17 research outputs found

    Does the coefficient of variation reflect developmental instability in plants?

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    Developmental stability or homeostasis refers to the ability of an individual to produce a consistent phenotype in a given environment (Graham et al. 1993). Reduced developmental stability can result from a wide variety of environmentally (or genetically) induced perturbations.nul

    Reduced developmental stability in Tilia cordata leaves: effects of disturbed environment

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    Background and Purpose: Developmental stability (DS) or homeostasis refers to the ability of an individual to produce a consistent phenotype in a given environment. Reduced DS can result from a wide variety of environmentally (or genetically) induced perturbations. The main aim of the presented paper is to highlight the importance of the differences in ability of Tilia cordata leaves to buffer their development under contrasting environmental conditions and points to the concept that developmental stability is character specific. Materials and Methods: Three different techniques were performed in this study: fluctuation asymmetry (FA) and leaf size as integrativemeasures of environmental stress during leaf developmental processes and within-plant variance in leaf morphology, presented as coefficient of morphological variation (CV). The study tested the hypothesis that the population from a chronically polluted area would express greater evelopmental instability in leaf traits. Two bilateral, linear dimensions on each leaf: leafwidth (LW) and lobe length (LL) were analyzed. Results: The three different measures of developmental stability all showed a trend for T. cordata leaves in the polluted area to be developmentally less stable than leaves from the reference area. Leaves in the reference area were significantly larger compared with those from the polluted site. Although leaves tend to be larger on the outside of a treeā€™s crown, the pattern found here was the reverse. Both, outside and inside leaves from the polluted area had significantly higher FAs than leaves from the same position sampled in the reference area for both traits.Within-tree variance assessed as CV showed that LL was a more variable measure than LW. Moreover, the data suggest that LL is under more selective pressure to adapt to current environmental conditions than LW. Conclusions: Obtained data suggest that T. cordata leaves may represent a reliable indicator for developmental stability evaluation studies based on an assay using a combination of end-points. Furthermore, my results highlighted the differences in ability of leaf morphometric characters to buffer their development under contrasting environmental condition

    Does the coefficient of variation reflect developmental instability in plants?

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    Developmental stability or homeostasis refers to the ability of an individual to produce a consistent phenotype in a given environment (Graham et al. 1993). Reduced developmental stability can result from a wide variety of environmentally (or genetically) induced perturbations.nul

    Directional asymmetry estimates developmental instability in plants: A case report in Plantago major L. leaves

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    In the present study, an additional approach was used to evaluate the potential effects of the industrial development on natural population of the common plantain (Plantago major L.), previously estimated using si2 as an index of fluctuation asymmetry (FA) together with the coefficient of variation (CV). In this study, directional asymmetry (DA), a form of asymmetry in bilaterally symmetric traits, was used in order to estimate its rule as a potential indicator of developmental instability in leaf traits. Obtained results shows significantly higher DA values for the vein distances within a leaf (VD) on environmentally stressed area than in the control site. Reporting significantly higher values of DA for VD on the environmentally stressed sample and a positive relationship between FA and CV values obtained for the same trait within the same site, in a previous study, the study corroborates the potential of DA as an indicator of developmental perturbations.U ovom radu, koriŔćen je dodatni pristup u proceni potencijalnih efekata industrijskog razvitka na prirodne populacije obične bokvice (Plantago major L.) prethodno procenjenih koriŔćenjem (Oi2) indeksa fluktuirajuće asimetrije (FA) i koeficijenta varijabilnosti (CV). U ovoj studiji procenjena je uloga direkcione asimetrije (DA), oblik simetrije bilateralno simetričnih karaktera, kao mogućeg indikatora razvojne nestabilnosti karaktera lista. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju značajno veću vrednost DA za karakter: rastojanje među venama unutar lista (VD) na stresnom području u odnosu na kontrolni lokalitet. Ukazujući na značajno veće vrednosti DA za VD za uzorak sa stresnog lokaliteta i pozitivan odnos između vrednosti FA i CV za VD u prethodnoj studiji, ova studija ide u prilog koriŔćenju DA kao indikatora sredinskih poremećaja.nul

