26 research outputs found


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    Enzim mangan superoksid dizmutaza (Mn-SOD) neutralizira slobodne radikale kisika, koji nastaju tijekom upale, a sudjeluju u inicijaciji i promociji karcinogeneze oÅ”tećenjem deoksiribonukleinske kiseline (DNA), na Å”to ukazuje 8-hidroksi-2-deoksigvanozin (8-OHdG) kao osjetljiv biomarker. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrdititi korelaciju ekspresije Mn-SOD-a i 8-OHdG-a sa stupnjem kroničnog gastritisa, te utvrditi moguću povezanost ekspresije s patohistoloÅ”kom dijagnozom. Istraživanje uključuje 108 pacijenata podijeljenih u tri skupine: skupina I ā€“ 35 pacijenata s umjerenim kroničnim gastritisom, skupina II ā€“ 35 pacijenata s teÅ”kim kroničnim gastritisom, skupina III ā€“ 38 pacijenata s normalnom histoloÅ”kom slikom. Osim kroničnoga gastritisa, sluznica je bez drugih patohistoloÅ”kih promjena. Rezultati pokazuju imunoreaktivnost u antrumu na Mn-SOD i 8-OHdG kod 54 (50%), odnosno 18 (16,7%) pacijenata, a za oba pokazatelja najčeŔće kod pacijenata s teÅ”kim kroničnim gastritisom (P<0,001; P<0,001). U korpusu, imunoreaktivnost Mn-SOD-a, zabilježena je kod 29 (26,9%), a na 8-OHdG kod 10 (9,3%) pacijenata, također za oba značajno čeŔće kod pacijenata s teÅ”kim kroničnim gastritisom (P<0,001; P<0,001). Pacijenti s teÅ”kim kroničnim gastritisom čeŔće imaju žariÅ”nu imunoreaktivnost Mn-SOD-a na Å”irokom ili na do Å”irokom području u antrumu (P<0,001) i u korpusu (P<0,001). Nadalje, pacijenti s teÅ”kim kroničnim gastritisom imaju značajno veću imunoreaktivnost Mn-SOD-a i 8-OHdG-a na Å”irokom području i to i u antrumu (P=0,02; P<0,001) i u korpusu (P=0,03; P=0,002). Osim toga, utvrđena je značajno čeŔća intenzivna imunoreaktivnost 8-OHdG-a u antrumu (P=0,006) i korpusu (P=0,02) kod pacijenata s teÅ”kim kroničnim gastritisom, u odnosu na one s umjerenim kroničnim gastritisom. Usporedbom senzitivnosti i specifičnosti biomarkera iŔčitava se kako je imunoreaktivnost Mn-SOD-a u antrumu najbolji pokazatelj razlike između pacijenata s normalnom histoloÅ”kom slikom i onih s umjerenim kroničnim gastritisom i teÅ”kim kroničnim gastritisom (P<0,001), zatim između pacijenata s normalnom histoloÅ”kom slikom i umjerenim kroničnim gastritisom (P<0,001), te između pacijenata s normalnom histoloÅ”kom slikom i teÅ”kim kroničnim gastritisom (P<0,001), s značajnom razlikom između povrÅ”ina imunoreaktivnosti Mn-SOD-a u antrumu i korpusu za prve dvije navedene usporedbe (P<0,006; P=0,03). Nasuprot navedenom, između pacijenata s umjerenim kroničnim gastritisom i teÅ”kim kroničnim gastritisom najbolji pokazatelj je 8-OHdG u antrumu (P<0,001). Zaključno, određivanje Mn-SOD-a u antrumu bi moglo poslužiti za razvrstavanje pacijenata s poviÅ”enim rizikom od nastanka karcinoma želuca, te bi na taj način bilo moguće ranije otkriti znakove početne zloćudne transformacije stanica. Navedeno bi u konačnici moglo omogućiti pravovremenu terapijsku intervenciju, uz manje troÅ”kove, a pretpostavljeno i bolje terapijske rezultate.Manganese superoxide dismutase enzime (Mn-SOD) neutralizes free oxygen radicals forming during inflammation. These participate in the initiation and promotion of carcinogenesis by damaging the DNA, as indicated by the 8-hidroxy-2-deoxigvanosine (8-OHdG) as a sensitive biomarker. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation of the expression of Mn-SOD and 8-OHdG with chronic gastritis, as well as a possible association between the expression and the histopathological diagnosis. The study includes 108 patients distributed in three group:s: group I ā€“ 35 patients with moderate chronic gastritis, group II - 35 patients with severe chronic gastritis, group III - 38 patients with regular histology. Except for chronic gastritis, the gastric mucosa bears no evidence of other histopathological changes. The results are Mn-SOD and 8-OHdG-positive in the antrum in 54 (50%) patients and in 18 (16.7%) patients respectively, with both markers most commonly present in patients with severe chronic gastritis (P <0.001; P<0.001). 29 patients (26,9%) were Mn-SOD positive in the corpus, and 10 patients (9,3%) were positive to 8-OHdG, with both markers most commonly indicated in patients with severe chronic gastritis (P <0.001; P<0.001). Also, patients with severe chronic gastritis are often focally positive to Mn-SOD on a wide area in the antrum (P <0.001) and in the corpus (P <0.001). The incidence of patients positive to Mn-SOD and 8-OHdG is substantially higher in cases of severe chronic gastritis, in particular in the antrum (P=0.02; P<0.001) and in the corpus (P=0.03; P<0.002). Equally, in patients with severe chronic gastritis the antrum was substantially more often highly 8-OHdG-positive (P= 0.006), and so was the corpus (P=0.02). By comparing the sensitivity and specificity of the biomarkers it can be concluded that the intensity of antrum-positive Mn-SOD is the best indicator of the difference between patients with regular histologic status and those with moderate and severe chronic gastritis (P<0.001), with a significant discrepancy between areas of positive immunoreactivity to Mn-SOD in the antrum and the corpus for the first two mentioned comparisons (P<0.006; P=0.03). As opposed to this, the best indicator for patients with moderate and severe gastritis is 8-OHdG in the antrum (P<0.001). The determination of antral Mn-SOD, as the best indicator for gastric mucosa inflammation, could be used to single out patients more exposed to the risk of developing stomach cancer, thus enabling an earlier discovery of indicators to initial malignant cell transformation. This, in its turn, might finally enable a timely therapeutic intervention, reduced costs, and presumably better treatment outcomes

