63 research outputs found

    Measuring Improvement Following Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Using the SF-36 Health Survey

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of total hip or knee arthroplasty upon quality of life in elderly patients. The study was carried out at the Clinic for Orthopaedic Surgery Lovran on 74 total hip arthroplasty and 70 total knee arthroplasty patients. All patients had completed theMedical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form in the week having preceded their surgery and then again postoperatively, 2 years after. The data obtained were statistically processed at the level of physical function, role limitations due to physical problems, role limitations due to emotional problems, social function, mental health, energy or vitality, pain and general health perception, and change in health. The primary total hip arthroplasty patients showed significant improvement at all levels measured. Similarly, the primary total knee arthroplasty patients expressed significant improvement according to all the parameters but the mental health assessment. Comparison of outcomes between the two assessment groups of patients resulted in slightly superior quality of life outcomes in total hip arthroplasty patients. It can be concluded that total hip or knee arthroplasty significantly enhances the health related quality of life in elderly patients

    Giant Pseudocyst of the Rectus Femoris Muscle ā€“ Repetitive Strain Injury in Recreational Soccer Player

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    We report a case of a traumatic pseudocyst, in a recreational soccer player, after rupture of rectus femoris muscle. 37-year-old male, with history of repetitive painful accidents, was examined because of a double fist-sized mass in the anterior thigh. Ultrasound examination revealed a cystic mass in the rectus femoris muscle. Surgical removal of the mass and proximal remnant of muscle was done. Primary healing and functional recovery was achieved. Histological analysis revealed pseudocyst filled with degenerating clot and surrounded with thick fibrous capsule. The repetitive strain muscle injury, with prolonged period of healing, can occur like pseudocyst


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    SAŽETAK Cilj: Svrha je ovog rada utvrditi uspjeÅ”nost artroskopskog liječenja sindroma prednjeg sraza gornjega nožnog zgloba. Bolesnici i metode: Ukupan broj od 23 liječena bolesnika klasificiran je na osnovi prisutne artroze na radioloÅ”kim preoperacijskim snimkama. Simptomi 5 bolesnika u grupi stupnja O uzrokovani su samo mekotkivnim srazom, u grupi od 13 bolesnika stupnja I. simptomi su uzrokovani mekotkivnim i osteofitnim srazom, a u grupi od 5 bolesnika stupnja II. uza znakove sraza prisutno je i suženje zglobne pukotine. Standardnim operacijskim artroskopskim anteromedijalnim i anterolateralnim ulazima pristupali smo u zglob te provodili sinovijektomiju i abraziju osteofita. Rezultati liječenja obrađeni su praćenjem pet paramatera (bol, oticanje, pokretljivost, Å”epanje, aktivnost) i vrednovanih Ogilvie- Harrisovim bodovnim sustavom. Vrijeme praćenja bolesnika bilo je dvije godine. Rezultati: U svih pet parametara koji su se pratili, doÅ”lo je do statistički značajnog poboljÅ”anja te time i uspjeÅ”nog liječenja bolesnika. Zaključak: Artroskopsku resekciju nabujalog veziva te osteofita prednjeg ruba tibije i vrata talusa možemo smatrati uspjeÅ”nim načinom liječenja sindroma prednjeg sraza gornjega nožnog zgloba.SUMMARY AIM: The purpose of our study was to evaluate the results of arthroscopic treatment of anterior ankle impingement. Patients and methods: By using preoperative radiographs, we grouped 23 patients according to the extent of their osteoarthritis. The symptoms of those with grade-0 (5- patients) could be attributed to anterior soft tissue impingement only, in those with grade-I (13 patients) to anterior soft tissue and osteophytic impingement and those with grade-II (5-patients) in narrowing of the joint cavity accompanied by osteophytic impingement. We used anteromedial and anterolateral portals for osteophytic debridment and partial synoviectomy. The results were evaluated recordnig five parameters (pain, swelling, stiffness, limping, activity) in the Ogilvie-Harris score system. Follow up period was 2 years. Results: The success of the patient treatment was confirmed with statistical significant improvement in all five parameters. Conclusion: Arthroscopic excision of soft tissue overgrowths and osteophytes is proved to be a succesive method of tretament of the anterior ankle impingement in athlete


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    SAŽETAK Cilj: Svrha je ovog rada utvrditi uspjeÅ”nost artroskopskog liječenja sindroma prednjeg sraza gornjega nožnog zgloba. Bolesnici i metode: Ukupan broj od 23 liječena bolesnika klasificiran je na osnovi prisutne artroze na radioloÅ”kim preoperacijskim snimkama. Simptomi 5 bolesnika u grupi stupnja O uzrokovani su samo mekotkivnim srazom, u grupi od 13 bolesnika stupnja I. simptomi su uzrokovani mekotkivnim i osteofitnim srazom, a u grupi od 5 bolesnika stupnja II. uza znakove sraza prisutno je i suženje zglobne pukotine. Standardnim operacijskim artroskopskim anteromedijalnim i anterolateralnim ulazima pristupali smo u zglob te provodili sinovijektomiju i abraziju osteofita. Rezultati liječenja obrađeni su praćenjem pet paramatera (bol, oticanje, pokretljivost, Å”epanje, aktivnost) i vrednovanih Ogilvie- Harrisovim bodovnim sustavom. Vrijeme praćenja bolesnika bilo je dvije godine. Rezultati: U svih pet parametara koji su se pratili, doÅ”lo je do statistički značajnog poboljÅ”anja te time i uspjeÅ”nog liječenja bolesnika. Zaključak: Artroskopsku resekciju nabujalog veziva te osteofita prednjeg ruba tibije i vrata talusa možemo smatrati uspjeÅ”nim načinom liječenja sindroma prednjeg sraza gornjega nožnog zgloba.SUMMARY AIM: The purpose of our study was to evaluate the results of arthroscopic treatment of anterior ankle impingement. Patients and methods: By using preoperative radiographs, we grouped 23 patients according to the extent of their osteoarthritis. The symptoms of those with grade-0 (5- patients) could be attributed to anterior soft tissue impingement only, in those with grade-I (13 patients) to anterior soft tissue and osteophytic impingement and those with grade-II (5-patients) in narrowing of the joint cavity accompanied by osteophytic impingement. We used anteromedial and anterolateral portals for osteophytic debridment and partial synoviectomy. The results were evaluated recordnig five parameters (pain, swelling, stiffness, limping, activity) in the Ogilvie-Harris score system. Follow up period was 2 years. Results: The success of the patient treatment was confirmed with statistical significant improvement in all five parameters. Conclusion: Arthroscopic excision of soft tissue overgrowths and osteophytes is proved to be a succesive method of tretament of the anterior ankle impingement in athlete