    Directional asymmetry estimates developmental instability in plants: A case report in Plantago major L. leaves

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    In the present study, an additional approach was used to evaluate the potential effects of the industrial development on natural population of the common plantain (Plantago major L.), previously estimated using si2 as an index of fluctuation asymmetry (FA) together with the coefficient of variation (CV). In this study, directional asymmetry (DA), a form of asymmetry in bilaterally symmetric traits, was used in order to estimate its rule as a potential indicator of developmental instability in leaf traits. Obtained results shows significantly higher DA values for the vein distances within a leaf (VD) on environmentally stressed area than in the control site. Reporting significantly higher values of DA for VD on the environmentally stressed sample and a positive relationship between FA and CV values obtained for the same trait within the same site, in a previous study, the study corroborates the potential of DA as an indicator of developmental perturbations.U ovom radu, koriŔćen je dodatni pristup u proceni potencijalnih efekata industrijskog razvitka na prirodne populacije obične bokvice (Plantago major L.) prethodno procenjenih koriŔćenjem (Oi2) indeksa fluktuirajuće asimetrije (FA) i koeficijenta varijabilnosti (CV). U ovoj studiji procenjena je uloga direkcione asimetrije (DA), oblik simetrije bilateralno simetričnih karaktera, kao mogućeg indikatora razvojne nestabilnosti karaktera lista. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju značajno veću vrednost DA za karakter: rastojanje među venama unutar lista (VD) na stresnom području u odnosu na kontrolni lokalitet. Ukazujući na značajno veće vrednosti DA za VD za uzorak sa stresnog lokaliteta i pozitivan odnos između vrednosti FA i CV za VD u prethodnoj studiji, ova studija ide u prilog koriŔćenju DA kao indikatora sredinskih poremećaja.nul

    Uticaj varijeteta viŔnje na hemijske i senzorne karakteristike rakije viŔnjevače

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    The chemical and sensorial characteristics of cherry brandy produced from five cherry varieties (Oblacinska, Celery's 16, Rexle, Heiman's Ruby and Heiman's Conserve) grown in Serbia were studied. Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of these distillates led to the identification of 32 components, including 20 esters, benzaldehyde, 6 terpenes and 5 acids. The ethyl esters of C(8)-C(18) acids were the most abundant in all samples. The benzaldehyde content was quantified by high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection. The average benzaldehyde concentration in the samples ranged between 2.1 and 24.1 mg L(-1). The total sensory scores of the cherry brandies ranged between 17.30 to 18.05, with the cherry brandy produced from the Celery's 16 variety receiving the highest score (18.05).Ispitivane su hemijske i senzorske karakteristike rakije viÅ”njevače proizvedene iz pet varijeteta viÅ”nje (Oblačinska, Celery's 16, Rexle, Heiman's Ruby i Heiman's Conserve) gajenih u Srbiji. Metodama gasne hromatografije i kombinacijom gasne hromatografije i masene spektrometrije u ekstrakatima identifikovana su 32 jedinjenja, 20 estara, benzaldehid, 6 terpena i 5 kiselina. Etil-estri C8-C18 kiselina su najobilniji u svim uzorcima. Sadržaj benzaldehida je određivan metodom tečne hromatografije uz UV detekciju. Prosečna količina benzaldehida u ispitivanim uzorcima bila je između 2,1 i 24,1 mg L-1. Ocene senzorskog ispitivanja rakija viÅ”njevača su u rasponu od 17,30 do 18,05, dok je najbolje ocenjena (18,05) rakija proizvedena od varijeteta Celery's 16

    Measures of the developmental stability, body size and body condition in the black-striped mouse (Apodemus agrarius) as indicators of a disturbed environment in northern Serbia