    Enukleacija prostate tulij:YAG laserom (Thu:LEP) - naŔa iskustva kod 246 operiranih bolesnika

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    New minimally invasive procedures to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) have been developed in the last 20 years. With the introduction of laser enucleation techniques in prostate surgery, previous standard surgical procedures (open retropubic or transvesical adenectomy and transurethral resection of the prostate) have become less relevant, especially in case of very large prostates. The objective of this paper is to describe the experience and results of thulium:YAG laser application in BPH treatment in our department. In the last five years, 246 patients underwent thulium:YAG laser enucleation of the prostate (ThuLEP) due to BPH or lower urinary tract symptoms following complete urologic evaluation. The mean age of our patients was 73 (range 51-95) years and mean duration of surgery was 92 minutes. The mean weight of enucleated tissue was 73 grams. A low rate of intraoperative and early postoperative complications and short length of stay proved minimal invasiveness of this procedure, which results in significant improvements in urodynamic parameters and substantially reduces the postvoid residual urine volume. The most important surgical and technical characteristics (enucleation and low-power laser application) make ThuLEP a safe and efficient surgical method not limited by the prostate volume. ThuLEP has a potential to displace the current standard surgical procedures to treat BPH.Tijekom posljednja dva desetljeća bilježi se pojava novih minimalno invazivnih zahvata u liječenju benigne hiperplazije prostate (BPH). Uvođenjem enukleacijskih laserskih tehnika u kirurgiju prostate dosadaÅ”nji standardni operacijski zahvati (otvorena retropubična ili transvezikalna adenektomija, transuretralna resekcija prostate) sve viÅ”e gube na značenju, osobito pri većim volumenima prostate. Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati iskustva i rezultate primjene tulij:YAG lasera u liječenju BPH. U posljednjih pet godina 246 bolesnika podvrgnuto je minimalno invazivnoj metodi laserske enukleacije prostate (ThuLEP) zbog simptoma BPH ili simptoma donjeg mokarćnog sustava. Prethodno je učinjena cjelovita uroloÅ”ka dijagnostika. Prosječna dob bolesnika bila je 73 godine, a prosječna duljina trajanja operacijskog zahvata 92 minute. Enukleacijom uklonjeno tkivo iznosilo je prosječno 73 grama. Nizak postotak intraoperacijskih i ranih poslijeoperacijskih komplikacija, kao i kratko vrijeme hospitalizacije potvrdile su se kao odlike minimalne invazivnosti ove operacijske metode koja rezultira značajnim poboljÅ”anjem urodinamskih parametara i znatnom redukcijom ostatne mokraće. Može se istaknuti kako je ThuLEP sa svojim najvažnijim operacijsko-tehničkim čimbenicima (enukleacija, aplikacija male laserske energije) sigurna i djelotvorna operacijska metoda koja nije ograničena volumenom prostate te ima potencijal potisnuti ili u potpunosti zamijeniti dosadaÅ”nje standardne operacijske metode u liječenju BPH