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    SAŽETAK Cilj: Svrha je ovog rada utvrditi uspjeÅ”nost artroskopskog liječenja sindroma prednjeg sraza gornjega nožnog zgloba. Bolesnici i metode: Ukupan broj od 23 liječena bolesnika klasificiran je na osnovi prisutne artroze na radioloÅ”kim preoperacijskim snimkama. Simptomi 5 bolesnika u grupi stupnja O uzrokovani su samo mekotkivnim srazom, u grupi od 13 bolesnika stupnja I. simptomi su uzrokovani mekotkivnim i osteofitnim srazom, a u grupi od 5 bolesnika stupnja II. uza znakove sraza prisutno je i suženje zglobne pukotine. Standardnim operacijskim artroskopskim anteromedijalnim i anterolateralnim ulazima pristupali smo u zglob te provodili sinovijektomiju i abraziju osteofita. Rezultati liječenja obrađeni su praćenjem pet paramatera (bol, oticanje, pokretljivost, Å”epanje, aktivnost) i vrednovanih Ogilvie- Harrisovim bodovnim sustavom. Vrijeme praćenja bolesnika bilo je dvije godine. Rezultati: U svih pet parametara koji su se pratili, doÅ”lo je do statistički značajnog poboljÅ”anja te time i uspjeÅ”nog liječenja bolesnika. Zaključak: Artroskopsku resekciju nabujalog veziva te osteofita prednjeg ruba tibije i vrata talusa možemo smatrati uspjeÅ”nim načinom liječenja sindroma prednjeg sraza gornjega nožnog zgloba.SUMMARY AIM: The purpose of our study was to evaluate the results of arthroscopic treatment of anterior ankle impingement. Patients and methods: By using preoperative radiographs, we grouped 23 patients according to the extent of their osteoarthritis. The symptoms of those with grade-0 (5- patients) could be attributed to anterior soft tissue impingement only, in those with grade-I (13 patients) to anterior soft tissue and osteophytic impingement and those with grade-II (5-patients) in narrowing of the joint cavity accompanied by osteophytic impingement. We used anteromedial and anterolateral portals for osteophytic debridment and partial synoviectomy. The results were evaluated recordnig five parameters (pain, swelling, stiffness, limping, activity) in the Ogilvie-Harris score system. Follow up period was 2 years. Results: The success of the patient treatment was confirmed with statistical significant improvement in all five parameters. Conclusion: Arthroscopic excision of soft tissue overgrowths and osteophytes is proved to be a succesive method of tretament of the anterior ankle impingement in athlete


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    U radu su navedene specifičnosti u graĆ°i i uloga zglobne hrskavice. Razmatrana je uloga pojedinih osnovnih graĆ°evnih jedinica hrskavičnog tkiva te njihova povezanost u održavanju odgovarajućih oblika i funkcije. OÅ”tećenja hrskavice sve su veći problem u ortopediji te su hrskavične lezije prikazane s obzirom na način nastajanja te veličinu, oblik, lokalizaciju i temeljem artroskopskog uvida. Zbog ograničene moći reparacije zglobne hrskvice razvile su se brojne tehnike koje stimuliraju ili potpomažu njezino cijeljenje, te se u radu iznosi njihova podjela i osnovne karakteristike. Zbog dobivenih boljih rezultata, detaljnije su opisane tehnike mikrofrakture, mozaikplastika te transplantacija autolognih hondrocita i njihovo poslijeoperacijsko liječenje.This work indicates the features and roles of articular cartilage. The basic units that constitute cartilage tissue as well as their role in keeping an optimal form and function are considered. Cartilage defects present a growing problem today in orthopaedics and lesions of the articular cartilage are shown considering the way they appear, the size, localisation and the basis of an arthroscopic examination. Due to the fact that articular cartilage has a reduced possibility of reparation, numerous tehniques have been developed which stimulate and help its healing, so in this work their basic characteristics are described. Because of the better result they have shown, the techniques of microfracturing, mosaicplasty and autologous chondrocyte transplantation have been described in a more detailed way as well as their postoperative treatmen

    History of hip arthroplasty: From John R. Barton to John Charnley

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    Totalna endoproteza kuka smatra se najrevolucionarnijim zahvatom u ortopediji koji je u cijelosti promijenio način liječenja artrotski promijenjenih zglobova kuka, a imala je i velik utjecaj na razvoj liječenja ostalih zglobova. U radu je opisan povijesni razvoj totalne endoproteze kuka, od prvih pokuŔaja u liječenju artrotičnih zglobova kuka.he total hip arthroplasty is considered to be one of the most successful orthopedic interventions of its generation, and it completely changed the way of treatment of arthritic hip. It also had great influence on treatment of other joints. Hearwith we described the history of total hip arthroplasty from the first attempts to treat a painful and arthritic hip
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