26 research outputs found

    ”Orvuaar” vai ”au revoir”?

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten sanojen kirjoitusasu eli ortografia vaikuttaa vieraan kielen puhuttujen sanojen tunnistukseen myöhäisillä kielenoppijoilla. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat suomenkieliset ranskan kielen oppijat, jotka ovat aloittaneet vieraan kielen opiskelun ohjatussa ympäristössä vasta sitten, kun lukemaan opettelu äidinkielellä on jo alkanut. Aiempaa tutkimusta ortografian roolista puheen prosessoinnissa tällaisilla myöhäisillä oppijoilla on hyvin vähän. Tämä on ensimmäinen tutkimus, jossa arvioidaan, miten vieraan kielen taitotaso vaikuttaa ortografian aktivoitumiseen. Tutkimus edustaa psykolingvististä kielen prosessoinnin tutkimusta. Sen kokeellisessa osassa tarkastellaan sekä vieraan kielen että äidinkielen ortografian aktivoitumista. Tutkimuksessa käytetään kolmea eri tutkimusmenetelmää. Ortografisen informaation reaaliaikaista aktivoitumista vieraan kielen puhuttujen sanojen tunnistuksessa tutkitaan cross-modal masked priming -menetelmällä leksikaalisen päätöksenteon tehtävässä ja silmänliikkeiden rekisteröintiin perustuvalla visual world -menetelmällä sanantunnistustehtävässä. Puhuttujen ja kirjoitettujen sanojen merkityksen tunnistamista vertaillaan ei-reaaliaikaisesti sanakäännöstehtävässä. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että ortografia aktivoituu puhuttujen sanojen tunnistuksen aikana myös myöhäisillä vieraan kielen oppijoilla. Sen vaikutus riippuu kuitenkin kielitaidosta: ortografia aktivoituu enemmän edistyneillä oppijoilla. Tämä viittaa siihen, että edistyneiden oppijoiden mentaalileksikossa on vahvempi yhteys vieraan kielen fonologian ja ortografian välillä. Tulokset osoittavat myös, että kirjoitusasultaan samankaltaiset äidinkielen sanat aktivoituvat vieraan kielen puhuttujen sanojen tunnistuksessa, ja että vähemmän edistyneillä oppijoilla myös äidinkielen äänne-kirjain -vastaavuudet saattavat aktivoitua. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että vieraan kielen puhuttujen sanojen prosessointia mallinnettaessa tulisi ottaa huomioon myös vieraan kielen ja äidinkielen ortografian aktivoituminen. Tulokset viittaavat myös siihen, että myöhäisillä vieraan kielen oppijoilla sanat representoituvat muistiin vahvemmin ortografisessa kuin fonologisessa muodossa. Tämän tuloksen yleistettävyyttä tulisi jatkossa tutkia myös muilla, kuin suomenkielisillä ranskan oppijoilla.The objective of this thesis is to examine the role of orthography in spoken-word recognition in late L2 learners. It focuses on L1 Finnish learners of L2 French who have been exposed to the foreign language in instructed learning once the acquisition of literacy in L1 has already started. There are few previous studies on the effects of orthography in spoken-language processing in this type of learner. This thesis is the first to evaluate how the level of L2 proficiency influences these effects. In the experimental studies of this thesis, three different psycholinguistic methods are used to examine possible activations of both L1 and L2 orthography during L2 spoken-word processing. On-line activation of orthographic information in L2 spoken-word recognition is studied with the cross-modal masked priming paradigm in a lexical decision, and with the visual world eye-tracking paradigm in a spoken-word recognition task. Access to L2 word meanings in spoken and written modality is compared in an off-line single-word translation task. The results of the experiments confirm that orthography is activated in spoken-word recognition even in late L2 learners. However, this activation depends on L2 proficiency. Orthographic effects are stronger in more proficient learners, which suggests that they have stronger connections between the modalities in their L2 mental lexicon. The results also show that orthographically similar L1 words are activated in L2 spoken-word recognition, and that even sublexical L1 phoneme-grapheme -correspondences can be activated in less proficient learners. The results of the present thesis imply that the architecture of bilingual models of spoken-language processing should enable the co-activation of orthographic information from both L2 and L1. Its results also suggest that foreign language learners in instructed learning have an orthographic bias in their lexical knowledge. As this thesis is limited to Finnish learners of French, the generalisability of this result should in future studies be evaluated with learners of other language pairs.Siirretty Doriast

    Building Pre-professional Identity during Translator Education – Experiences from the Multilingual Translation Workshop at the University of Turku

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    Against the backdrop of the constantly changing professional environment, translator education needs to invest in the work readiness and employability of its graduates. This article explores translation students’ emerging professional identity, referred to here as pre-professional identity (PPI) and its relevance for enhancing work readiness.. For this purpose, we have examined self-reflective essays written by translation students participating in a translation business simulation as part of their MA studies. The findings suggest that, in order to support students in building PPI, to facilitate the transition to the labour market, and to foster employability, it is useful to provide students with pedagogical approaches based on experiential learning combined with opportunities for critical self-reflection

    "En pysty ottamaan valinnaista kieltä vaikka haluaisin” – Valinnaiset kielet vähenevät lukiossa