    The prevalence and characteristics of Helicobacter pylori-associated gastritis in dyspeptic patients in Eastern Croatia, determined by immunohistochemistry

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    Background and purpose: Helicobacter pylori (Hp), which is associated with many upper gastrointestinal diseases, is found in about half of world\u27s population. Aim od this study is to reveal the prevalence and characteristics of Hp-associated gastritis in dyspeptic patients in the population of Croatia. Materials and methods: Retrospective analysis the data and materials of 871 dyspeptic patients undergoing routine endoscopy. The gastric biopsy specimens were stained by Hp-specific immmunohistocemical stain. Endoscopic and pathology findings were recorded for Hp infection and the presence of active gastritis. Nominal variables in the case of a large number of samples was compared using Pearson Ļ‡2 test, while in the case of a small number of samples was used Fisher\u27s Exact test. Results: In the present study determined prevalence of Hp-associated gastritis in the population of Croatia is 41%. Chronic active gastritis was found in 94% of patients with Hp infection and 5% of patients with gastritis of some other etiology. Gastric mucosal atrophy was observed in 5% of patients older than 40 years. Intestinal metaplasia was detected in 26% of patients. Severe intestinal metaplasia occurs in the age group older than 60 years. Conclusion: This study is the first large study of Hp prevalence by histological and immunohistochemical method Ā in Croatia, so the results of this study contribute to the understanding of how big a public health problem is Hp infection in a population of Croatia.</p

    Non-parametric stability analysis of sunflower oil yield trials

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    A three-year experiment (2008, 2009, 2010) on twenty sunflower hybrids grown in 13 (2010) to 15 (2009, 2008) locations in the region of Vojvodina and central Serbia was carried out in order to study GEI (genotype Ɨ environment interaction) on oil yield and stability of hybrids using non-parametric measures of stability. The non-parametric test indicated the presence of significant crossover interaction [G(E) and E(G)]. Non-parametric measures Si (1) and Si (2) were used to determine stability of sunflower hybrids. The level of association among stability measures was assessed using Sperman's rank correlation. Significant differences in rank stability among 20 sunflower hybrids grown in 13 (2010) or 15 (2009, 2008) locations were found. According to non-parametric stability parameters Si (1) and Si (2), hybrids Baća and Vranac were most stable in all locations. Baća also had high oil yield in 2008 and 2009. In 2010 two new hybrids (NS-H-6612, NS-H-2069) were high yielding and stable for oil yield. Hybrid NS-H-111 was also stable in all locations in 2009 and 2010 and its oil yield was above average. The Spearman's rank correlation between non-parametric stability parameters, showed highly significant (P lt 0.01) rank correlations between Si (1) and Si (2), indicating that the two measures were similar in classifying the hybrids according to their stability under different environmental (location) conditions. Non-parametric measures of stability, based on ranks, could be recommended to agronomists and plant breeders

