21 research outputs found

    Njohjet përforcuese dhe njohjet reduktuese si faktorë motivues në arritjet shkollore

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    Ky hulumtim shqyrton njĂ« model multidimensional tĂ« motivimit dhe angazhimit tĂ« nxĂ«nĂ«sit. PĂ«rmes kĂ«tij modeli kuptohen nivelet e zhvillimit tĂ« faktorĂ«ve qĂ« pasqyrojnĂ« rritjen e motivimit (dimensionet pĂ«rforcuese) dhe ato qĂ« reflektojnĂ« motivim tĂ« reduktuar (dimensionet reduktuese) te nxĂ«nĂ«sit. Hulumtimi Ă«shtĂ« kryer me metodĂ«n e anketimit ku nxĂ«nĂ«sit kanĂ« vetĂ«-raportuar nĂ« pyetĂ«sorĂ«t pĂ«r variablat e hulumtuara nĂ« klasat e tyre nĂ«pĂ«r shkolla. Grup mosha e hulumtuar pĂ«r kĂ«tĂ« studim kanĂ« qenĂ« 200 nxĂ«nĂ«sit e klasĂ«s 10, 11 dhe 12 tĂ« shkollĂ«s sĂ« mesme publike “Sami FrashĂ«ri” si dhe nxĂ«nĂ«sit e shkollĂ«s sĂ« mesme private “Luarasi” nĂ« PrishtinĂ«. PĂ«rzgjedhja e mostrĂ«s Ă«shtĂ« bĂ«rĂ« nĂ« mĂ«nyre oportune. TĂ« dhĂ«nat janĂ« pĂ«rpunuar me anĂ« tĂ« paketĂ«s statistikore pĂ«r shkencat sociale SPSS 18.0. Hulumtimi ka vĂ«rtetuar se njohjet pĂ«rforcuese kanĂ« ndikim pozitiv nĂ« arritjet shkollore tĂ« nxĂ«nĂ«sve dhe se njohjet reduktuese kanĂ« ndikim negativ. Me anĂ« tĂ« kĂ«tij hulumtimi Ă«shtĂ« vĂ«rtetuar se tĂ« dy kĂ«ta faktorĂ« kanĂ« rĂ«ndĂ«si nĂ« arritjet shkollore tĂ« nxĂ«nĂ«sve tĂ« kĂ«saj moshe. Hulumtimi mund tĂ« shĂ«rbejĂ« si bazĂ« e mirĂ« orientuese nĂ« shpjegimin e natyrĂ«s komplekse tĂ« relacioneve tĂ« faktorĂ«ve tĂ« ndryshĂ«m nĂ« suksesin shkollor. QĂ«llimi i hulumtimit Ă«shtĂ« tĂ« kuptojmĂ« qĂ« faktorĂ«t motivues (faktorĂ«t mbrojtĂ«s) dhe faktorĂ«t de-motivues (faktorĂ« tĂ« rrezikut) janĂ« tĂ« rĂ«ndĂ«sishĂ«m nĂ« suksesin shkollor tĂ« nxĂ«nĂ«sve. QĂ«llim tjetĂ«r Ă«shtĂ« tĂ« kuptuarit e niveleve tĂ« zhvillimit tĂ« faktorĂ«ve qĂ« pasqyrojnĂ« rritjen e motivimit dhe ato qĂ« reflektojnĂ« motivim tĂ« reduktuar

    Ndikimi i variablave antropometrike në realizimin e detyrave lëvizore tek nxënësit e moshës 17 vjeçare të gjinisë mashkullore

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    Në hulumtim janë përfshirë 192 nxënës të moshës 17 vjeçare të gjinisë mashkullore. Mostra e përzgjedhur është trajtuar me 12 variabla të hapësirës antropometrike dhe me 14 ndryshore të hapësirës bazike lëvizore. Meqë me anë të analizës statistikore përshkruese është vërtetuar se ekziston shpërndarje normale e rezultateve në të gjitha testet, atëherë është paraqitur vetëm relacioni mes këtyre hapësirave vetëm me anë të metodës së korrelacionit dhe me anë të metodës së analizës regresive. Me anën e kësaj metode është arritur që të vërtetohet se sistemi i ndryshoreve antropometrike është parashikues i mirë në shumicën e ndryshoreve lëvizore bazike si tërësi, si dhe me anë të disa karakteristikave antropometrike si të ndara mund të parashikohet rezultati në disa teste lëvizore me një saktësi mjaft të madhe. Me këtë është arritur të vërtetohet se edhe pse kemi të bëjmë me mostër të nxënësve, e cila për hulumtimin e karakterit të tillë mund të cilësohet si mostër e pa seleksionuar, megjithatë është evidente rëndësia tejet e madhe që kanë karakteristikat morfologjike në suksesin e realizimit të detyrave lëvizore

