1,107 research outputs found
Effect of vegetable diets versus diets with processed animal proteins on performance and health status of laying hens = Effecten van plantaardig voer versus voer met dierlijke eiwitten op productieprestaties en gezondheidsstatus van leghennen
Meat and bone meal and meat meal in diets and their effects on performance and health status of laying hens has been reviewed. Properties of dietary animal proteins are compared with dietary vegetable proteins and possible causative factors for differences in performance and health are described in this repor
Tibiale dyschondroplasie
In maart 2000 is een EU-onderzoek gestart om meer kennis te verkrijgen over bewegingsstoornissen bij vleeskalkoenen. Praktijkonderzoek Veehouderij zal zich in het onderzoek richten op tibiale dyschondroplasie (TD). Verschillende factoren worden onderzocht, zoals de effecten van omgevingstemperatuur, kalkoenmerk, sekse, lichtschema, voerbeperking en 1,25- dihydroxycholecalciferol (vitamine D). In dit artikel worden de resultaten weergegeven van de eerste proef. Van omgevingstemperatuur en kalkoenmerk wordt verondersteld dat deze de groei van de dieren beonvloeden en daarmee een effect kunnen hebben op het ontstaan van TD
Inventarisatie van factoren die samenhangen met huidkrassen bij eenden
An study has been conducted on duck farms by an inventory, measurements and histo-pathological observations in ducks in order to explain high percentages of ducks with skin damages on certain duck farms. Recommendations for further more detailed research on this topic are presented
Insects for turkeys
In a trial with 14 pens with in each 20 turkey pullets (males, not treated) research has been conducted to the effect of feeding 12% insect larvae (Black Soldier Fly) on technical results and behaviour. The birds were kept until 5 weeks of age. The larvae fed groups ate less, had a higher growth rate, a better feed conversion ratio and a higher body weight at 5 weeks of age. Mortality was not different between the treatments. Compared to the controls the BSF larvae fed birds had less feather damage and less skin damage and performed less aggressive behaviour. Also they performed less foraging behaviour in the third and fifth week compared to the controls and a lower water intake. On the other hand at five weeks of age the BSF larvae fed birds had more footpad lesions than the controls, although litter quality did not differ between the treatments. In conclusion it can be stated that feeding insect larvae does give small advantages, but does not solve the problem of injurious pecking
Final report TransForum WP-046 : images of sustainable development of Dutch agriculture and green space
In the project “Images of sustainable development of Dutch agriculture and green space” three PhD candidates studied the topic of images in sustainable development. Frans Hermans focused on the topic of societal images and their role and influence in innovation projects. The title of his subproject was “Social learning for sustainability in dynamic agricultural innovation networks.” Joost Vervoort explored the topic of “visualisation”, that is, using and producing images for specific purposes, in the context of innovation projects and programmes, in a subproject called “Step into the system: interactive media strategies for the exchange of insights on social-ecological change.” Finally, Dirk van Apeldoorn took a complex adaptive systems approach to images. He modelled various agro-ecosystems to compare images of those systems with the behaviour of those systems. His subproject was called “Modeling resilience of agro-ecosystems.
Invloed van lichtschema, mate van bijstrooien en bezetting op de uitwendige kwaliteit van kalkoenen
In Maarheeze is in het kader van het kwaliteitsonderzoek een proef uitgevoerd waarin is gekeken naar het effect van lichtschema, bezetting en de mate van bijstrooien op de uitwendige kwaliteit
Omgevingsverrijking voor vleeskalkoenen = Environmental enrichment for turkeys
A desk study has been conducted to study the possible environmental enrichments in order to reduce injurious pecking behaviour in intact turkeys. Free hanging materials are attractive to turkeys and are technically and economically feasible. Perches and elevated platforms are less feasible
Automatisch dierweegsysteem bij kalkoenen
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