2 research outputs found

    Increase of phytomass and protein in hydroponic green forage through fertilization in Casanare, Colombia

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    Objetive. To evaluate the effect of two types of fertilizers on phytomass and protein content of hydroponic green forage (FVH) of corn (Zea mays L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.). Design/methodology/approach. A 32x32 bifactorial design was implemented. The seeds were disinfected with 1 % chlorine by immersion for 15 min. A hydroponic system with nebulization irrigation was used with irrigation frequency every 4 hours for 1 min. 5 cm3 of organic fertilizer (FO) and 5 cm3 inorganic fertilizer (FI) were applied per liter of irrigation water. Plant height (cm), fresh phytomass production (kg), real phytomass yield (kg.kg-1.m2) and crude protein content (%) were measured. The data were analyzed by means of an ANOVA and comparison of means with the Tukey test (p ≤ 0.05) with SPSS statistics 24. Results: With 7,102 kg of corn seed, a phytomass yield of 50.7 kg.m2 of FVH and 17 % protein was obtained; with rice seed yields of 30.53 kg.m2 and 15% protein are obtained; and for soybean yields of 19.17 kg.m2 of FVH with 38% protein. Limitations on study/implications: The nitrogen content in fertilizers can be considered the main factor in FVH production and quality. Findings/conclusions: Inorganic fertilization has a significant effect on phytomass production and protein production in FVH.Objetive. To evaluate the effect of two types of fertilizers on phytomass and protein content of hydroponic green forage (FVH) of corn (Zea mays L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.). Design/methodology/approach. A 32x32 bifactorial design was implemented. The seeds were disinfected with 1 % chlorine by immersion for 15 min. A hydroponic system with nebulization irrigation was used with irrigation frequency every 4 hours for 1 min. 5 cm3 of organic fertilizer (FO) and 5 cm3 inorganic fertilizer (FI) were applied per liter of irrigation water. Plant height (cm), fresh phytomass production (kg), real phytomass yield (kg.kg-1.m2) and crude protein content (%) were measured. The data were analyzed by means of an ANOVA and comparison of means with the Tukey test (p ≤ 0.05) with SPSS statistics 24. Results: With 7,102 kg of corn seed, a phytomass yield of 50.7 kg.m2 of FVH and 17 % protein was obtained; with rice seed yields of 30.53 kg.m2 and 15% protein are obtained; and for soybean yields of 19.17 kg.m2 of FVH with 38% protein. Limitations on study/implications: The nitrogen content in fertilizers can be considered the main factor in FVH production and quality. Findings/conclusions: Inorganic fertilization has a significant effect on phytomass production and protein production in FVH

    Biodiversidad 2017. Estado y tendencias de la biodiversidad continental de Colombia

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    En la cuarta versión del Reporte, que corresponde al año 2017, es una obligación preguntarnos cuál ha sido y es el papel de esta publicación y si ha abarcado la diversidad de formas y conceptos que definen el estado y el futuro de la biodiversidad colombiana. Las temáticas que constituyen la columna vertebral de cada uno de los reportes anuales responden a temas de pertinencia, nivel de incidencia y actualidad desde cada uno de los diferentes niveles de organización de la biodiversidad y buscan responder las siguientes preguntas fundamentales: 1) ¿Cómo se encuentra la biodiversidad del país? 2)¿Qué factores, en dónde y en qué medida está siendo afectada? 3)¿Cuáles son las iniciativas que desde la sociedad civil o a nivel de políticas públicas buscan evitar esa pérdida? 4)¿Cuáles son las grandes oportunidades para mejorar su gestión y manejo? Si bien evaluar la incidencia que puede tener el Reporte sobre acciones de gestión no es tarea fácil, se debe reconocer la buena acogida que han tenido los textos, las ilustraciones y la cifras entre los distintos tipos de lectores y el papel fundamental que ha jugado el Reporte en comunicar información de altísima calidad sobre la biodiversidad colombiana en diferentes momentos coyunturales. En ese sentido esta publicación es cada vez más una herramienta de consulta y referencia que está abierta al público tanto en formato impreso como digital, y de la misma manera busca fortalecerse para continuar brindando información relevante para la toma de decisiones en materia ambiental.BogotáSubdirección de Investigacione