12 research outputs found

    Vulnerabilidad del adulto mayor durante la hospitalizaci贸n en el servicio de medicina interna del Hospital Delfina Torres de Concha 2022

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    Determinar el nivel de vulnerabilidad en los adultos mayores ingresados en el servicio de medicina interna del Hospital Delfina Torres de Concha.La Hospitalizaci贸n de adultos mayores conlleva un sin n煤mero de factores que afectan psicol贸gica, f铆sica y espiritualmente al mismo, es importante estudiar esta realidad a trav茅s del estudio cuyo objetivo fue: Determinar el nivel de vulnerabilidad en los adultos mayores ingresados en el servicio de medicina interna del Hospital Delfina Torres de Concha, de dise帽o cuantitativo, no experimental; de tipo descriptivo y transversal. Se utiliz贸 una encuesta validada por expertos, con preguntas de opci贸n m煤ltiple y diferentes dimensiones: caracter铆sticas sociodemogr谩ficas, signos de vulnerabilidad, factores biol贸gicos, psicol贸gicos y sociales que intervienen en la vulnerabilidad del adulto mayor hospitalizado; muestreo no probabil铆stico a conveniencia con usuarios de 65-100 a帽os ingresados de Enero a Junio; Los resultados g茅nero femenino con edades de 71-80 a帽os, afroecuatorianos, viudas, cat贸licas con residencia en Esmeraldas, viven acompa帽adas de su pareja y familiares. Los adultos mayores que necesitan ayuda para realizar sus actividades diarias durante la hospitalizaci贸n no es un n煤mero representativo, la mayor铆a tiene un cuidador durante su estancia en el hospital, mencionan no tener dinero para comprar su medicina completa, pierden el apetito durante su hospitalizaci贸n, se ven afectados psicol贸gicamente con sentimientos de intranquilidad, tristeza y depresi贸n; posiblemente por la incertidumbre y temor a lo que pasar谩. Referente al factor social un alto porcentaje se sienten abandonados por sus familiares y amigos por restricci贸n de visitas; La vulnerabilidad de estas personas es alta debido a la complejidad de la patolog铆a cr贸nico-degenerativas de los adultos mayores que puede desencadenar en complicaciones f铆sicas y psicol贸gicas graves.Licenciatur

    Adaptaci贸n de la metodolog铆a para determinar la capacidad de carga tur铆stica en un museo de la ciudad de Quito

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    The managers and staff of the tourist sites face various challenges in their management: planning, operation, association with the community, visitor control, conservation, development of productive activities and sustainability of the place. The management of visitors is a primary aspect for the administration of the Yaku Park - Water Museum, hence the adaptation of the methodological process to determine the Tourism Carrying Capacity (TCC) was developed by using the methodology of Cifuentes published in 1984 and adapted in 1992, the studies of Faria in 1993, Baja帽a in 1998, together with the guidelines proposed by Echamendi in 2001 and the National Subdirectorate of Museums of Chile in 2016. For this purpose, the mixed research approach was used, resulting in a set of guidelines and methodological reconciliations analyzed from the tourist guidance. The results generated guidelines to calculate the TCC improving the management of the visit, highlighting the flexibility for use in other cultural entities that have green and recreational areas or not. In conclusion, the TCC is a methodological instrument, dynamic and adaptable to the two dimensions of carrying capacity analyzed: physics and tourist psychology.Los administradores y el personal de los sitios tur铆sticos se enfrentan a diversos retos en su gesti贸n: planificaci贸n, operaci贸n, vinculaci贸n con la colectividad, control de visitantes, conservaci贸n, desarrollo de actividades productivas y sostenibilidad del lugar. El manejo de visitantes es un aspecto primordial para la administraci贸n del Yaku Parque Museo del Agua, de all铆 que se realiz贸 la adaptaci贸n del proceso metodol贸gico para determinar la Capacidad de Carga Tur铆stica (CCT), utilizando la metodolog铆a de Cifuentes publicada en el a帽o 1984 y adaptada en 1992, los estudios de Faria en 1993, Baja帽a en 1998, junto a los lineamientos planteados por Echamendi en 2001 y la Subdirecci贸n Nacional de Museos de Chile en 2016. Para este fin se emple贸 el enfoque de investigaci贸n mixto, producto de ello se obtuvo un conjunto de directrices y conciliaciones metodol贸gicas analizadas desde la guianza tur铆stica. Los resultados generaron lineamientos para calcular la CCT mejorando la gesti贸n de la visita, destacando la flexibilidad para el uso en otras entidades culturales que cuenten o no con 谩reas verdes y recreativas. En conclusi贸n, la CCT es un instrumento metodol贸gico, din谩mico y adaptable a las dos dimensiones de capacidad de carga analizadas: f铆sica y psicolog铆a del turista

