25 research outputs found

    Influence of organic pelleted fertilizers on the quality of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) Seedlings

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati primene dva organska peletirana đubriva Chap Liquid i Biofert, u obliku granula i kao vodeni rastvor, na neke važnije karakteristike rasada ruzmarina. Značajno veću prosječnu visinu stabljike imale su biljke ruzmarina đubrene vodenim rastvorom Bioferta (33,57 cm), u odnosu na biljke na varijantama sa primjenom vodenog rastvora Chap Liquid-a i neđubrenoj varijanti (27,27 i 27,37 cm). Najveća masa nadzemnog dijela biljke zabeležena je, takođe na varijanti đubrenoj sa rastvorom Bioferta (32,53 g), dok je najmanja izmjerena na neđubrenoj varijanti (14,10 g). Značajan uticaj na povećanje prosječne mase nadzemnog dijela rasada ruzmarina ispoljila je i varijanta đubrenja sa Chap Liquid rastvorom (22,22 g). Značajno veća masa korijena utvrđena je na varijantama sa primjenom vodenog rastvora Chap Liquid-a i Bioferta, kao i Chap Liquid granula (41,70, 39,53 i 38,73 g), u odnosu na masu korjenovog sistema biljaka ruzmarina gajenig na neđubrenoj varijanti (31,27 g).The paper presents the results of the application of two organic pelleted fertilizers Chap Liquid and Biofert, in granular form and as an aqueous solution, to more important characteristics of rosemary breeds. Significantly higher average stem height had plants of rosemary fertilized with Biofert aqueous solution (33.57 cm), compared to plants on variants with the application of aqueous solution Chap Liquid and non-fertilized variants (27.27 and 27.37 cm, respectively). The largest mass of the above-ground part of the plant was recorded also on the variant with Biofert (32.53 g), while the smallest was measured on the non-fertilized variant (14.10 g). A significant influence on the increase of the above-ground mass showed a variant of fertilization with Chap Liquid solution (22.22 g). A significantly higher root mass was determined on variants with the application of the aqueous solution of Chap Liquid and Biofert, as well as Chap Liquid pellets (41.70, 39.53 and 38.73 g, respectively), relative to the root mass of rosemary plants on nonfertilized variants (31.27 g)

    The Productivity Analysis of Five Leading Potato Varieties in the Agroecological Conditions of a Mountainous Region in Montenegro

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    An analysis of genetic productivity potential of five leading varieties in Montenegro (Kennebec, Agria, Aladdin, Tresor and Riviera) was conducted during 2010 and 2011 in the municipalities of Žabljak region, on mountainous black soil at 1,500 meters of altitude. The highest number of tubers was found in a parcel planted with Tresor and Aladdin- 8.5, while the lowest number of tubers was found in Kennebec- 6.8 tubers per plant. Comparing to other tested varieties, Kennebec had a significantly lower number of tubers. On average, Kennebec and Tresor had the largest tubers (96 and 91 g), and differences found were statistically very significant. The biggest tuber yield was measured in Tresor ā€“ 32.5 t/ha, while the lowest tuber yield was in Agria and Riviera (24.0 and 25.2 t/ha). Tresor had significantly higher tuber production comparing to other varieties

    Influence of different nutrition systems on yield and other parameters of productivity of potato

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    In this paper results of studies of the effects of different combinations of mineral fertilizers and rotted farmyard manure on yield and other parameters of the productivity of potato are presented. The experiments were conducted in 2008 and 2009 in mountainous regions of Montenegro (KolaŔin), on the alluvial-diluvial soil, at an altitude of about 900 m. The results obtained suggested that the application of manure had significant impact on increasing the productivity of the studied parameters of potato. The influence of mineral nutrition was also very distinct. The highest values of the studied parameters of potato productivity were obtained by applying fertilizers with humic acids (NPK 15:15:15 400 kg.ha-1 + MCB 300 kg.ha-1 and MCB 800 kg.ha-1 + KMg 100 kg.ha-1), which were, compared to the other treatments, statistically justified. The highest number, average weight and tuber yield in two years studied was obtained in the variant treated individually with MCB 800 kg.ha-1 + KMg 100 kg.ha-1 or the same variant combined with the manure. In all variants application of combination of organic and mineral fertilizers resulted in higher number and average weight of tubers, as well as the higher yield per hectare compared to the non-fertilized variant

