2 research outputs found

    VR safety training for Fab Lab

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    Abstract. With advancements in both hardware and software, virtual reality has become more common in homes, offices and other workplaces. As with all new technologies, it is important to find uses that are best suited for VR. Education and training are the most common professional applications for VR. In this thesis we describe ways that VR has been utilized by others, and introduce an application developed by us to display the possibilities brought by VR. We developed an application to teach safe behaviour when using a laser cutter, to aid in the education of new users of a Fabrication Laboratory (Fab Lab). The application was built using Unity3D game engine for the Oculus Quest 2 VR headset, and was tested in an evaluation by staff at the University of Oulu Fab Lab. There were four test users in total, all of them with limited experience using VR. A member of our team was there to guide them in the use of the application. After the evaluation was complete, the participants answered a questionnaire containing multiple-choice and open questions. From the evaluation with the staff and questionnaire responses, it was concluded that the application was a mixed success with positive feedback but caused VR sickness in many. In addition, the evaluation resulted in suggestions for improvements from the users. We had planned to add other features, which were not possible to include due to the tight schedule. The application showed a lot of potential for future improvement such as including other machinery and features located in the Fab Lab such as 3D Printers and vinyl cutters for safety training.VR turvallisuuskoulutus Fab Lab-ympäristöön. Tiivistelmä. Tietokonelaitteistojen ja ohjelmistojen kehittyessä virtuaalitodellisuudesta on tullut tavallisempaa kodeissa, toimistoissa ja työpaikoilla. Uusien teknologioiden, kuten VR:n, ilmaantuessa on tärkeää löytää käyttökohteita, jotka parhaiten hyödyntävät kyseistä teknologiaa. Tässä työssä kerromme tavoista joilla muut ovat hyödyntäneet VR:ää, ja tuomme julki kehittämämme sovelluksen, esittääksemme asioita joita VR mahdollistaa. Kehitimme sovelluksen opettaaksemme turvallisia toimintatapoja laserleikkuria käytettäessä, helpottaaksemme uusien Fabrication Laboratoryn(Fab Lab) käyttäjiä. Sovellus on kehitetty Oculus Quest 2 -VR-laseille käyyttäen Unity3D pelimoottoria, ja sitä on testannut Fab Labin henkilökunta. Testikäyttäjiä oli neljä, ja heillä kaikilla oli hierman kokemusta VR:n käytöstä. Yksi ryhmämme jäsenistä oli mukana testaustilanteessa, opastamassa sovelluksen käyttöä. Käyttäjätestauksen jälkeen testaajat vastasivat kyselyyn jossa oli monivalinta- sekä avoimia kysymyksiä. Käyttäjätestauksesta ja kyselyn vastauksista tulkiten sovelluksen menestys oli keskinkertainen. Käyttäjät antoivat positiivista palautetta ja ehdotuksia sovelluksen kehittämiseen, mutta käytöstä aiheutui pahoinvointia useille. Tarkoituksenamme oli kehittää enemmän toiminnallisuutta, mutta rajoitteena oli tiukka aikataulu. Sovelluksella on paljon potentiaalia turvallisuusopetuksen laajentamiseksi, ja siihen voisi lisätä muita Fab Labissa sijaitsevia laitteita, kuten 3D-tulostimia ja vinyylileikkurin

    Tenascin-C and fibronectin expression divide early stage tongue cancer into low- and high-risk groups

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    Abstract Background: Oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) metastasises early, especially to regional lymph nodes. There is an ongoing debate on which early stage (T1-T2N0) patients should be treated with elective neck dissection. We need prognosticators for early stage tongue cancer. Methods: Mice immunisation with human mesenchymal stromal cells resulted in production of antibodies against tenascin-C (TNC) and fibronectin (FN), which were used to stain 178 (98 early stage), oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma samples. Tenascin-C and FN expression in the stroma (negative, moderate or abundant) and tumour cells (negative or positive) were assessed. Similar staining was obtained using corresponding commercial antibodies. Results: Expression of TNC and FN in the stroma, but not in the tumour cells, proved to be excellent prognosticators both in all stages and in early stage cases. Among early stages, when stromal TNC was negative, the 5-year survival rate was 88%. Correspondingly, when FN was negative, no cancer deaths were observed. Five-year survival rates for abundant expression of TNC and FN were 43% and 25%, respectively. Conclusions: Stromal TNC and, especially, FN expressions differentiate patients into low- and high-risk groups. Surgery alone of early stage primary tumours might be adequate when stromal FN is negative. Aggressive treatments should be considered when both TNC and FN are abundant