stroke aphasia, in comparison with a control group of healthy speakers. Subsequently, we investigate potential correlation patterns between silent pause measures, i.e., frequency and duration, across the two narrative tasks within the patient group, their performance in neuropsychological assessments, and lesion data.ResultsOur findings showed that patients exhibited a higher frequency of longer-duration pauses in both narrative tasks compared to healthy speakers. Furthermore, within-group comparisons revealed that patients tended to pause more frequently and for longer durations in the picture description task, while healthy participants exhibited the opposite trend. With regard to our second research question, a marginally significant interaction emerged between performance in semantic verbal fluency and the narrative task, in relation to the location of silent pauses—whether between or within clauses—predicting the duration of silent pauses in the patient group. However, no significant results were observed for the frequency of silent pauses. Lastly, our study identified that the duration of silent pauses could be predicted by distinct Regions of Interest (ROIs) in spared tissue within the left hemisphere, as a function of the narrative task.DiscussionOverall, this study follows an integrative approach of linguistic, neuropsychological and neuroanatomical data to define silent pauses in connected speech, and illustrates interrelations between cognitive components, temporal aspects of speech, and anatomical indices, while it further highlights the importance of studying connected speech indices using different narrative tasks