2,645 research outputs found

    Equilibrium fluctuation theorems compatible with anomalous response

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    Previously, we have derived a generalization of the canonical fluctuation relation between heat capacity and energy fluctuations C=β2<δU2>C=\beta^{2}<\delta U^{2}>, which is able to describe the existence of macrostates with negative heat capacities C<0C<0. In this work, we extend our previous results for an equilibrium situation with several control parameters to account for the existence of states with anomalous values in other response functions. Our analysis leads to the derivation of three different equilibrium fluctuation theorems: the \textit{fundamental and the complementary fluctuation theorems}, which represent the generalization of two fluctuation identities already obtained in previous works, and the \textit{associated fluctuation theorem}, a result that has no counterpart in the framework of Boltzmann-Gibbs distributions. These results are applied to study the anomalous susceptibility of a ferromagnetic system, in particular, the case of 2D Ising model.Comment: Extended version of the paper published in JSTA

    Extending canonical Monte Carlo methods II

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    Previously, we have presented a methodology to extend canonical Monte Carlo methods inspired on a suitable extension of the canonical fluctuation relation C=β2C=\beta^{2} compatible with negative heat capacities C<0C<0. Now, we improve this methodology by introducing a better treatment of finite size effects affecting the precision of a direct determination of the microcanonical caloric curve β(E)=S(E)/E\beta (E) =\partial S(E) /\partial E, as well as a better implementation of MC schemes. We shall show that despite the modifications considered, the extended canonical MC methods possibility an impressive overcome of the so-called \textit{super-critical slowing down} observed close to the region of a temperature driven first-order phase transition. In this case, the dependence of the decorrelation time τ\tau with the system size NN is reduced from an exponential growth to a weak power-law behavior τ(N)Nα\tau(N)\propto N^{\alpha}, which is shown in the particular case of the 2D seven-state Potts model where the exponent α=0.140.18\alpha=0.14-0.18.Comment: Version submitted to JSTA

    Geometrical aspects and connections of the energy-temperature fluctuation relation

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    Recently, we have derived a generalization of the known canonical fluctuation relation kBC=β2k_{B}C=\beta^{2} between heat capacity CC and energy fluctuations, which can account for the existence of macrostates with negative heat capacities C<0C<0. In this work, we presented a panoramic overview of direct implications and connections of this fluctuation theorem with other developments of statistical mechanics, such as the extension of canonical Monte Carlo methods, the geometric formulations of fluctuation theory and the relevance of a geometric extension of the Gibbs canonical ensemble that has been recently proposed in the literature.Comment: Version accepted for publication in J. Phys. A: Math and The

    A class of dust-like self-similar solutions of the massless Einstein-Vlasov system

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    In this paper the existence of a class of self-similar solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov system is proved. The initial data for these solutions are not smooth, with their particle density being supported in a submanifold of codimension one. They can be thought of as intermediate between smooth solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov system and dust. The motivation for studying them is to obtain insights into possible violation of weak cosmic censorship by solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov system. By assuming a suitable form of the unknowns it is shown that the existence question can be reduced to that of the existence of a certain type of solution of a four-dimensional system of ordinary differential equations depending on two parameters. This solution starts at a particular point P0P_0 and converges to a stationary solution P1P_1 as the independent variable tends to infinity. The existence proof is based on a shooting argument and involves relating the dynamics of solutions of the four-dimensional system to that of solutions of certain two- and three-dimensional systems obtained from it by limiting processes.Comment: 47 page

    Classification of life by the mechanism of genome size evolution

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    The classification of life should be based upon the fundamental mechanism in the evolution of life. We found that the global relationships among species should be circular phylogeny, which is quite different from the common sense based upon phylogenetic trees. The genealogical circles can be observed clearly according to the analysis of protein length distributions of contemporary species. Thus, we suggest that domains can be defined by distinguished phylogenetic circles, which are global and stable characteristics of living systems. The mechanism in genome size evolution has been clarified; hence main component questions on C-value enigma can be explained. According to the correlations and quasi-periodicity of protein length distributions, we can also classify life into three domains.Comment: 53 pages, 9 figures, 2 table