    Plan de negocios: Creaci贸n de una cafeter铆a, servicios innovadores de calidad, Otavalo 2013

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    Dise帽ar un plan de negocios para la creaci贸n de una cafeter铆a de estilo r煤stico, con servicios innovadores de calidad en la ciudad de otavalo, provincia de Imbabura.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo dise帽ar un plan de negocios para la creaci贸n de una cafeter铆a de estilo r煤stico, con servicios innovadores de calidad en la ciudad de otavalo, provincia de Imbabura, debido a la carencia de cafeter铆as con ambientes 贸ptimos, personal capacitado y servicios deficientes que existen en las cafeter铆as de dicha ciudad. La metodolog铆a que se utiliz贸 para obtener los datos del an谩lisis, consiste en el m茅todo de investigaci贸n de campo que es por medio de una encuesta en donde se manej贸 un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas con todas las alternativas posibles que se desea evaluar y queremos conocer. Se hizo un an谩lisis y de esta manera se obtiene resultados que nos permitir谩n conocer la problem谩tica de las cafeter铆as existentes y la aceptaci贸n de una nueva propuesta en la Ciudad de Otavalo. Es un plan que va encaminado a cumplir las mismas funciones que tiene una microempresa, y para lograr las metas trazadas es necesario llevar a cabo una serie de estrategias en la ejecuci贸n del plan para evitar el fracaso de la misma; pues para emprender un plan de este tipo y obtener el 茅xito esperado de un negocio con las caracter铆sticas propuestas, se debe conocer a cabalidad todas las 谩reas sobre todo las de administraci贸n y servicios

    Practical Guidance for the Management of Adverse Events in Patients with KRASG12C-Mutated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Receiving Adagrasib

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    Adagrasib (MRTX849) is a KRASG12C inhibitor with favorable properties, including long half-life (23 h), dose-dependent pharmacokinetics, and central nervous system (CNS) penetration. As of September 1, 2022, a total of 853 patients with KRASG12C-mutated solid tumors, including patients with CNS metastases, had received adagrasib (monotherapy or in combination). Adagrasib-related treatment-related adverse events (TRAEs) are generally mild to moderate in severity, start early in treatment, resolve quickly with appropriate intervention, and result in a low rate of treatment discontinuation. Common TRAEs seen in clinical trials included gastrointestinal-related toxicities (diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting); hepatic toxicities (increased alanine aminotransferase/aspartate aminotransferase) and fatigue, which can be managed through dose modifications, dietary modifications, concomitant medications (such as anti-diarrheals and anti-emetics/anti-nauseants) and the monitoring of liver enzymes and electrolytes. To manage common TRAEs effectively, it is imperative that clinicians are informed, and patients are fully counseled on management recommendations at treatment initiation. In this review, we provide practical guidance on the management of adagrasib TRAEs and discuss some best practices for patient and caregiver counseling to facilitate optimal outcomes for patients. Safety and tolerability data from the phase II cohort of the KRYSTAL-1 study will be reviewed and presented with practical management recommendations based on our experience as clinical investigators

    Dotaci贸n Del Sistema de Alcantarillado de Aguas Servidas y Drenaje de Aguas Lluvias a la Comunidad de Engabao.