    Sanation of concrete structures with usage of reparation mortars

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    U radu su dati rezultati istraživanja uticaja količine i vrste aditiva na svojstva reparaturnih maltera, koji služe za sanaciju oÅ”tećenja. Opseg oÅ”tećenja armirano betonskih konstrukcija je veoma veliki, ali se može podeliti u dve kategorije: problemi trajnosti i konstrukcijska oÅ”tećenja. Ono Å”to prvo treba uraditi jeste utvrditi uzrok oÅ”tećenja, pa tek se onda upustiti u analizu i izbor metode saniranja njegovog simptoma. Pravilno projektovana sanacija i precizni tehnički uslovi:a njenu realizaciju mogu se obezbediti samo ako je uspostavljena tačna dijagnoza i ako se problem reÅ”ava eliminisanjem uzroka nastalih oÅ”tećenja.In this paper are presented results of the investigation of influence of quantity and type of additive on the characteristics of reparation mortars. Number of damages of concrete structures is huge, and damages are, also various but, generally, they can be divided in two categories: problems of durability and damages of the constructions. First thing that should be done is discovering the source of damage and then follows the analysis and finally that choice of the method of sanation

    Pat i analiza korelacija između prinosa i drugih osobina semena suncokreta

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    Ten sunflower commercial female parental lines were evaluated for various parameters under field conditions to estimate genetic parameters, correlation coefficient, and path analyses. Interactions of seed germination, 1000 seed weight, oil and protein content with seed yield were examined. After three years of observations, positive significant correlations were found while comparing seed yield with 1000 seed weight. Negative significant correlations were found by comparing seed yield and seed germination. Positive but not significant correlation was found while comparing seed yield with oil content in sunflower seed. Path coefficient analysis indicates that 1000 seed weight has maximum positive and seed germination maximum negative direct effect on yield.U poljskim uslovima su ispitivani različiti parametri kod 10 komercijalnih linija majke u cilju određivanja genetičkih parametara, koeficijenta korelacije i pat analize. Ispitivana je i interakcija između klijanja semena, mase 1000 semena, sadržaja ulja i proteina i prinosa. Nakon tri godine ispitivanja utvrđena je značajna pozitivna korelacija između prinosa semena i mase 1000 semena. Postojala je i značajna negativna korelacija između prinosa i klijavosti semena. Korelacija između prinosa i sadržaja ulja je bila pozitivna, ali ne i statistički značajna. Pat analiza je pokazala da masa 1000 semena ima najveći pozitivan, a klijavost najveći negativan uticaj na prinos semena

    Uticaj organskog i konvencionalnog sistema gajenja i datuma setve na prinos semena i sadržaj ulja i proteina u sortama uljane repice