    Influence of different organic fertilizers on the quality of lavender (lavandula officinalis chaix) seedlings

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    This paper presents results of study of the influence of 4 different organic fertilizers (Chap liquid, Biofert, Guano and Stallatico jolly) on some of the most important productive traits of lavender seedlings. All fertilizers were applied once, except Chap Liquid which was applied twice. Two control variants were included in the experiment: one that was not fertilized and the other one where the organic-mineral fertilizer Sapro elixir was applied. The studies of influence of organic fertilizers at the height of the stems, weight of the above ground part and the mass of roots of the lavender seedlings was done in greenhouse. The highest average height of lavender seedlings was measured on a control variant fertilized with organo-mineral fertilizer Sapro elixir (25.5 cm) as well as variants where Chap fluid was applied twice - 24.8 cm and variant Biofert - 24.6 cm. Plants with the lowest stem height were measured on non fertilized control - 19.6 cm. All variants where organic fertilizer was applied had statistically significantly higher stem compared to plants grown in non fertilized control. In the Biofert variant was measured the largest average weight of the above ground part of the plant - 22.9 g, while the lowest was in non-fertilized control - 12.1 g. The average weight of the above ground part of the plant treated with organic fertilizers was significantly higher than in non fertilized control. The weight of the above ground part of the plant of lavender seedlings fertilized with Biofert was statistically higher than all other fertilized variants, but also higher than control variants fertilized with organo-mineral fertilizer

    Influence of different nutrition systems on yield and other parameters of productivity of potato

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    In this paper results of studies of the effects of different combinations of mineral fertilizers and rotted farmyard manure on yield and other parameters of the productivity of potato are presented. The experiments were conducted in 2008 and 2009 in mountainous regions of Montenegro (KolaŔin), on the alluvial-diluvial soil, at an altitude of about 900 m. The results obtained suggested that the application of manure had significant impact on increasing the productivity of the studied parameters of potato. The influence of mineral nutrition was also very distinct. The highest values of the studied parameters of potato productivity were obtained by applying fertilizers with humic acids (NPK 15:15:15 400 kg.ha-1 + MCB 300 kg.ha-1 and MCB 800 kg.ha-1 + KMg 100 kg.ha-1), which were, compared to the other treatments, statistically justified. The highest number, average weight and tuber yield in two years studied was obtained in the variant treated individually with MCB 800 kg.ha-1 + KMg 100 kg.ha-1 or the same variant combined with the manure. In all variants application of combination of organic and mineral fertilizers resulted in higher number and average weight of tubers, as well as the higher yield per hectare compared to the non-fertilized variant

    Variation in duration of pre-anthesis phases of development in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    Phenology of small cereals as a complex trait, which provides matching plant development with growing conditions, is important factor that influence plant adaptation to particular environment and finally yield. Scales of growth based on plant phenology and scales of development based on apical morphology are very precise, but relationships between them are not always clear. Some morphogenetic features of cereals growth can be predicted on the basis of leaf appearance. That means shoot apex development is coordinated with leaf appearance and total number of formed leaves. The objective of this research was to study relationships among apical development and plant phenology and the variability in phenological development of diverse winter barley cultivars under field conditions. The twelve barley cultivars differed in origin, pedigree and agronomic traits were used in this study over six growing seasons at the Novi Sad location (45o20ā€™N, 15o51ā€™E, altitude 86 m) and under rainfed conditions

    Characterization and evaluation of potato genetic resources in Montenegro

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    Potato was introduced in Montenegro in the late 18th century. Over the course of more than 230 years of cultivation, potatoes in these areas have been differentiated into a large number of forms of different lengths of vegetation. The cultivation of local potato varieties lasted until the 1970s when massive introduction of new high-productive selections began. Right at that time, work on the conservation of these resources begins. The most important measures for their conservation were made in the period from 2008 to 2010, when 52 local populations of potatoes were collected from more than 150 sites. In order to get a clear estimate of the value of this collection, but also to identify duplicates, a program of characterization and evaluation began in 2016. The morphological characterization of the sprout was made on the basis of the UPOV descriptor for the 11 characteristics of the sprout. Sixteen different phenotypes were identified. Morphological examination selected 23 samples for DNA analysis