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    El presente trabajo consiste en el desarrollo de un proyecto que permite la evacuaci贸n de las aguas negras y el drenaje de aguas lluvias, en un 谩rea aproximada de 54.04 Ha, en donde se ha asentado una poblaci贸n de 3020 habitantes (registrada hasta el a帽o 2015). Se evidenci贸 la necesidad de desarrollar un proyecto de esas caracter铆sticas para mejorar la calidad de vida de los moradores de la comunidad de Engabao, y crear las condiciones favorables para un desarrollo urban铆stico, y as铆 posibilidades tur铆sticas. Para la ejecuci贸n del presente estudio se parti贸 de un levantamiento topogr谩fico amplio que incluye toda el 谩rea de asentamiento de la poblaci贸n y de sectores adyacentes. Se considerar谩n tambi茅n las caracter铆sticas geol贸gicas del sector, ya que se trata de una planicie emplazada al pie de los cerros de Engabao. Por estas mismas razones, el estudio hidrol贸gico tienen gran incidencia, principalmente debido al sistema de drenaje que se hace presente en los per铆odos lluviosos. Debido a que en la actualidad se tiene una implantaci贸n un tanto ca贸tica de viviendas como de calles, para desarrollar el sistema de alcantarillado de aguas servidas y el drenaje de aguas lluvias, se propone un mejoramiento del trazado de las calles, de tal manera que no se presentan dificultades para la implantaci贸n de la red de aguas negras y el drenaje pluvial. En la realizaci贸n del presente trabajo, se desarrollan tres alternativas posibles, el principal criterio aplicado para su selecci贸n, se apoya en la elaboraci贸n de presupuestos determinados a partir de costos unitarios. se describe un importante proyecto de sistema de evacuaci贸n de las aguas negras y drenaje pluvial, en un 谩rea aproximada de 54.04 Ha, con una cantidad de habitantes hasta el 2015 de 3020, ya que actualmente no cuentan con un sistema 贸ptimo ni una planta donde el agua pueda ser evacuada posteriormente. Se parti贸 de estudios topogr谩ficos del lugar, geol贸gicos, precipitaciones y dem谩s que puedan aportar a analizar las condiciones para la construcci贸n de este sistema. Se emple贸 Autocad Civil 3D y el uso de hojas electr贸nicas para un correcto dise帽o del Proyecto y as铆 poder analizar las alternativas planteadas. Se plantearon tres alternativas para solucionar este problema de la comuna, ayudando as铆 al aporte de un servicio b谩sico necesario para el sector, aumento del turismo y mejorando las condiciones de salud de la poblaci贸n que habita en Engabao. Debido a las irregularidades que presenta el terreno, se plante贸 adem谩s en una de las soluciones, un mejoramiento de las calles y v铆as de acceso dentro de la comuna. Finalmente se realiz贸 un presupuesto de la construcci贸n de las obras seg煤n las alternativas de dise帽o propuestas en el proyecto, eligiendo as铆 la alternativa de bajo costo, eficiente y 贸ptima.GuayaquilIngenier铆a Civi

    Intracranial Efficacy of Adagrasib in Patients From the KRYSTAL-1 Trial With KRAS(G12C)-Mutated Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Who Have Untreated CNS Metastases

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    Clinical trials frequently include multiple end points that mature at different times. The initial report, typically based on the primary end point, may be published when key planned co-primary or secondary analyses are not yet available. Clinical Trial Updates provide an opportunity to disseminate additional results from studies, published in JCO or elsewhere, for which the primary end point has already been reported. Patients with Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (KRAS)-mutated non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and untreated CNS metastases have a worse prognosis than similar patients without KRAS mutations. Adagrasib has previously demonstrated CNS penetration preclinically and cerebral spinal fluid penetration clinically. We evaluated adagrasib in patients with KRAS(G12C)-mutated NSCLC and untreated CNS metastases from the KRYSTAL-1 trial (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT03785249; phase Ib cohort), in which adagrasib 600 mg was administered orally, twice daily. Study outcomes included the safety and clinical activity (intracranial [IC] and systemic) by blinded independent central review. Twenty-five patients with KRAS(G12C)-mutated NSCLC and untreated CNS metastases were enrolled and evaluated (median follow-up, 13.7 months); 19 patients were radiographically evaluable for IC activity. Safety was consistent with previous reports of adagrasib, with grade 3 treatment-related adverse events (TRAEs) in 10 patients (40%) and one grade 4 (4%) and no grade 5 TRAEs. The most common CNS-specific TRAEs included dysgeusia (24%) and dizziness (20%). Adagrasib demonstrated an IC objective response rate of 42%, disease control rate of 90%, progression-free survival of 5.4 months, and median overall survival of 11.4 months. Adagrasib is the first KRAS(G12C) inhibitor to prospectively demonstrate IC activity in patients with KRAS(G12C)-mutated NSCLC and untreated CNS metastases, supporting further investigation in this population

    First-in-Human Phase I/IB Dose-Finding Study of Adagrasib (MRTX849) in Patients With Advanced KRAS(G12C) Solid Tumors (KRYSTAL-1)