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    In the present study, an additional combination of end-points was used to evaluate the effects of industrial development on the natural population of the black-striped mouse (Apodemus agrarius), previously estimated using cytogenetic and morphometric assays. Developmental stability was assessed by determining the level of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and the total amount of phenotypic variability (PV). Body weight (BW) and body length (BL) were also used as indices of body size, while the quotient between observed and expected values of body weight presented an index of body condition (BCl). The experimental design employed in this study is unique because only a few studies have been conducted with A. agrarius and because no investigator has previously used this combination of end-points in an environmental quality monitoring study. FA was increased in the polluted area for foramen parietalis, foramen dentale, foramen palatinum and foramen angularis. Males from the polluted site had significantly higher FA for foramen parietalis compared with male mice from the reference area. Juvenile animals from the polluted area had significantly higher FAs for foramen dentale and foramen palatinum compared to adults. However, when all the foramina were considered together, a three-way analysis of variance revealed that there was no significant interaction between the factors (sex x age category x site) on the FA (average value). A comparison of PVs indicated higher values in the polluted area for all analyzed characters. For foramen parietalis and foramen dentale, PVs were significantly greater in the polluted site than in the control area. Within the same sex, PVs were significantly greater in mice from the polluted site compared with mice from the control area. The results also indicated that mice trapped at the contaminated site had a reduced body size and poorer body condition. Adult mice exhibited better body condition than juveniles, as revealed by the significantly higher BCI values. Finally, to investigate the relative importance of the three potential biomarkers, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA procedure) was performed. The MANOVA's results revealed the significant effects of age category, site and interaction for sex x site on FA (average value), size and body condition. In conclusion, the results indicated that despite A. agrarius's high tolerance to contaminants it may be an important species for environmental quality evaluation studies.nul

    A modified version of fluctuating asymmetry, potential for the analysis of Aesculus hippocastanum L. compound leaves

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    My research interest was to create a new, simple and tractable mathematical framework for analyzing fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in Aesculus hippocastanum L. palmately compound leaves (each compound leaf with 7 obviate, serrate leaflets). FA, being random differences in the development of both sides of a bilaterally symmetrical character, has been proposed as an indicator of environmental and genetic stress. In the present paper the well-established Palmer's procedure for FA has been modified to improve the suitability of the chosen index (FA(1)) to be used in compound leaf asymmetry analysis. The processing steps are described in detail, allowing us to apply these modifications for the other Palmer indices of FA as well as for the compound leaves of other plant species.nul

    Chromosomal aberrancy and the level of fluctuating asymmetry in black-striped mouse (Apodemus agrarius): effects of disturbed environment

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    Analysis of chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow cells and determination of the level of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) for eight bilateral cranial traits were used to estimate effects of disturbed environment on natural populations of small mammals. During the spring and fall of 1994-2000 (except in 1999) black-striped juice (Apodemus agrarius) were collected from a polluted industrial area (Pancevo) and from an unpolluted reference site (Cer) in Serbia and Montenegro. Mice from the polluted area had significantly higher mean number of aberrant cells per individual than those in the reference site (p < 0.01). Both sexes had the greater number of lesions in the polluted site than in the reference one. Also, there were no significant differences between sexes, neither within the same site/season nor between sites/seasons. Chi-square analysis of the difference between lesions per individual and aberrant cells per individual among sites showed that no site deviated from the expected difference (p = 1.000). Developmental stability, assessed as FA, was reduced in the polluted area for two traits (width of lower jaw and length of the diastema lower jaw). Juvenile animals from the polluted area had significantly higher levels of FA compared to those from the reference site for three traits (length of the foramina incisiva, distance between incisor and the third upper molar, and length of the upper molars row). Juvenile animals from the polluted area had significantly higher levels of FA for three traits (length of the foramina incisiva, length of the lower molars row and width of lower jaw) compared to adult ones. In the polluted area seasonal differences were detected for two traits (length of the foramina incisiva and length of the upper molars row). Finally, Apodemus agrarius may be an important species for environmental quality evaluation studies based on an assay using a combination of end-points.nul