    Adaptive cognitive dimension and maladaptive behavioral dimension as motivating factors in school achievement

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    This research examines a multi-dimensional model of student motivation and engagement. Through this model, the levels of development of factors that reflect increased motivation (adaptive dimensions) and those that reflect reduced motivation (maladaptive dimensions) among students are understood. The research was completed using the survey method, with student self-reporting answers in questionnaires on studied variables in their grades in schools. Research age group for this study was 200 students of Grades 10, 11 and 12 from public upper secondary school “Sami FrashĂ«ri” and students of private upper secondary school “Luarasi” in Prishtina. Selection of this sample utilized convenience method. Data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 statistical package for social sciences. The study found that adaptive cognitive dimension has positive effects on student school achievement and that maladaptive behavioral dimension has negative effects. The research also found that these two factors are significant in student achievement for this age group. The research may serve as a good orientation base for explaining the complex nature of relations of various factors with school achievement. The purpose of this research is to understand that both motivational factors (protecting factors) and demotivating factors (risk factors) are important for student school achievement. Another purpose is to understand levels of development of factors that reflect increased motivation and those that reflect reduced motivation

    Alternative Opportunities for Conducting Physical, Sports and Recreational Activities in the Conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The situation created as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic has paralyzed the normal life of human society almost all over the globe. In addition to disruption of health, education, economic systems, etc., this situation has seriously damaged physical sports and recreational activities. The necessity to keep fit makes athletes to constantly try and find ways to organize training, while minimizing the risk of infection. Some of these ways are: a) medical measures or continuous testing of athletes; b) ‘team quarantine’ for the longest period of time that minimizes contact with other additional people of the club members where he/she trains; c) maximum care for maintaining the minimum allowed distance and contact between athletes. Meanwhile, outdoor recreational activities can be more easily controlled. However, these ways are not sufficient, so the consequences will be irreparable for a long time

    Reasons for Violence in Kosova Sport

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    Given the fact that sport represents a cultural and spiritual value of every society and human civilization, and as such it requires a deeper treatment and multidimensional research of factors and phenomena that are related to sport and affect directly the degree of sport development in certain environments and societies. Kosova sport, like any other activity, has passed a difficult stage of circumstances created in the prewar as well as in the postwar period. As a result of these circumstances, the sport has stalled at a dissatisfactory level and continues to be associated with phenomena that are of concern and damage not only the image of the sport but also that of the people of Kosova society. One of the most frightful phenomena that continues to be very present and at a very high level, is violence in sport events, which appears in various forms and by different actors. Although it has been debated a greta deal on violence and damage caused by sport, and overall image, it has not been treated yet in proper scientific and professional way, and no institutional efforts have been made to investigate the causes which are the source of this phenomenon. Therefore, experts of physical culture and sport should initiate a scientific and institutional approach to research this phenomenon. The Center for Sport Research has designed a research project which is mainly based on the collection of opinions from actors and different categories which are directly involved in sports and directly or indirectly involved in violent events in sports shows. For this purpose a questionnaire was compiled, which aims to collect the opinions of key actors in sport, such as: fans, sportsmen, teachers (trainers), judges, donors, managers of clubs, representatives of sport federations and the Olympic Committee of Kosova. The project included 800 respondents in all the cities of Kosova, and opinions collected from the respondents have provided a good base of information and orientation to a broader project, which would help for deeper elaboration of causes and composition of a strategy for prevention and elimination of violence in sport activities