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    Rapeseed is one of the major oil crops, grown in various agroecological conditions. Interest in organic rapeseed is rising, with increasing importance to breeders to determine the need for specific organic breeding programs. The objective of this study was to determine the adaptive value of rapeseed cultivars in organic farming environments. Five winter rapeseed cultivars were grown in conventional and organic plots, each with three sowing dates in four replications. The trials were organized using a randomized block design. The effect of cultivar and farming on emergence, percentage of harvested plants, yield, oil and protein content were investigated. Locally recommended agricultural practices were used to keep the fields free from weeds, insects and diseases. In organic field, weeds were removed mechanically while insects were treated using organic insecticide. The seed samples for analysis of oil and protein content were taken during harvest. Considering agricultural practices, it was found that rapeseed can be successfully grown in organic agriculture, but further improvements are needed to increase stability of production. Early sowing date provides enough time for rapeseed growth before the winter and good overwintering. The cultivars had higher oil content in the conventional farming, while there was no significant effect of farming system on protein content. For cultivar Slavica, higher yield was recorded in organic system, while cultivars Banaćanka and Nena had high yield in both farming systems. The results suggest that the existing conventional breeding material can be used as a good starting point for further trait improvements in organic farming.Uljana repica je jedna od glavnih uljanih kultura koja se uzgaja u različitim agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima. Interesovanje za organsku uljanu repicu raste, pri čemu je oplemenjivačima od sve većeg značaja da odrede potrebu za posebnim programima organskog oplemenjivanja. Cilj ove studije bio je utvrđivanje adaptivne vrednosti konvencionalnih sorti uljane repice u okruženjima organske poljoprivrede. Pet sorti ozime uljane repice uzgajano je na konvencionalnim i organskim parcelama, od kojih svaka sa tri datuma setve u četiri ponavljanja. Ispitivanja su organizovana koriŔćenjem slučajnog blok dizajna. Ispitivan je uticaj sorte i načina gajenja na nicanje, procenat požnjevenih biljaka, prinos, sadržaj ulja i proteina. Lokalno preporučene agrotehničke mere su koriŔćene da se polja sačuvaju od korova, insekata i bolesti. U organskom polju korov se uklanjao mehanički dok su insekti tretirani organskim insekticidom. Uzorci semena za analizu sadržaja ulja i proteina uzeti su tokom žetve. Uzimajući u obzir agrotehničke mere, ustanovljeno je da se uljana repica može uspeÅ”no gajiti u organskoj poljoprivredi, ali potrebna su dalja poboljÅ”anja da bi se povećala stabilnost proizvodnje. Rezultati pokazuju da rana setva pruža dovoljno vremena za razvoj uljane repice pre zime i dobro prezimljavanje. Sorte su imale veći sadržaj ulja u konvencionalnom gajenju, dok nije bilo značajnog uticaja sistema gajenja na sadržaj proteina. Za sortu Slavica veći prinos je zabeležen u organskom gajenju, dok su kod oba sistema gajenja sorte Banaćanka i Nena imale visoki prinos. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da se postojeći konvencionalno oplemenjivani materijal može koristiti kao dobra polazna tačka za dalje poboljÅ”anje svojstava sorti u organskoj poljoprivredi

    Adaptive value of conventional rapeseed cultivars in organic and conventional cultivation environments

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    Rapeseed is one of the major oil crops, grown in various environments. Interest in organic rapeseed is rising, with increasing importance to breeders to determine the need for specific organic breeding programs. The objective of this study was to determine the adaptive value of conventionally developed rapeseed cultivars in organic cultivation environments. Five winter rapeseed cultivars were grown in conventional and organic plots, each with three sowing dates and four replications. The trials were organized in a randomized block design and the effect of cultivar and farming system on emergence, survival rate, yield, oil and protein content was evaluated. Locally recommended agricultural practices were used to keep the fields free from weeds, insects and diseases. In organic field, weeds were removed mechanically while insects were treated with an insecticide used for organic production. The seed samples for analysis of oil and protein content were taken during harvest

