9 research outputs found


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    The subjects of this paper are the bearing boxes of a testing rig for chain drives. Friction in transmission without bearings is calculated by subtracting the bearing friction from the global friction. This is why it is of maximal importance for the correct evaluation of experimental measurements on the rig to have accurate data on the friction on bearing boxes. Bearing boxes friction is measured depending on rotational speed, load and lubricating oil temperature

    Strategies on the development of ecotourism at the Bucharest in the context of globalization

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    Tourism is the activity practiced by people who want new experiences, free to visit places much dreamed of in order to improve their inner state through everything that is beautiful, both visually and thanks to the accumulated interests that simultaneously lead to the enrichment of general knowledge and not no more. Tourism has become an important area that has succeeded in establishing itself in Romania, having positive effects on the economy, increasing labor force, capitalizing on the tourism potential, demand and tourism supply are constantly increasing, all of which implicitly improve living conditions. Bucharest, the main political, economic and administrative center of Romania, has become one of the most important national tourist destinations over the years, but much is due exclusively to business tourism, and leisure tourism is somewhat smaller. This article brings to the fore the ecotourism principles developed at the level of the capital of Romania, in the context of a globe that is subject to globalization and its socio-economic impact. There will be identified the main strategic directions for creating a well-developed ecotourism standard for economic progress and attracting a large flow of tourists in this early-stage form of development. This article brings to the fore the principles of ecotourism developed at the level of the capital of Romania, in the international context of globalization and its socio-economic impact. The main strategic directions for creating a well-developed ecotourism standard for economic progress and attracting a flow of tourists into this form of early development will be identified