    Shkaqet e shfaqjes së dhunës në sportin kosovar

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    Nisur nga fakti qĂ« sporti paraqet vlerĂ« kulturore dhe shpirtĂ«rore tĂ« çdo shoqĂ«rie dhe civilizimit njerĂ«zor, dhe si i tillĂ« kĂ«rkon njĂ« trajtim mĂ« tĂ« thellĂ« dhe shumĂ«dimensional tĂ« hulumtimit tĂ« faktorĂ«ve dhe fenomeneve tĂ« cilĂ«t janĂ« tĂ« ndĂ«rlidhur me sport dhe nĂ« mĂ«nyrĂ« tĂ« drejtpĂ«rdrejtĂ« ndikojnĂ« nĂ« shkallĂ«n e zhvillimit tĂ« sportit nĂ« mjedise dhe nĂ« shoqĂ«ri tĂ« caktuara. Sporti kosovar, si çdo veprimtari tjetĂ«r, ka kaluar nĂ« fazĂ«n e vĂ«shtirĂ« tĂ« rrethanave tĂ« krijuara si nĂ« periudhĂ«n e paraluftĂ«s po ashtu edhe tĂ« pasluftĂ«s. Si rezultat i kĂ«tyre rrethanave sporti ka ngecur akoma nĂ« nivel jo tĂ« kĂ«naqshĂ«m dhe vazhdon tĂ« shoqĂ«rohet me fenomene tĂ« cilat janĂ« brengosĂ«se dhe dĂ«mtojnĂ« jo vetĂ«m imazhin e sportit por edhe tĂ« vetĂ« shoqĂ«risĂ« kosovare. NjĂ«ra ndĂ«r dukuritĂ« mĂ« tĂ« shĂ«mtuara qĂ« vazhdon edhe mĂ« tej tĂ« jetĂ« shumĂ« e pranishme dhe nĂ« pĂ«rmasa tĂ« theksuara, Ă«shtĂ« dhuna nĂ« spektaklet sportive, e cila paraqitet nĂ« forma tĂ« ndryshme dhe nga akterĂ« tĂ« ndryshĂ«m. Edhe pse pĂ«r dhunĂ«n dhe dĂ«min qĂ« shkakton sporti, dhe imazhit tĂ« tĂ«rĂ«sishĂ«m, Ă«shtĂ« folur dhe debatuar mjaft, trajtimi i saj akoma nuk Ă«shtĂ« bĂ«rĂ« nĂ« formĂ«n e duhur profesionale dhe shkencore, dhe nuk janĂ« bĂ«rĂ« pĂ«rpjekje institucionale qĂ« tĂ« hulumtohen shkaktarĂ«t tĂ« cilĂ«t janĂ« burimi i kĂ«saj dukurie. Duke u nisur nga ky fakt, ekspertĂ«t e lĂ«mit tĂ« KulturĂ«s Fizike dhe Sportit, duhet tĂ« krijojnĂ« qasje shkencore dhe institucionale tĂ« hulumtimit tĂ« kĂ«saj dukurie. Qendra pĂ«r Studime – Hulumtime nĂ« Sport, ka hartuar njĂ« projekt hulumtues i cili kryesisht Ă«shtĂ« i bazuar nĂ« mbledhjen e opinioneve nga akterĂ« dhe kategori tĂ« ndryshme tĂ« cilĂ«t janĂ« drejtpĂ«rdrejt tĂ« involvuar nĂ« sport dhe nĂ« mĂ«nyrĂ« tĂ« drejtpĂ«rdrejtĂ« apo tĂ« tĂ«rthortĂ« janĂ« tĂ« pĂ«rfshirĂ« nĂ« ngjarjet e dhunshme nĂ« spektaklet sportive. PĂ«r kĂ«tĂ« qĂ«llim Ă«shtĂ« pĂ«rpiluar pyetĂ«sori, i cili ka pĂ«r qĂ«llim grumbullimin e opinioneve tĂ« akterĂ«ve kryesorĂ« nĂ« sport, siç janĂ«: simpatizuesit, sportistĂ«t, pedagogĂ«t (trajnerĂ«t), gjyqtarĂ«t – arbitrit, donatorĂ«t, menaxherĂ«t e klubeve, pĂ«rfaqĂ«suesit e Federatave Sportive dhe Komiteti Olimpik Kosovar. Projekti pĂ«rfshinte numrin prej 800 tĂ« anketuarve nĂ«pĂ«r tĂ« gjitha qytetet e KosovĂ«s, dhe opinionet e grumbulluara nga tĂ« anketuarit kanĂ« ofruar njĂ« bazĂ« tĂ« mirĂ« tĂ« informacioneve dhe orientimit tĂ« njĂ« projekti mĂ« tĂ« gjerĂ«, i cili do tĂ« ndihmonte nĂ« elaborimin mĂ« tĂ« thellĂ« tĂ« shkaktarĂ«ve dhe do tĂ« ndihmonte nĂ« hartimin e njĂ« strategjie pĂ«r parandalimin dhe flakjen e dhunĂ«s nĂ« tĂ«rĂ«si nga fushat tona sportive

    Alternative Opportunities for Conducting Physical, Sports and Recreational Activities in the Conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The situation created as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic has paralyzed the normal life of human society almost all over the globe. In addition to disruption of health, education, economic systems, etc., this situation has seriously damaged physical sports and recreational activities. The necessity to keep fit makes athletes to constantly try and find ways to organize training, while minimizing the risk of infection. Some of these ways are: a) medical measures or continuous testing of athletes; b) ‘team quarantine’ for the longest period of time that minimizes contact with other additional people of the club members where he/she trains; c) maximum care for maintaining the minimum allowed distance and contact between athletes. Meanwhile, outdoor recreational activities can be more easily controlled. However, these ways are not sufficient, so the consequences will be irreparable for a long time

    Metodike e Edukimit Fizik

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    Te Mesuarit dhe Kontrolli Motor

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    Edukate Fizike me Metodologji

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