    The productivity analysis of five leading potato varieties in the agroecological conditions of a mountainous region in Montenegro

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    An analysis of genetic productivity potential of five leading varieties in Montenegro (Kennebec, Agria, Aladdin, Tresor and Riviera) was conducted during 2010 and 2011 in the municipalities of Žabljak region, on mountainous black soil at 1,500 meters of altitude. The highest number of tubers was found in a parcel planted with Tresor and Aladdin-8.5, while the lowest number of tubers was found in Kennebec-6.8 tubers per plant. Comparing to other tested varieties, Kennebec had a significantly lower number of tubers. On average, Kennebec and Tresor had the largest tubers (96 and 91 g), and differences found were statistically very significant. The biggest tuber yield was measured in Tresor-32.5 t/ha, while the lowest tuber yield was in Agria and Riviera (24.0 and 25.2 t/ha). Tresor had significantly higher tuber production comparing to other varieties

    Efficacy of chemical weed control in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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    In this paper the results of efficiency of combined application of six herbicides in weed control in potato were presented. The study was done during 2007 and 2008 in KolaŔin, on acid brown soil, at an altitude of about 900 m. In the experiment the following herbicides were examined: S-metalachlor, Bentazone, Acetohlor, Flurochloridone, Metribuzin and Dimetenamid-P. The study was conducted in the Kennebec variety crop. All applied herbicides had satisfactory effect in decreasing number and biomass of weeds. As the most effective variants in two-year average, Sencor 70 WP and Genius were expressed (95 and 94% for the number and 92 and 88.8% for weed biomass) and the weakest effect had combination of Dual Gold 960 EC + Basagran (82.3; 69.4, respectively). In all investigated combinations of herbicides significantly higher tuber yield was achieved comparing to the control. The highest yield of tubers was measured in variant where Acenit 800 EC was applied - 33 t ha-1, while the lowest yield had the control variant - 18.4 t ha-1

    Effects of liming and nutrient management on yield and other parameters of potato productivity on acid soils in Montenegro

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of liming (CaCO3 1000 kgha-1), and application of organic fertilizers (rotted farmyard manure 40 tha-1) and six different combination of mineral fertilizers: NPK 15:15:15 800 kgha-1 + KAN 240 kgha-1; NPK 15:15:15 400 kgha-1 + MCB (water- soluble mineral fertilizer NPK 13:11:20 + 2MgO + microelements + humic acid) 300 kgha-1 + KAN 125 kgha-1; MCB 400 kgha-1; MCB 400 kgha-1 + KMg (water-soluble mineral fertilizer Multi KMg 13:0:43 + 2MgO) 100 kgha-1; MCB 600 kgha-1 + KMg 100 kgha-1 and MCB 800 kgha-1 + KMg 100 kgha-1 on yield and other productivity parameters of potato (Kennebec variety). The experiments were carried out during 2015 and 2016 in the mountainous area of Montenegro, on acid-brown soil. The results obtained suggested that in both years, the highest values for all studied parameters were measured on plots with combined application of liming, organic and mineral fertilizers. In addition, a significant influence on the increase in the number of tubers per plant, the average tuber weight and the total yield was also demonstrated in all individual trials of potato nutrition, as well as the interaction of organic manure and mineral fertilizer. Fertilizing with rotted farmyard manure had significantly increased potato productivity, with the effect more pronounced in treatments with liming. The highest number of tubers (6.2 and 7.2), average tuber weight (93.5 g and 101.0 g) and yield (27.6 tha-1 in 2015 and 34.8 tha-1 in 2016, respectively) were obtained using combinations of MCB 800 kgha-1 + KMg 100 kgha-1 on variants fertilized with rotted farmyard manure and liming. Potato yield variations in productivity characteristics (average weight and number of tubers) ranged from 0.99911 (2015), to 0.99904 (2016). Multiple regression analysis showed that an increase in average weight and number of tubers in both examined years resulted in a statistically very significant increase in yield