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    PURPOSE: Adagrasib (MRTX849) is an oral, highly selective, small-molecule, covalent inhibitor of KRAS(G12C). We report results from a phase I/IB study of adagrasib in non-small-cell lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and other solid tumors harboring the KRAS(G12C) mutation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients with advanced KRAS(G12C)-mutant solid tumors were treated with adagrasib 150 mg orally once daily, 300 mg once daily, 600 mg once daily, 1,200 mg once daily, or 600 mg orally twice a day using an accelerated titration design, which transitioned to a modified toxicity probability interval design when a predefined degree of toxicity was observed or target adagrasib exposure was achieved. Safety, pharmacokinetics, and clinical activity were evaluated. RESULTS: Twenty-five patients were enrolled and received at least one dose of adagrasib. The recommended phase II dose (RP2D) was 600 mg twice a day on the basis of safety, tolerability, and observed pharmacokinetics properties. No maximum tolerated dose was formally defined. After a median follow-up of 19.6 months, eight of 15 patients (53.3%; 95% CI, 26.6 to 78.7) with RECIST-evaluable KRAS(G12C)-mutant non-small-cell lung cancer treated at 600 mg twice a day achieved a confirmed partial response. The median duration of response was 16.4 months (95% CI, 3.1 to not estimable). The median progression-free survival was 11.1 months (95% CI, 2.6 to not estimable). One of two patients with KRAS(G12C)-mutant colorectal cancer treated at 600 mg twice a day achieved a partial response (duration of response, 4.2 months). At the RP2D, the most common treatment-related adverse events (any grade) were nausea (80.0%), diarrhea (70.0%), vomiting (50.0%), and fatigue (45.0%). The most common grade 3-4 treatment-related adverse event was fatigue (15.0%). CONCLUSION: Adagrasib 600 mg twice a day was well tolerated and exhibited antitumor activity in patients with advanced solid tumors harboring the KRAS(G12C) mutation

    KRYSTAL-1: Updated activity and safety of adagrasib (MRTX849) in patients (Pts) with unresectable or metastatic pancreatic cancer (PDAC) and other gastrointestinal (GI) tumors harboring a KRAS mutation

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    Background: KRAS, the most frequently mutated oncogene in cancer, is a key mediator of the RAS/MAPK signaling cascade that promotes cellular growth and proliferation. KRAS mutations occur in approximately 90% of pancreatic cancer, and approximately 2% of these are KRASG12C mutations. Adagrasib, an investigational agent, is a KRASG12Cinhibitor that irreversibly and selectively binds KRASG12C, locking it in its inactive state; adagrasib has been optimized for favorable pharmacokinetic (PK) properties, including long half-life (24 h), extensive tissue distribution, dose-dependent PK, as well as CNS penetration. Methods: KRYSTAL-1 (NCT03785249) is a multicohort Phase 1/2 study evaluating adagrasib as monotherapy or in combinations in pts with advanced solid tumors harboring a KRAS mutation. Here we report preliminary data from pts enrolled in a Phase 2 cohort evaluating single-agent adagrasib administered orally at 600 mg BID in previously treated pts with unresectable or metastatic solid tumors (excluding NSCLC and CRC), including pancreatic and other GI cancers. Study endpoints include clinical activity, safety, and PK. Results: The data cutoff was 10 September 2021. A total of 42 pts were enrolled in this cohort (median age 63.5 years, range 21-89; 52% female; 71% white; 29%/71% ECOG PS 0/1; median 2 prior lines of therapy, range 1-7; median follow-up 6.3 months), of whom 30 pts had KRASG12C-mutant GI tumors (12 PDAC, 8 biliary tract, 5 appendiceal, 2 gastro-esophageal junction, 2 small bowel, and 1 esophageal). In a preliminary analysis, 27 pts with GI tumors were evaluable for clinical activity; partial responses (PRs) were seen in 41% (11/27, including 3 unconfirmed PRs); the disease control rate (DCR) was 100% (27/27). Of the 12 pts with PDAC (median 3 prior lines of therapy; median follow-up 8.1 months), 10 were evaluable for clinical activity; PRs were seen in 50% (5/10, including 1 unconfirmed PR); the DCR was 100% (10/10). Median progression-free survival (PFS) was 6.6 months (95% CI 1.0-9.7), and treatment was ongoing in 50% of pts with PDAC. Among the 17 evaluable pts with other GI tumors, 6 achieved PR (35%; 2 unconfirmed) with a DCR of 100% (17/17); 11 pts were still receiving treatment. In the overall cohort, treatment-related adverse events of any grade occurred in 91% (38/42), the most frequent being nausea (48%), diarrhea (43%), vomiting (43%), and fatigue (29%); grade 3/4 events occurred in 21% of pts, with no grade 5 events. Conclusions: Adagrasib monotherapy is well tolerated and demonstrates encouraging clinical activity in pretreated pts with PDAC and other GI tumors harboring a KRASG12Cmutation. Further exploration of adagrasib is ongoing in this pt population (NCT03785249)