    Breeding and seed production of oil crops in Serbia

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    Najzastupljenije uljane biljne vrste u Srbiji su suncokret i soja koje se gaje na preko 200000 ha, sledi uljana repica čije povrÅ”ine značajno rastu. Na manjim povrÅ”inama gaje se crna i bela slačica, konoplja, uljana tikva, ricinus, lan, mak, sezam i Å”afranjika. U Srbiji je 2017. godine na sortnoj listi bilo 355 sorti uljanih biljnih vrsta, od toga suncokreta 188, soje 83 i uljane repice 71 sorta, slede uljana tikva, konoplja, bela i crna slačica i ricinus. Među domaćim i stranim semenskim kućama dominira Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada sa 150 registrovanih sorata. U priznavanju su i lanik, lan, mak i Å”afranjika. U desetogodiÅ”njem periodu 2008-2017, semenarstvo uljanih biljnih vrsta se u proseku odvijalo na 9955 ha godiÅ”nje, od toga najviÅ”e soje (8200 ha/god.) i suncokreta (1732 ha/god.) i na malim povrÅ”inama uljana repica, uljana tikva, mak i konoplja. U sezoni 2016/2017 u Srbiji je atestirano (svih kategorija semena) 19657116 kg soje, 1666267 kg suncokreta, 137179 kg uljane repice i manje količine semena bele slačice, konoplje i uljane tikve. Preko 86% deklarisanog semena suncokreta i preko 94% semena uljane repice potiču iz uvoza. Srbija spada u veće evropske proizvođače soje i suncokreta, ima povoljne agroekoloÅ”ke uslove za gajenje uljanih biljnih vrsta, dugu tradiciju oplemenjivanja, jak prerađivački sektor, kvalitetne kadrove i kapacitete i razvijen sistem državne regulative u semenarstvu. Prednosti koje Srbija ima u oplemenjivanju, semenarstvu i gajenju uljarica nisu adekvatno iskoriÅ”tene.The most frequent oil crops in Serbia today are sunflower and soybean, planted on over 200000 ha each, followed by rapeseed, which increases significantly in surfaces. Black and white mustard, hemp, oil pumpkin, castor bean, flax, poppy, sesame and safflower are grown on smaller surfaces. In Serbia, a total of 355 varieties of oil plant species were on the variety list in 2017, out of which 188 were sunflower, 83 soybean and 71 rapeseed, followed by oil pumpkin, hemp, white and black mustard and castor bean. Among the domestic and foreign seed companies, the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops from Novi Sad prevails with 150 registered varieties. Camelina, flax, poppy and safflower are in the registration process. In the ten-year period 2008-2017, the seed production of oil crops averaged 9,955 ha per year, of which the highest were soybean (8,200 ha / year) and sunflower (1,732 ha / year), and on small areas: rapeseed, oil pumpkin, poppy and hemp. In the 2016/2017 season in Serbia, 19,657,116 kg of soybean, 1,666,267 kg of sunflower, 137,179 kg of rapeseed and small quantity of white mustard seed, cannabis and oil pumpkin seeds were certified (all seed categories). Over 86% of declared sunflower seed and over 94% of rape seed is imported. Serbia belongs to bigger European producers of soy and sunflower, has favorable agroecological conditions for cultivation of oil crops, long tradition of breeding, strong processing sector, quality human resources and capacities and developed system of state regulation in seed production. The advantages Serbia has in breeding, seed production and growing of oil crops, have not been adequately exploited

    Genetic resources and new breeding tools for sunflower improvement

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    Sunflower is one of the major oil crops of today, however due to its wide distribution, as well as its drought tolerance it may gain even more on its significance and become the main oil crop of the future, especially in the light of global environmental changes. This imposes a great responsibility on sunflower breeders to create more productive sunflower genotypes for future environmental changes. Exploitation of the available genetic resources in combination with the use of modern molecular and breeding tools could lead to considerable improvements in sunflower, especially with regard to different stresses and better adaptation to the climate change. Utilization of sunflower wild relatives for sunflower improvement is a long-term process which requires a lot of resources and work - from collecting of wild relatives, their maintenance, their testing and mining for desirable genes to the valorization in breeding programs. Genome-wide prediction, also known as genomic selection (GS), is one of the tools that could accelerate this process, through efficient and targeted improvement of populations and identification of parents for rapid genetic gains and improved stress resistant varieties. The application of tissue culture techniques and genetic engineering for improving the existing and introducing new traits from wild relatives into cultivated sunflower did not have much success, mainly due to the difficulty of regenerating plants in a reproducible and efficient way. Development of new breeding techniques, such as genome editing, could provide new perspectives for more efficient sunflower breeding. Generally, traits related to stress resistance ate complex phenotypic traits controlled by polvgenes, and it is usually necessary to study more than a single gene or single class of genes to understand molecular mechanisms underlying respective tolerance. Genome editing could be very useful to evaluate and validate the strength of the predictive value of a given candidate gene by easily transferring its best alleles into a set of different genetic backgrounds representative of the diversity of the genetic material used in the selection schemes. Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia, handles the largest World collection of sunflower genetic resources, consisting of over 7,000 sunflower inbred lines developed from different genetic sources and 21 perennial and 7 annual species (447 accessions in total). ā€˜he new breeding tools will be used for further exploitation of this collection for improvement of cultivated sunflower and creation of resilient varieties for the areas and traits where classical breeding reached its limits