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    "Liian iso painoarvo annetaan pitkän matikan lukemiselle, ja se on omiaan tappamaan nuorten kieli-innostuksen.” Näin vastasi eräs valinnaisia kieliä opiskeleva lukiolainen keväällä 2020 kysymykseen siitä, millaiset seikat vaikeuttavat valinnaisten kielten opiskelua lukiossa. Valinnaisten kielten opiskelijamäärät lukiossa ovat laskeneet jo usean vuoden ajan, minkä takia moni kielialalla toimiva on huolissaan kielten opiskelun tulevaisuudesta. Opettajien näkemyksiä valinnaisten kielten opiskelijamäärien vähenemisen syille on jo selvitetty, mutta ongelman kokonaisvaltaisen ymmärtämisen kannalta on tärkeä kuulla myös lukiolaisia.  Tästä syystä Alina Kiehelä tutki keväällä 2020 toteuttamassaan pro gradu -tutkimuksessa valinnaisten kielten opiskelun vähenemisen syitä lukiolaisten näkökulmasta. Tässä artikkelissa esittelemme tämän tutkimuksen tärkeimpiä tuloksia.</p

    Miten mieli käsittelee kieltä - Prosessointinäkökulma kielenopetukseen

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    Proficiency modulates early orthographic and phonological processing in L2 spoken word recognition

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    The present study investigated orthographic and phonological processing in L2 French spoken word recognition with Finnish learners of French using the masked cross-modal priming paradigm. Experiment 1 showed a repetition effect in L2 within-language priming that was most pronounced for high proficiency learners and a significant effect for French pseudohomophones. In the between-language Experiment 2, high proficiency learners showed significant facilitation from L1 Finnish to L2 French shared orthography in the absence of phonological and semantic overlap. &nbsp;This effect was not observed in the lower intermediate group, which showed a significant benefit of L1 pseudohomophones instead. The orthographic effect in the high proficiency group was modulated by subjective familiarity showing facilitation for less familiar but not for highly familiar words. The results suggest that with L2 learners, the extent to which orthographic information affects L2 spoken word recognition depends on their L2 proficiency

    Orthographic Activation in L2 Spoken Word Recognition Depends on Proficiency: Evidence from Eye-Tracking

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    The use of orthographic and phonological information in spoken word recognition was studied in a visual world task where L1 Finnish learners of L2 French (n = 64) and L1 French native speakers (n = 24) were asked to match spoken word forms with printed words while their eye movements were recorded. In Experiment 1, French target words were contrasted with competitors having a longer (base vs. bague) or a shorter word initial phonological overlap (base vs. bain) and an identical orthographic overlap. In Experiment 2, target words were contrasted with competitors of either longer (mince vs. mite) or shorter word initial orthographic overlap (mince vs. mythe) and of an identical phonological overlap. A general phonological effect was observed in the L2 listener group but not in the L1 control group. No general orthographic effects were observed in the L2 or L1 groups, but a significant effect of proficiency was observed for orthographic overlap over time: higher proficiency L2 listeners used also orthographic information in the matching task in a time-window from 400 to 700ms, whereas no such effect was observed for lower proficiency listeners. These results suggest that the activation of orthographic information in L2 spoken word recognition depends on proficiency in L2

    Building pre-professional identity during translator education - experiences from the multilingual translation workshop at the university of Turku

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    Against the backdrop of the constantly changing professional environment, translator education needs to invest in the work readiness and employability of its graduates. This article explores translation students’ emerging professional identity, referred to here as pre-professional identity (PPI) and its relevance for enhancing work readiness.. For this purpose, we have examined self-reflective essays written by translation students participating in a translation business simulation as part of their MA studies. The findings suggest that, in order to support students in building PPI, to facilitate the transition to the labour market, and to foster employability, it is useful to provide students with pedagogical approaches based on experiential learning combined with opportunities for critical self-reflection.</p

    Translation students’ conceptions of translation workflow in a simulated translation company environment

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    Translation graduates need organisational skills to be able to cooperate in translation service production workflows. This paper explores the development of translation students’ workflow conceptions in a simulated translation company learning environment. Using the standard ISO 17100 as a frame of reference for a content analysis of student essays, two research questions are answered: 1) How does working in a simulated translation company learning environment affect translation students’ workflow conceptions? 2) What kind of workflow conception profiles emerge in a simulated translation company learning environment? A quantitative comparison of essays written before and after a one-year-long translation company simulation course showed a progression from rudimentary conceptions with few workflow task mentions towards more detailed conceptions that are closer to the translation industry model. Further quantitative analysis of the changes in individual task mention values revealed clusters of workflow tasks associated with the duties of two different task roles, the translation specialist and the project manager. The results showed a tendency for some students to stay with the conception associated with the translation specialist role and for some students to develop a workflow conception associated with the project manager role.</p

    Syysseminaarin satoa. Ideoita koulutusyhteistyöhön ja käännösteknologian opetukseen

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    This article reports on the autumn seminar of the Teachers' and Researchers' Section of the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters, held at the University of Turku in August 2017. The theme of the seminar was cooperation and technology teaching, which was addressed in two presentations as well as learning café discussions together with the participants. In this article, we summarize the presentations and report ideas for cooperation that emerged in the learning café discussions.</p